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Some people should not be allowed to own guns...

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Guest marine77
These are my rules, and carry no weight at all, but fun to express just the same!

1. People who are alcoholics or drug addicts should not own guns.

2. People who have uncontrollable emotions should not own guns.

3. People who abuse their spouse or children should not own guns.

4. People who can't understand how to disassemble, clean and oil, and reassemble guns should not own guns.

5. People who are guilty of violent felonies should not own guns.

6. People who intentionally live off welfare when they could be working should not own guns.

7. People who won't do their bit to uphold the continuing validity of the 2nd amendment should not own guns.

8. People who can't remember the four rules of gun safety should not own guns.

9. People who leave their guns lying around for curious children to experiment with should not own guns.

10. People who want to play "mall ninja" should not own guns.

11. People who are truly mentally ill, and probably going to be destructive to themselves or others should not own guns.

12. People who are just plain stupid should not own guns.

I am not a "gun grabber." Far from it! But there definitely are people who should not own guns. Just my opinion.


nix on #3. Sorry, but been there done that. (As far as being affected by a

non-law such as this. I know that's what you think, but why? If somebody,

is abusing the wife and kids, and known about, the fella needs his butt

kicked by everybody around. I know it's not as easy as this. But had to

throw my :) in about that.

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Lots of people wrongly think that the Bible says that Christians should not be judgmental. This is based on taking out of context Paul's advice on what to eat/drink or not eat/drink, and not offending a weaker brother.

Jesus commands His followers to exercise good judgment:

Joh 7:24 Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."

Jesus also commands his followers to refrain from casting their pearls before swine. So I guess that means Christians have to make judgments about which people are swine, and which aren't.

You can't get through life without making judgments about people, however, that's not really what I'm doing in my silly list of who should not own a gun. I'm just underlining in my own way the fact that SOME people should NOT own guns, and I'm sure you will all agree with that.

However, you are correct about Presbyterian ministers attempting to make jokes. It almost always goes over like a lead balloon. The Baptist pastors are much better joke tellers!:)

:screwy: Few things in life are better than someone who can laugh at themselves. Nicely done.

That has got to be the funniest thing i have ever read.If you have not read it yet,please take the time to do so,you will find it well worth the entertainment.:koolaid:DRINK UP !!!

It was funny, but it can't possibly be real. I really think there was someone having fun at the expense of the others on the board. And they did a great job at it.

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Oh well...probably the reason we have so many anti-gun laws today.

Someone decided someone else shouldn't own a gun for whatever reason.

See we can and will be our own worst enemies...and I'm aware this thread was in jest, I just thought I'd point out the obvious.

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Mousegunner. Thank you for this posting! Between the orginal Mall Ninja saga and yours and Dixiegirls' lists, I been laughing so had I've cried and choked at the same time. This should go into an archive with the Voldemort and grammer police threads!:rofl::clap::D:cool:

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