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Was Tennessee voting rigged?

Was the Tennessee primary election rigged?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Was the Tennessee primary election rigged?

    • Absolutely, voting is a waste of time.
    • Maybe, but I doubt it.
    • It wasn't rigged, we just lost. Get over it, and make November count.
    • Not rigged, the thinking people are just outnumbered in this state.

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Guest db99wj

Regarding Shelby county, I like Bergmann, she is a conservative and a supporter of the tea party and is going up against Cohen. She is also black. This is going to be a very interesting race.

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Guest 6.8 AR
I agree with your first paragraph, but not with the second. Throwing your vote away may make you feel better, but it won't help anything. As long as Haslam is a member of the Republican party, there will be party pressure for him to act right.

That's the way I see it. Ramsey needed a campaign. He didn't have it.

I don't care about Wamp, so, no comment. Haslam had a strong

campaign. Now, to keep him in the "R" column and doing the right stuff

takes pressure. We need to keep the pressure on him.

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Guest HvyMtl

It is sad that money wins. Get ready. This will only get worse. (Especially since the SCOTUS ruling.)

So expect the one who has the huge money backers (big Corporation bought candidates) to be the winner.

What I thought of the Republican Race: I thought Ramsey was doing a fine job right where he is (Lt. Gov) and wondered what we would get as a replacement. Haslam is a big Billionaire Oil Man, who does not pay his employees enough to live on, in today's economy, and who price gouges the rest of us. Wamp did vote for the bailouts. But, he had not raised taxes. So. I went with Wamp. That was my logic.

I too thought the vote was split between the real Republicans on one side. There was no RINO to contest the votes for Haslam. Had there been only one Conservative candidate, well, it would have been possible to beat Haslam.

At least we get to keep Ramsey as Lt. Gov. Hope that is enough to limit the Governor.

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I agree with your first paragraph, but not with the second. Throwing your vote away may make you feel better, but it won't help anything. As long as Haslam is a member of the Republican party, there will be party pressure for him to act right.

I'ts not throwing my vote away, it's a perfectly good,(none of the above) vote. In 2008 I cheapened my principals some to vote for McCain, I will not do that this time. There may be pressure on some in the House and Senate to fall in line with Haslam so the theory that he will "act right" may be the reverse. I will not cheapen my principals this time and vote for Haslam because he claims there's an ® in front of his name.

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I'ts not throwing my vote away, it's a perfectly good,(none of the above) vote. In 2008 I cheapened my principals some to vote for McCain, I will not do that this time. There may be pressure on some in the House and Senate to fall in line with Haslam so the theory that he will "act right" may be the reverse. I will not cheapen my principals this time and vote for Haslam because he claims there's an ® in front of his name.

I am with you.

No way am I voting for Haslam. I still feel like kicking myself for voting for McCain. I swore afterwards that i would never do that crap again and I meant it.

if I don't like the guy he is not getting my vote. If I look hard enough there will be a candidate that deserves my vote. If there isn't, then none of them will get it.

I will turn in a blank ballot before holding my nose to vote for someone ever again.

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Guest oldsmobile98
No way am I voting for Haslam. I still feel like kicking myself for voting for McCain.

I'ts not throwing my vote away, it's a perfectly good,(none of the above) vote. In 2008 I cheapened my principals some to vote for McCain, I will not do that this time.

Agree with the above. I plan on writing in Marceaux to send the message that I'm dissatisfied with Haslam and McWherter.

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Umm, I dunno about you guys but...we elected a County Mayor, a new Shurf and several other folks yesterday. Hence the previous sentence concerning "local candidates" prior to the sentence called into question.

I'm well aware of how the primary system works.

A fellow Shelby County resident made reference to our local elections and I commented back. As far as primaries go here it was pretty status quo. I don't pay much attention to them as i'm prepared to get screwed regardless of who wins in the end.

My apologies...I didn't realize that anything on ballots state wide yesterday were final elections except referendums.

- OS

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I am with you.

No way am I voting for Haslam. I still feel like kicking myself for voting for McCain. I swore afterwards that i would never do that crap again and I meant it.

if I don't like the guy he is not getting my vote. If I look hard enough there will be a candidate that deserves my vote. If there isn't, then none of them will get it.

I will turn in a blank ballot before holding my nose to vote for someone ever again.

I didn't know we had so many members who were either happy with Obama or wish they had voted for him, instead because that is the logical result of what you are saying.

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Guest 1010011010
I went to the Republican debate here in my town a few months ago. Five candidates for Congress took part. DesJarlais (who won the Republican primary yesterday) came in FOURTH in the straw poll, with 9.9% of the 101 votes cast at the end. FOURTH OUT OF FIVE!!! How in the world does that translate to winning the primary?
Different people voted in the straw poll than voted in the primary. The only polls that matter from the perspective of detecting vote rigging are exit polls.
I didn't know we had so many members who were either happy with Obama or wish they had voted for him, instead because that is the logical result of what you are saying.
Or he's saying he wished he had voted for the best and most representative candidate for his interests which was not either of the major party candidates (and likely hasn't been for several decades). Edited by 1010011010
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I don't won't him to fight for nothing.

Thanks but no thanks.

You could even argue whatever being a redneck is actually way of life or lower intelligence or lower social status TT. WT or whatever u won't to call it.

So you do "will not" want him to fight? I'm sorry, I'm confused by your double negative and improper use of a contraction. I'm even more confused by your last "sentence". It's like a word scramble. Ron Ramsey was the best for the job, period.

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Rigged. Lol sometimes the smart vote is not always gonna be favorable to all we hold dear. Haslam had this won last year and while pilot did price gouge when gas rocketed up rams didn't do anything stellar to help the Tn economy or create jobs in his other elected office. The state is a business and it needs a real businessman to run it properly so we can bring more jobs and money to the state while not wasting tax dollars. Haslam has far more experience in running things with efficiency. Jobs creation is far more important then anything else.

Please enlighten me how Haslam or any government entity can create jobs? They produce NOTHING. The only thing productive a government can do is get out of the way and keep an honest court in place so that when the greedy (and it's both big parties equally) get out of hand. That's it. They can reduce taxes as incentive to get a company to park here (less gov) but they end up taking the losses from some other source as they never quit taking. This is for everyone to chew on, not picking on you Magic, you just said it first.

I'm going to start figuring out how to start my party. It will align with conservatives and tea party minded folks. I'm calling it the Atlas party.

I also think that if you designate yourself republican or democrat in the primary, you have to vote that way in the November elections. That will keep the snot rats from playing the numbers.

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I didn't know we had so many members who were either happy with Obama or wish they had voted for him, instead because that is the logical result of what you are saying.

were there no other candidates on the ballot?

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Or he's saying he wished he had voted for the best and most representative candidate for his interests which was not either of the major party candidates (and likely hasn't been for several decades).

you put it better than i did.

I also think that if you designate yourself republican or democrat in the primary, you have to vote that way in the November elections. That will keep the snot rats from playing the numbers.

Some states do not allow you to waffle around in primarys. You have to vote the party you have been voting in the past or receive permission from the party judges working the polling place to cross over. The reason for not letting you swap is they may fear you are only switching parties to foul up their election

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I didn't know we had so many members who were either happy with Obama or wish they had voted for him, instead because that is the logical result of what you are saying.

Bloomberg claimed he was a Republican at one time, I didn't know there were some members that would vote for him just because he had an ® after his name. It's called, not compromising your principals.

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I don't won't him to fight for nothing.

Thanks but no thanks.

You could even argue whatever being a redneck is actually way of life or lower intelligence or lower social status TT. WT or whatever u won't to call it.

Just to satisfy my curiosity, and for no other reason. What fked up, backwards, 3rd world, piece of ****, Slavic country did you crawl from anyway? Just wondering is all. Thanks!

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Just to satisfy my curiosity, and for no other reason. What fked up, backwards, 3rd world, piece of ****, Slavic country did you crawl from anyway? Just wondering is all. Thanks!

All I really wanted was the "Here we go" part but you can enjoy the rest.

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What it is, is that a majority of voters in Tennessee are LAZY DUPES. They will swallow what they see the most on the boob tube without doing any real research on the candidates, so the candidate who is the multi-millionair can spend over $15 million of his own money in commercials can buy their vote.

I will absolutly NOT vote for that phony rino Haslam in November. I will write in a candidate knowing full well they don't have a chance.

+1...hit the nail on the head. A bunch of lazy, easily won-over by commercials Republicans. I will not vote for Haslam. For now, I'll write in Ramsey...I don't care. I've voted for guys I knew were going to lose anyway. I will not vote for someone just because they have a better chance to win. I'm sure y'all have heard that Haslam's talking about a state income tax already. This guy is a total RINO. Hell I'd sooner vote for McWherter.

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Regarding Shelby county, I like Bergmann, she is a conservative and a supporter of the tea party and is going up against Cohen. She is also black. This is going to be a very interesting race.

Well I've met and talked with Bergmann on more than one occaision. So my mother once said, if you don't have anything nice to say..say nothing at all. So..."nothing at all".

If Cohen could beat Nikki Tinker and King Willie, he will have no trouble beating Bergmann. Cohen will keep his seat no problem folks.

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I didn't know we had so many members who were either happy with Obama or wish they had voted for him, instead because that is the logical result of what you are saying.

From a logical perspective I agree with tntnixon, but only b/c of that tired-a$$ "any enemy of my enemy is my friend" belief. That's no way to exercise your rights, picking the lesser of two evils.

Mostly I agree with the oldsmobile98 and the Mikes based on my principals. If you aren't satisfied with your choices, don't choose.

I don't like Haslan too much, but if a bunch of us didn't vote for him due to our principals and the liberal gets elected by that margin or less. Will we have really won? Was sending the message worth it?

That's how I've been voting since 1992, when I contributed to Bill Clinton getting elected by wasting my vote on Ross Perot (btw...I worked for him until Dell recently bought his company). Slick Willy got elected by plurality not majority, b/c Perot split the conservative vote. In all fairness Ralph Nader saved us from Al Gore too, though, in the same way.

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