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I hate when the salesman says....

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"I don't like insert your guns brand here because I shoot insert his guns brand here. Helping me is giving me info on the gun/guns that I inquire about. If the salesperson gives me advice about his gun I only want it to be for comparisons sake not because he hates the brand that I carry. :rolleyes:

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I never worked at a gun store but I have worked in sales. Anytime I give an opinion like that, I state that it's my personal opinion and I give an opposing opinion as to why other people do like it, for comparison.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

I've been in sales for about 4 years now... Strictly in home sales and I don't dislike any brand I sell. They ALL have good points to them and all have a purpose to someone... I never say, "I don't like that one." unless I don't sell it. :rolleyes:

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I've been in sales for about 4 years now... Strictly in home sales and I don't dislike any brand I sell. They ALL have good points to them and all have a purpose to someone... I never say, "I don't like that one." unless I don't sell it. :rolleyes:

You are the salesman that I would like to deal with.

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The only time I was in Sales was a few years ago when I sold built/repaired and sold computers. We always kept 2 models for sell plus I would help design customs.

When people walked in, my style was, I always showed them the cheaper model first, that way when they ask why the other one was 200 more I could then tell them about it's features after they know what the cheaper one had. Then they understood the difference more. 9 times out of 10 I ended up selling the more expensive model No I was not on commission either.

I totally agree with you, if I ask about a Ruger, Colt, or S&W those are what I am interested in. The reason I didn't ask about brand X is because well I know very little about them and I want to go with a brand I know and trust. Nothing against Brand X, but I know one day my family's life may come down to decision of what gun I have and I might feel better in the here and now with a brand I know better. Even though a person at gun shop is going to know more brands and be more familiar with them, I as a customer will not pick that up in the few minutes at the counter while making a purchase.

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Guest Ae-35

I learned when I sold cars (briefly), never put a brand or model down, there's an a$$ for every seat. The customer doesn't want my opinion, or facts, or figures. He expects a good salesman to show him the features of the product ,and how it is a great buy for him. It's not just about the lowest price, it's about showing the customer ,that what you're offering him can do what he expects it to . If it works better than he expected , he's happy ,and will recommend you to others. Almost always, the customer's who I never could make happy,... were the ones who got the lowest price.

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After I was done with school, I'd had (so I thought) my fill of the chemistry lab, and decided to pursue a job in sales. Office equipment, of all things. After all, if I could understand all the complicated stuff I was used to dealing with in the technical world, it should be easy to explain, logically, why someone would want to buy a copier from me, right? Costs on one side, benefits on the other, and complete the sale; I was sure profit would ensue. WRONG. It was one of the most humbling things I've ever done - I was absolutely terrible. For those of you who can make immediate personal connections with folks and move product, I commend you. That was the hardest job I've ever had, and I didn't last long.

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I've been in sales for almost four years. Some direct sales, in home and some in retail. Never bad mouth anyone, anything, or anyplace. You just don't know how bad it can affect you, your relationship with the client, your reflection of the company you represent, and the out come of sales down the road.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

Edit -

LINKS, It always aggravated me to no end when a customer came in and asked to see 9 different guns then proceeded to tell me off as to why he wouldn't be caught dead with "THAT GUN". All in all due to it not having some POS gimmick feature on it, clashing with his wardrobe, or his buddies buddy had a friend that saw a guy with one and it looked queer. Like you.


Edited by Mike
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I'd like to add that I never said I didn't like any particular product unless the customer specifically asked me whether or not I liked it. My bosses would've gotten mad at me for saying I didn't like anything but I'm not going to lie to customers. I'm a good enough salesman that I don't have to.

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Where I work in IT, we some times have to help the Corp clients with their unsupported home equipment. We never know what their out of support realm may include and we just have to use our own background knowledge on whether or not we have. 9 times out of 10 I do. We always have to give a disclaimer and stuff.

We are not suppose to tell them what brands to buy if they ask but if they ask us what brands we use, we can answer like at my home I personally use Linksys routers.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I have to highly commend the folks at the Great Outdoors Store in Jackson, they go well out of their way to "inform" folks about what they are looking at. I have not ever heard them put down any product but I once saw them steer a very petite older lady away from a 357 snubby. She told them that her friend had convinced her to buy a gun for home protection and that it needed to be small because she was going to get her permit and it needed to be powerful, her friend had told her she needed a small 357 magnum.

This lady was up in her 70's at least and probably only weighed 90 lbs soaking wet in a fur coat. But she was pretty adamant that she needed a small 357. The sales guy took her over to the rental area and in to the range, all he had to do was fire a snubby and the lady was convinced that she needed something different, she did not even want to try it herself.

I dont know just what she ended up with but I know that salesman spent at least an hour and a half with her and I saw them go into the range several times. I also know they were not charging her for any rentals, just letting her test fire. I find that kind of treatment to be very commendable in this day and age. They could have just sold her the snubby and went about their day but they cared enough to make sure she ended up with something that she could handle.

While sales are sales I feel that selling firearms has its own unique responsibility that other sales dont. And while I am talking about new shooters I also agree fully with the idea that if I walk in and ask about a Ruger or a Walther I dont want no salesman start telling me why a Smith or a Glock would be a better choice. If I ask for their opinion that is different.

Last year I walked into the Gander Mountain store here asking about a Walther PPS, since they did not have one they proceeded to tell me that they were nothing but a piece of :biglol: compared to the Sigs that they did have at the time, the dude kept on and on about how horrible a PPS was and that I should buy a Sig instead of waiting for what I really wanted at the time.

Several months later after I had bought one I was in there again and they had a PPS and they had it marked right at $150.00 more than what I had paid at the GOS.:eek: The same salesman was there and I really wanted to ask him why they wanted so much for such a piece of :P....But I didnt. I kept my mouth shut. But I have not been back in that store, I will drive to Memphis or where ever before I shop for anything there. I have also heard the same kind of stories from others about that store.

I feel like the selling of firearms should be done by a professional or at least a very experienced gun person more so than just a good salesman with a used car sales approach. The use of firearms is a life or death business and I feel the sales of such should be handled accordingly.

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