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Haslam Ad with Wife Behind Him

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Anyone seen this ad? Just started running this week. The wife looks like the pictures of the "Runaway Bride" with her eyes about to pop out of her head. It's kind of creepy. Who in his campaign thought this looked good? Kind of like Bill's other ads where he gives these painfully long pauses between sentences. I thought he had money to make better ads than these.

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Yah, my wife and I crack up every time it comes one. She's WAY creepy looking...

Definitely creepy looking. Sorta like she's looking for something sharp with Bill's back in her sights.

Don't you think he looks like Deputy Dawg?


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She reminds me of the chick that played michael scott's (steve carrell) girlfriend on the office. Assuming anyone remembers that show she is a ringer for her twin. Her name was Carol on the show and she was his real estate agent and then girlfriend for several episodes.

And a +1 on the creepy bugeyed part. Although my eyes do the same thing when I hear that much :) spew from his hole in less than 30 seconds.

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Definitely creepy looking. Sorta like she's looking for something sharp with Bill's back in her sights.

Don't you think he looks like Deputy Dawg?


NO way. He's Dana Carvey all the way. I thought this while he was mayor and now I believe it even more

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I think it is just too bad that they dont just let US decide who shall be our Governor.

If someone is not responsible enough to own a gun for their own protection and not smart enough to be a member of TGO to keep up with all things important then they probably are not smart enough to have a voice in who should be our state's leader.:D

Now before I am roughed and cuffed here the above comment was only made in jest.:)

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She reminds me of the chick that played michael scott's (steve carrell) girlfriend on the office. Assuming anyone remembers that show she is a ringer for her twin. Her name was Carol on the show and she was his real estate agent and then girlfriend for several episodes.

And a +1 on the creepy bugeyed part. Although my eyes do the same thing when I hear that much :D spew from his hole in less than 30 seconds.

BTW That's his wife in real life. We could do a lot worse than Haslam, but we could also do a lot better. I won't cry if he gets elected. Nor will I celebrate. I get the impression he is a died in the wool politician and that comes from knowing him personally some years ago.

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BTW That's his wife in real life. We could do a lot worse than Haslam, but we could also do a lot better. I won't cry if he gets elected. Nor will I celebrate. I get the impression he is a died in the wool politician and that comes from knowing him personally some years ago.

Wow didn't know that smith. As for Haslam I've heard his lies through the local media for years. He's got enough money to bury the rest so I'd say we are looking at the next governor but it won't be with my hand.

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BTW That's his wife in real life. We could do a lot worse than Haslam, but we could also do a lot better. I won't cry if he gets elected. Nor will I celebrate. I get the impression he is a died in the wool politician and that comes from knowing him personally some years ago.

Liberals won't cry either.

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Guest Lester Weevils

That really is creepy.

Almost as cheezy as Wamp's old commercial where he was explaining the Terrorist Threat to a group of senior citizens. Wamp looked like a wide-eyed simpleton explaining nuclear physics to cows.

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I wont vote for Wamp(hes desperate), I dont think I will vote for Ramsey, I will reluctantly vote for Haslam just because he is the most qualified to handle taxes and brings businesses to tennessee. I will trade in some locations where I can carry for better treatment of small businesses and less unemployment any day.

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Guest HvyMtl

I think she has a Thyroid issue. One of the classic symptoms is the "bug eye."

Funny thing is - this ad he states he is not doing the "Washington politics" of attack ads.

This week he launches, shock, surprise, an attack ad against Wamp.

Hypocritical much?

It does say that Haslam believes Wamp to be the bigger threat.

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Guest jackdm3
I think she has a Thyroid issue. One of the classic symptoms is the "bug eye."

Funny thing is - this ad he states he is not doing the "Washington politics" of attack ads.

This week he launches, shock, surprise, an attack ad against Wamp.

Hypocritical much?

It does say that Haslam believes Wamp to be the bigger threat.

It only makes me wonder how long I could maintain a no-mud campaign. Wonder if that's a guaranteed losing strategy.

Hey, Capbyrd? How's your start in politics going?

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Guest Lester Weevils

These ads featuring non-photogenic candidates reduce confidence in them. Even if MAYBE they happen to be more competent than they look/sound.

Perhaps better would be simple video of a waving flag or waving grain, with professional voice-over describing a wonderful politician, family man and pillar of the community, doggedly in defense of mom, apple-pie, and all that is good. :)

Maybe am too critical, but ads like this don't exactly inspire confidence. A new reading program. That's the solution. A stroke of genius. We never tried to teach the tykes to read before! Why didn't Alexander ever try that? :)

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Guest jackdm3

Nope. We haven't turned it on for anything, other than running videos, for almost 2 weeks. I'm really shocked how good this feels.

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I wont vote for Wamp(hes desperate), I dont think I will vote for Ramsey, I will reluctantly vote for Haslam just because he is the most qualified to handle taxes and brings businesses to tennessee. I will trade in some locations where I can carry for better treatment of small businesses and less unemployment any day.

Good luck with that. Did Haslam ever release his financials?

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