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My next [got 2 have]

Guest HogMan

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Guest Mugster

I qualified with one of the first ones right before I got out. I thought it was great...the .45's I'd used to that point were in pretty rough shape. Although I would have preferred a new 1911A1.

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nothing that interests many people on this forum. It is a real gun, black powder revolver, no tupperware to be found oon one of them, heh!

Yea, OK, I use to do A lot of black powder shooting. I really enjoyed it. Had A Hawken .50 cal. and 2 .45 cal. pistols. Lot of fun shooting. Lost em in A fire.

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I think most people now days don't even really know about black powder shooting. It seems to be all about Glocks or whatever the latest autoloader is. While it is nice to have a good reliable carry weapon, I would much rather spend what few gun dollars I have on a variety of guns to go and have fun with. Black Powder shooting is about relaxing and fun as shooting can get. Keeps things very simple, it is almost a spiritual experience.

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Guest looneeetunes

i was at gander mountain tonight, and those darn s&w 500's are calling my name. i think that is on my short list now,, hopefully find a used one

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i was at gander mountain tonight, and those darn s&w 500's are calling my name. i think that is on my short list now,, hopefully find a used one

You shouldn't have a problem finding a used one... That is one of the most common guns to see for sale: "Like-new S&W 500, fired 5 times. Comes with partial box of ammo".

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Guest Scottech

I've shot thousands of rounds through the 92FS (M-9). I even shot expert a few times (not too difficult by USAF standards). I personally never really liked the grip or the open style slide showing the barrel. I wouldn't buy one.

Now If it was between a Black Powder Pistol or .500, I'd take the .500.

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