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attention OH SHOOT


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Geez fellers, mea culpa to the max and all that...I been busy shootin and drinkin and generally raisin' hell and all...


Since I let benefactor lapse, that ole mailbox sure does fill up fast, and no pop up to alert me, either.

I am pretty high tech otherwise, though, what with one of them thar phones that don't need no wires, and electronic mail on one of them computer thingies too!

PM box cleared out some now.

- OS

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Guest jackdm3

My Granny's doctor "requires" her to drink Ensure of the "High Protein" sort, but we consistently never find it anymore in the vanilla shake flavor in the 38111 and 38117 areas. Anybody know how to find it? Their website doesn't even mention that flavor nor does it indicate stores in our area as having them when we know they carry them. W.T.F.?

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Guest mosinon

I was hoping it would turn into a bad pun thread when Glock23 went with the:

I know someone who drives a BUMPtruck

gag. Which killed. I was waiting for someone to get a tryout only to find that they were fired by Donald BUMP or for someone relishing in the fact that the just hit a homer so they ended their BUMP and so on...

mostly though: In before the lock.

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