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3 major appliance problems at 10 pm recently, different nights of course

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Just a bit over a month ago my Central Heat/Air unit went completely out and had to be replaced. It happed about 10 pm or so.

Then about 2 weeks ago, our Washing machine had a major problem about 10 pm or so and leaked water.

Then 2 nights ago, our refrigerator went out about 10 pm, well we found it defrosing at that time.

Today I had a repair man out to check the refrigerator and washer.

He was able to fix the refrigerator with a simple relay, but when he checked the washer he said he found damage he had never seen before. Found a hole in the outer tub that to repair would cost as much as a new machine. He believed the bearling had gone bad and then the inner tub hit at hi speed and caused the damage.

Which makes since, when the washer did that, my wife, the cat and I where sitting on the couch watching TV, there was a horrible nosie from the kitchen. I jumped up to to get my 38. I saw the cat run into a wall it was so dam scared. I thought someone was breaking down the front door as that is where it sounded like the nosie was coming from.

I think someone has buried a voodoo doll in my yard and I need to find it, dig it up and burn it.:tinfoil:

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the obvious problem is the .38. You need a .45

I am working on that. Mike over at Austin's is checking up on a 45 for me, going to be the first of about 3 guns I am planning to buy shortly.

Notice I was going for the .38, not the .22.

The .38 is loaded in my house and ready if needed, now that know I am legal in my own home. Still waiting on my HCP to be mailed to me.

In a way I am glad the washer machine did that, it was a wake up call for my wife, as it showed her, if someone had been breaking in, how little time to react we could have had.

She now understands there would have been no time to load a gun and she feels safer.

We have also setup plans if one of us is going to be out late and coming in late, to avolid any surprises to could lead to it being used on us by us. If one of us is going to be out late planned, we both make sure the other knows it. If unexpected we make sure the other knows it asap. When coming in late, Lights on, etc.

Still working out details but working on a plan at least. To sleeply to continue typing now.

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I guess I'm the only one here that would really like to have seen the cat run into the wall... :rofl:


The cat ran full speed in to the wall, it tried to turn and hit side ways, had I not been running in the same direction I would not have seen it. I know the cat was trying to hide but missed the door. Funny to reply in my mind but at the time it was all business.

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I thought I was in a similar boat. Wife went to cook dinner last night and the (gas) stove wouldn't work. When the thunderstorms passed, I went out to look at the gas meter. Low and behold, I had a new meter. One call to MLGW and the gas was back on in less than an hour. I was just thrilled I didn't have an appliance issue!

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I had a cat that could not for the life of him figure out how to stop when running on a hardwood floor. It took him awhile but he at least figured out to slide sideways so he wouldn't hit the wall headfirst when I throw a toy across the room.

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Guest db99wj
I've yet to have a cat that didn't just look at me like an idiot when I threw a toy across the room...

Your doing it wrong, throw the cat and see if the toy chases it across the room!

Anyway, I feel your pain. Washing machine went out last year, replaced ice maker in frige this spring, replaced water heater last fall I think it was replaced dishwasher two weeks ago. My AC/Furnace is 12 years old....I need to have it "tuned up" soon. No wonder I'm in debt, sheesh.

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Is your neighbor building an EMP generator next door? Electricity rates are cheaper at night! :squint:

we dont' have night/verse day meters. Price is the same day or night.

I know in some places I have heard of those types of rates but never heard of them around here.

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