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Haslam Ad with Wife Behind Him

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LMAO, the ad that Lester posted, when it first aired I thought old zach was saying my reading level I received many decades ago from the state and my parents didn't make me a productive citizen of society today.

Then those abilities took over and I read through the lines to realize he's just a typical D.C. politician who's full of ;):poop: and is desperate.

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Guest GhostHunter
Wow didn't know that smith. As for Haslam I've heard his lies through the local media for years. He's got enough money to bury the rest so I'd say we are looking at the next governor but it won't be with my hand.

Mine either..For me, It's Ron Ramsey all the way...

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Guest grimel
, I will reluctantly vote for Haslam just because he is the most qualified to handle taxes and brings businesses to tennessee. I will trade in some locations where I can carry for better treatment of small businesses and less unemployment any day.

Yeah, he's really done well bringing business to Knoxville. I'll take Ramsey or Wamp any day over Haslam.

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Guest grimel
It only makes me wonder how long I could maintain a no-mud campaign. Wonder if that's a guaranteed losing strategy.

Hey, Capbyrd? How's your start in politics going?

Is it considered an attack ad if you are telling the truth with documentation?

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Guest grimel
A stroke of genius. We never tried to teach the tykes to read before! Why didn't Alexander ever try that? ;)

Considering the reading level of current "graduates" and we aren't allowed to go back to what was working 30yrs ago at least he's advocating a system that works. I'd be happier if he was opposing social promotion, but, can't have everything.

ABH - Anybody but Haslam.

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What I can't understand is how in the h3!! can Ron be in third !!!! Every body i talk to are for him.

Don't get that either unless it is simple name recognition or Dems are influencing the primaries.

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No way I can vote for Haslam, never going to do it.

He really strikes me as the kind of 2A supporter that thinks it is about shotguns and hunting rifles. He was not a supporter of 2A yesterday, claims he is today, who knows what he will do tomorrow.

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What I can't understand is how in the h3!! can Ron be in third !!!! Every body i talk to are for him.

I guess the folks you talk to aren't the Majority Sheeple population of the state.

Don't get that either unless it is simple name recognition or Dems are influencing the primaries.

My mother never heard of him when I suggested she vote for him in the primary. She's not alone by far. Wamp, due to history in Congress, and Haslam, due to the money flood, have the name recognition.

There's not 1 person in 10 in this state could tell you who the Lt. Governor is. Ever. Probably not 1 in 25.

No way I can vote for Haslam, never going to do it.

Gonna write somebody in comes the general election, or just not vote?

He really strikes me as the kind of 2A supporter that thinks it is about shotguns and hunting rifles. He was not a supporter of 2A yesterday, claims he is today, who knows what he will do tomorrow.

If he went before City Council and get them to allow HCP carry in Knoxville parks before the election, I'd believe his claims enough to vote for him.

Fat chance.

- OS

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I'm sure it's the coverage in my area, and my limited viewing of ads (mostly everything I watch is on DVR and I fast forward thru comercials), but I only see Haslam's ads on TV, never his opponents. But, every Haslam ad I see has him crying about being a victim of mud slinging attacks. I never see him talking about issues.

From my perspective, I don't see his point.

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I'm sure it's the coverage in my area, and my limited viewing of ads (mostly everything I watch is on DVR and I fast forward thru comercials), but I only see Haslam's ads on TV, ...

It's pretty simple reason, ya know? Haslam is far outspending his opponents.

Now has injected about half a mil of his own money to boot.

- OS

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I emailed the said talking head (not that I am going to vote for him) asking about his membership in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, illegal immigration and why he feels I should vote for him and here is the reply:

Dear Mr. Rogers,

Thank you for your interest in Mayor Haslam and his effort to be the next governor of Tennessee.

Tennessee is now paying a price for the failure of the federal government to effectively secure our nation’s borders and enforce our immigration laws. If the Tennessee legislature passes a bill similar to Arizona's, Mayor Haslam will sign it. As Governor, Mayor Haslam will enforce the state laws on the books and do everything within his authority to be sure that Tennessee does not attract illegal activity. At a time when more than 10% of our citizens can’t find work, we cannot tolerate employers knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. He believes that if an employer knowingly hires illegals, he or she should face meaningful penalties. Mayor Haslam will work hard to bring jobs to the state of Tennessee and to be sure that these jobs go to Tennesseans and not individuals who reside within the state illegally. Mayor Haslam supported and applauds the recently signed bill H.B. 670, which requires Tennessee jailers to alert federal authorities of an arrested person in the U.S. illegally or whose status can’t be determined. Mayor Haslam believes we should never provide any form of state government ID without proof of citizenship, and we should support the local law enforcement officials who are working to see that illegal immigrants are identified and deported.

As a member of the NRA, Mayor Haslam is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believes in an individual's constitutionally protected rights to keep and bear arms. As Governor, he will protect those rights.

In regards to your question regarding his affiliation with Mayors Against Illegal Guns; while attending a national mayors meeting in 2006, Mayor Haslam was one of approximately 700 other mayors who signed a petition to address criminal violence in our cities. When it became evident to Mr. Haslam that the group had changed its agenda, he withdrew his membership. Mr. Haslam understands Second Amendment rights are essential to our freedom, and as Governor, he will continue to work with our legislature and Tennessee local law enforcement to create and enforce laws that protect those rights. Mayor Haslam believes the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right and he will protect those rights. If, at any time, we find restrictions infringing on Second Amendment rights, we should remove the restrictions.

These are challenging times for our nation and our state. More than a hundred thousand Tennesseans have recently lost their jobs, and our state government was facing a budget deficit of over $1.3 billion last year until it received federal stimulus money. The situation will only be worse when our next governor takes office, as the federal stimulus money will almost certainly be gone. Our next governor must focus on creating jobs and managing our state’s budget in a thoughtful, fiscally conservative way.

As the only candidate for governor with experience as an executive in both business and government, Mayor Haslam has demonstrated a unique ability to create jobs and guide large organizations through challenging economic times. From his first day in office, Mayor Haslam will focus on putting Tennesseans back to work immediately and making long-term investments in economic development and education to ensure Tennessee is one of the best places in the country for the high-quality jobs of the future. In these tough economic times, he will pursue these goals in a cost conscious way by rethinking government and coordinating, streamlining, and refocusing existing resources. Mayor Haslam helped private businesses and the City of Knoxville manage conservatively through challenging economic times, and he can now help Tennessee do the same.

While visiting each of Tennessee’s 95 counties last year, Mayor Haslam learned about the unique challenges facing each community as well as the issues important to all Tennesseans. One thing common to every place he visited was a need for new and better jobs. Approximately 300,000 Tennesseans are out of work right now, and it is critical that our next governor has the executive experience necessary to create good jobs. As Governor, Mayor Haslam’s top priority will be making Tennessee the #1 state in the Southeast for high quality jobs.

If you have any additional questions or comments, or would like to keep up with the latest campaign news, please visit our website www.BillHaslam.com.


Bill Haslam for Governor campaign

The more I learn about him the less I care for him.


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...Mayor Haslam believes the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right and he will protect those rights. If, at any time, we find restrictions infringing on Second Amendment rights, we should remove the restrictions.[/b][/font][/font][/color]...

Yep, that's why he was adamant about keeping the Knoxville ordinance against HCP carry in parks.

Keep and bear arms, my ass.

- OS

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Guest mahahn

Creepy ad. She is wound up on meth. Nobody can keep their eyes that wide for that long and be normal.

I think he looks like a possible AT hiker.

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Guest johnnyo

Don't you folks think that the News Media does the most for or against the campaigns? Like I can watch two different news channels and one will speak more of one than the other. I'm not sure why Ramsey is in third, I'm not even so sure that he is in third I mean how do we know we get our news from the media. Do we believe what the media tells us? Haslam and Wamp are fighting it out in public via attack ads against one another.

My vote and the votes of my family are all going to Mr Ramsey. 3rd my a$$!

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