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What a wonderful feeling!!!

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To finally be credit card debt free!!!!

Paid off in full as of 5 minutes ago. Such a huge burden gone, and I couldn't be happier!


Super! Yes it is a great feeling. Paid mine off and a load was lifted.

Now to get the truck paid off and we will be totally dept free.

Working hard on that.:up:

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It's a great feeling, isn't it? I finally knocked out all my student loans and a 2nd mortgage earlier this year, and man oh man does the cushion I've been able to build up just by saving that money feel good. I can distinctly remember how scary it felt knowing that I'd have to go into full-on crisis mode if I lost my job. Never again!

Congratulations on your newfound freedom.

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Guest Letereat!

Way to go Man, a reason to celebrate indeed. I have been free for several years and ill never go back....ever.

To finally be credit card debt free!!!!

Paid off in full as of 5 minutes ago. Such a huge burden gone, and I couldn't be happier!


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Guest friesepferd

happy to have never had any actual credit card debt. always payed off credit card in full every month, and only use credit cards to build up the credit score.

just finished building a house, so i certainly have a motgage now, but planning to have it paid off in full in about 10 years.

Theres nothing better than being debt free. I don't care whether you make 20,000 a year or 20 million a year, living below your means and keeping yourself out of debt is one of the best things you can do.

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