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Memphis Zoo & Area Questions...

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My wife is talking about wanting to take the kids to the Memphis Zoo in a couple of months. A weekend trip, meet up with some friends... grab a room, blah, blah, blah...

Can any of the "Memphis 'TGO' Mafia" :) answer a few questions?

1. Is the Zoo posted? (I am assuming so.)

2. What areas do I need to pretty much avoid, and what areas should I try and stick to?

3. Besides the Zoo... what other places should we think about going to?

(My boys are 10 & 13, and both my wife and I don't drink alcohol... btw.)


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Guest jackdm3

I would carry there more than anywhere else! Imagine an escaped kitty kat or ape loosed among the defenseless.

Read my post on BigNoise's last thread on stuff in Memphis to get started. I'll let you know more if that's lacking.

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Guest nosnos

I'd recommend avoiding the memphis area completely. Total $#!/ hole. My wife and I went over memorial day. Horrible experience. Corrupt cops everywhere, hotel staff and restaurant staff seem miserable. Take your tourism money elsewhere.

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I'd recommend avoiding the memphis area completely. Total $#!/ hole. My wife and I went over memorial day. Horrible experience. Corrupt cops everywhere, hotel staff and restaurant staff seem miserable. Take your tourism money elsewhere.

Normally i would agree... we have some old friends we are meeting there cause it is the half way point.

I have been to the Zoo before about 18 years ago without kids. On the spur of the moment we got off the interstate at about 11:00pm and decided to grab a room and see the zoo the next day. Let's just say it was an eye opener real quickly!! :)

"JackDm3"... Found the thread you were talking about. Thanks!

(LINK for others...)

Edited by creeky
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Guest db99wj
I'd recommend avoiding the memphis area completely. Total $#!/ hole. My wife and I went over memorial day. Horrible experience. Corrupt cops everywhere, hotel staff and restaurant staff seem miserable. Take your tourism money elsewhere.


Anyway, the Zoo is great, has been voted the best or one of the best Zoo's in the country. It is in a park, and you are not suppose to in parks here in Memphis. The area is fine, it is in what is known as "midtown". Stay on the main streets, Poplar and even North Parkway, the cross street is N. Mclean. Stay in those parameters and even further South to Central, don't go any further south than that. This area I just laid out is fine, you go north of the zoo, south of Central, you can run into bad areas. It is a neighborhood by neighborhood thing and the street you are own can go downhill fast. I have no problem with my wife and kids going to the zoo. The park, Overton Park....well is a park, just that, nothing to see there.

Other places are the Pink Palace Museum (3050 Central) and the Children's Museum (2525 Central). Go downtown, go to Beale (no guns) during the day, You can still see famous Beale and eat. You can go see the river, the Peabody. Might look at Autozone Park (Union and Thrd) and see if the Redbirds are playing and catch a game. The bluff seats, which is the ground on a hill over looking left field, is $7.00 per person. Lots of fun, bring a blanket to sit on, wait for homerun balls. They play until the first week of September.

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It is a neighborhood by neighborhood thing and the street you are own can go downhill fast.

That is what I found out that night. One minute fine... next minute... no so nice. :)

Thanks for laying out a decent area for us!

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Anyway, the Zoo is great, has been voted the best or one of the best Zoo's in the country. It is in a park, and you are not suppose to in parks here in Memphis. The area is fine, it is in what is known as "midtown". Stay on the main streets, Poplar and even North Parkway, the cross street is N. Mclean. Stay in those parameters and even further South to Central, don't go any further south than that. This area I just laid out is fine, you go north of the zoo, south of Central, you can run into bad areas. It is a neighborhood by neighborhood thing and the street you are own can go downhill fast. I have no problem with my wife and kids going to the zoo. The park, Overton Park....well is a park, just that, nothing to see there.

Other places are the Pink Palace Museum (3050 Central) and the Children's Museum (2525 Central). Go downtown, go to Beale (no guns) during the day, You can still see famous Beale and eat. You can go see the river, the Peabody. Might look at Autozone Park (Union and Thrd) and see if the Redbirds are playing and catch a game. The bluff seats, which is the ground on a hill over looking left field, is $7.00 per person. Lots of fun, bring a blanket to sit on, wait for homerun balls. They play until the first week of September.

+1 We have enough bad vibes around here. Negative types need to stay out of Memphis. Memphis and other large cities will overwhelm you if you never get out off Hooterville.

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Guest db99wj
That is what I found out that night. One minute fine... next minute... no so nice. :)

Thanks for laying out a decent area for us!

Of course, carry whereever you can, watch your back, if in the midtown downtown areas, and approached by a panhandler, a very loud, direct, stern GET THE <insert word of choice> BACK, with a stern look on your face will have them do a 180 99.9% of the time.

Yesterday, out here in "safe" East Memphis Kroger, some dude was going around the parking lot asking for something, I saw him before I ever parked, as soon as I stepped out, he started my way, he said "Excus...." I interrupped, said "NO, GET BACK", he did an about face and went somewhere else! LOL. My 6 year old asked what was that about! I just said some homeless dude wanting something.

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+1 We have enough bad vibes around here. Negative types need to stay out of Memphis. Memphis and other large cities will overwhelm you if you never get out off Hooterville.

Another +1

(My boys are 10 & 13, and both my wife and I don't drink alcohol... btw.)

What about the boys? B)

You'll have fun. Take the advice from those above who know the area and you'll be fine. The zoo here is awesome. My wife has bought a family membership there the last few years. She and my 3 y/o daughter go all the time.

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  • 1 month later...

You mean you visited Memphis and you were not maimed, raped, killed, mutilated, robbed, beaten, pulled over by corrupt cops and you lived to tell about it?:devil:

Glad you had a great time.

Speaking of hats, I saw a guy with a fedora on this weekend at Kroger, he was about 5'4" tall, his GF/Wife was at least 5'10 to 6'. Made me chuckle.

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Creeky next time you guys are down give us Memphis folk a shout if you have a spare two hours. We can try to arrange a lunch type thing.

They would be cool Punsher84! Didn't even think about that. We were a little pressed for time cause we were visiting friends there. But we will be going back. Already talking about it for next year.

One thing did surprise me though... the HUGE police presence in Germantown! :o

WOW! At one point I passed 5 cops in 1 mile on Poplar Rd. And they are SERIOUS about 40mph. Nice area, lots of gated communities there.

We also visited the "Vinyl Shop?" next to Mister Hats. Neat stuff in there. The wife bought boys some "Modern Warfare" throws on sale there. Wanted to drop by rangemasters just to take a look, but just didn't have the time. :devil:

You mean you visited Memphis and you were not maimed, raped, killed, mutilated, robbed, beaten, pulled over by corrupt cops and you lived to tell about it?
Naw... no problems at all. Heck! I didn't even need to call in air support or even an air strike. <sigh> Carried that infrared strobe and didn't even get to use it. LOL!!!
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Naw... no problems at all. Heck! I didn't even need to call in air support or even an air strike. <sigh> Carried that infrared strobe and didn't even get to use it. LOL!!!


We need more stories like yours to help prove that Memphis isn't as bad as people think.

Edited by memphismason
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