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AWESOME Closeout deals on LA Police Gear

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yeah i did some searching before i got it and people say when they ordered they werent expecting much but when they got it they were blown away. i know its not a maxpedition but for 1/4 of the cost, looks the same, hear its the same quality, and holds as much I had to try it out. it also has a pocket for a 100mL camelback and has openings on both shoulders for the tube and mouthpiece. ill take pics and everything once it gets here.

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when they ordered they werent expecting much but when they got it they were blown away.

I know just what you mean. i recently bought a used ALICE pack, the thing is LNIB. I paid about half or less than what a NIB goes for. it will be the last pack I buy in my life. It would work as a 3 day pack or a 100 day pack. I was not expecting near new, and what i got looked about as good as new.

i hope I never need it for what I bought it for, but if I do it is in the truck and I can get to where I need to be. ( as long as a pack holding me back is not the difference)

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I admit I looked, but I about fell off laughing at a "Tactical Brass Belt Buckle". Heck i already have several, I am tactical and did not know it.

:up: That's the name brand "5.11 Tactical". They sould use a hyphen or colon to seperate the name brand from the product description. "5.11 Tactical Brass Belt Buckle" does look funny.

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Guest Plainsman

So many websites these days. Is this a pretty reputable vendor? I've always been weary after reading about places like Botach tactical and what not.

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Guest Billetproof

I ordered the 3 day pack and some other supplies on May 29 and am still waiting? I've ordered from them before and they have nice stuff but this order is starting to tick me off.

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I had a similar problem about a year ago where something I ordered went on back order, but I just sent them an e-mail and they took it off and sent the order out. They've always been pretty good about fixing problems and customer service IME. I just ordered some paracord and some mil-spec monkey patches.

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Well just called to check on my order cause im moving next week and come to find out all colors of backpacks are backordered for 4 to 6 weeks so I cancelled the pack since I wanted od green anyways. Just a heads up in case anyone ordered one

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