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When it rains ...........


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Everyone knows the old saying about when it rains it pours. Well, it's been that way lately. Last week when to get the brakes on my 60k Explorer serviced and low and behold the front hub assembly decides to lock up. Mind you I had just replace the other one not 3 weeks before!:) So needless to say $200 turned into $600+. Sold my only carry gun to stay level. My third backup job has become my main job, making 1/3 of what we used to make and even then it wasn't enough. Well last night I discovered a new saying. When the hot water heater breaks it REALLY pours! :hiding: The hot water heater (in the attic - never a good idea!) decide to pop. 3 am, 40 gallons of water, and a collapsed kitchen ceiling later and I got issues.

All that to say it could've been worse. My 3 month old has been sleeping in the kitchen (portable crib) directly under the spot where all the water SHOULD have come through. Well, all that water decided to travel about 4 feet over from where the heater was leaking and then poured on the floor. Baby stayed bone dry. No sooner had we awaken and rolled her out of the kitchen the ceiling falls in!

Now I know some don't believe in God and consider everything coincidence, but I don't. It makes no sense for the water to flow uphill away from the main leak (where baby was sleeping) and for the ceiling to hold up just long enough for me to wake up and move her before it all fell in. Turns out insurance is going to cover it all and we will even be able to catch up some other expenses and save a little in the meantime. Miracles happen. Shouldn't be able to make it on our income but we are. Yes we have had to do our part, but I am so glad God is watching over. He has always provided. Maybe not what I wanted, but always what we needed.:hiding:

I know a lot of guys here are struggling like I am and I have to admit I was about done with things last night not knowing how we would make it. Just thought i share and hope it can encourage some.

Lesson learned? Don't grumble about the today's manna.:hiding:

Matthew 6:25-34

25 "I tell you, do not worry. Don't worry about your life and what you will eat or drink. And don't worry about your body and what you will wear. Isn't there more to life than eating? Aren't there more important things for the body than clothes? 26 "Look at the birds of the air. They don't plant or gather crops. They don't put away crops in storerooms. But your Father who is in heaven feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than they are?

27 "Can you add even one hour to your life by worrying?

28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the wild flowers grow. They don't work or make clothing. 29 But here is what I tell you. Not even Solomon in all of his glory was dressed like one of those flowers.

30 "If that is how God dresses the wild grass, won't he dress you even better? After all, the grass is here only today. Tomorrow it is thrown into the fire. Your faith is so small!

31 "So don't worry. Don't say, 'What will we eat?' Or, 'What will we drink?' Or, 'What will we wear?' 32 People who are ungodly run after all of those things. Your Father who is in heaven knows that you need them.

33 "But put God's kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all of those things will also be given to you.

34 "So don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Edited by Smith
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Keep on beleiving brother. He does watch over us and protect us. I have more horror stories than you can shake a stick at. needless to say I would not be here today (more times that I really want to admit) if it wasn't for the protection of GOD. Glad your baby is ok. Glad the ins. is gonna help you. Keep the faith.

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Nate you gave me some faith a while back. I still refer to it.

I can't explain why the water leaked where it did instead of where you thought it should. i think you can draw your own conclussions.

I am thankful your daughter is fine. that is the bottom line in this. She is fine, so none of the rest matters.

A lot of us are struggling, I wish I was there to help you fix things..

And I totally relate top the "uptop" water heater. We had one of them in Fla. What a disaster that decision ended up being. Who in their right mind puts a water heater in the ceiling?

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Guest Ditchdigger

I think about verse 34 pretty often. It's so hard not to worry about tomorrow, guess that why they call it Faith. Thanks for the post, and glad this is looking better for tomorrow. What version of the Bible did this come from?

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Guest Jamie

I'm curious... where did the leak occur? Top, bottom... side split at the seam... What part of the heater gave up? And was it all at once or something that started small and got larger over a period of time?


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I'm curious... where did the leak occur? Top, bottom... side split at the seam... What part of the heater gave up? And was it all at once or something that started small and got larger over a period of time?


Jaime, the side seam split about half way down and water was spewing out in a 4"-5" long 1/2"-1" thick fountain. It went all at once as far as I know. It was a 60 gallon tank. I had looked at it about a week ago and it looked to be in good shape. No heating issues, noises, leaks, or any other signs I have seen from them in the past.

Needless to say a tank-less WH is replacing it. :rofl:

To all the rest, I appreciate your words. I'm not asking for sympathy or complaining rather just trying to encourage others I've seen going through hard times. Your not alone in these tough times. Circumstances may differ, but struggles are struggles. I've preached for years life is about perception and now I'm getting to practice it. While it's hard for a control guy like me not to know what next week holds, I'm having to practice Matthew 6. Key is to not give up. For me, I try to think of Christ being beaten and tortured for my sin. Then caring my cross up a long hill just to die and at that point nothing in my life seems so hard or unfair anymore. Perspective is easy to teach, hard to get, and darn near impossible to maintain.

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Guest Bronker
Perspective is easy to teach, hard to get, and darn near impossible to maintain.

Awesome testimony.

See signature line. Ever read the story of that song's origins? Wow. Trials there, my friend.

And...Have you ever heard Sonya Isaacs sing it? Triple-Wow!!!

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Guest Jamie
Jaime, the side seam split about half way down and water was spewing out in a 4"-5" long 1/2"-1" thick fountain. It went all at once as far as I know. It was a 60 gallon tank. I had looked at it about a week ago and it looked to be in good shape. No heating issues, noises, leaks, or any other signs I have seen from them in the past.

Needless to say a tank-less WH is replacing it. :rofl:

The reason I asked is that I had one do that a few years back... ( it was a 60 gallon as well )

The trouble apparently started from a small leak at the top of the tank that ran down the inside of the casing and rusted the seam away, more or less.

When it gave way, it popped the seam on the outer casing and blew water into the door of the closet so hard it had to be replaced.

Wasn't an over-pressure situation, either, since the pressure valve didn't open even though it was in good shape. The tank just lost enough integrity from the rust to let go.

Ended up replacing the entire utility room floor after that one...

Also, it doesn't much matter what size the heater is... Anything over 10 or 20 gallons has enough force and weight to make a royal mess, plus there's that unlimited supply of cold water that'll keep adding to the mayhem until the water is shut off.

Given all that, I'm quite convinced that anybody who would put a water heater... or even water lines... in an attic is either delusional or just outright insane, since anybody with half a brain can figure out that when - not if - there's a problem, it's going to be much larger with the water being held above everything else.


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