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Ain't. No. Way!

Guest jackdm3

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Guest Phantom6
watch it at about 3:10 or so

This is a depiction of the Shoshone and/or Arapaho Sun Dance which was done throughout the Indian Nations in Wyoming, western Nebraska and southern Montana. The sacred ceremony was and is the spiritual core of Shoshone and Arapaho life. The participants, who endure three days of total fasting (without both food and water), pray and dance for the Creator to bestow blessings and health for their families and communities. Understandably, and mercifully, massive amounts of peyote were smoked by the dancers. The actual hanging of the dancer was outlawed by the white government in 1930, I believe and that portion of the dance was discontinued in all but underground cerimonies. I once met an old man in Casper, WY who bore the scars of "the dance". I've got to say that he had a distinct and certain demeanor about him.

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