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GOA Supports Ron Ramsey for Governor

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Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail Alert

8001 Forbes Pl, Suite 102

Springfield, VA 22151


June 30, 2010

Dear Friend of the Second Amendment,

The Tennessee legislature recently overrode a veto by Governor Phil Bredesen on a bill to allow law-abiding Tennessee citizens with concealed carry permits to enter an establishment that sells alcohol.

Bredesen vetoed this measure twice, which does not come as a surprise to most Second Amendment supporters in the state as the governor often speaks out of both sides of his mouth concerning firearms and self protection.

Thankfully for Tennessee gun owners, Bredesen is on his way out and there is an opportunity to elect a real pro-gun leader to take his place.

Gun Owners of America is proud to support Ron Ramsey for Governor in the Republican primary.

Ramsey, the current Lieutenant Governor, displays a constitutional and historically accurate understanding of the Second Amendment and the threats that face it today.

As a strong Tenth Amendment advocate, Ramsey believes that "We must have a Governor who can stand up to federal officials who want to erode our basic rights."

In 1997, while serving in the state legislature, Ramsey carried a concealed carry bill that improved the state's right-to-carry. Ramsey's bill, which was signed into law, streamlined the application process so honest, law-abiding citizens would not have to wait up to a year to receive their permit.

Ramsey's strong support of the Constitution and the Second Amendment stands in stark contrast to other candidates in the race.

Bill Haslam, mayor of Knoxville since 2003, was a member of New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's gun-grabbing group Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

As a member of the group, Bill Haslam's name was part of a 2007 letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi supporting a bill to prohibit the hundreds of thousands of people on the federal government's so-called terror "watch list" from purchasing firearms.

Under the bill, the Attorney General is permitted to strip away the civil liberties of Americans without due process of law and without the accused even knowing the details of the suspicion.

This provision was part of a larger bill that would have federalized even more gang and gun crimes, which properly belong at the state and local levels.

In 2008, Haslam's name again appeared on a letter to Reid and Pelosi seeking to close the non-existent and misleadingly named "gun show loophole." This legislation would have led to the closing down of gun shows and opened the door to complete federal control of private firearms transactions.

As soon as Haslam announced his bid for governor, he left Bloomberg's anti gun group with much haste. If that isn't the clearest sign of pandering and lip service, then we don't know what is.

Another opponent in the race, Representative Zach Wamp, also has a problem with your freedoms.

Rep. Wamp helped Sen. John McCain and liberals in Congress to put a stranglehold on free speech with the so-called Campaign Finance Reform Act (better known as the Incumbent Protection Act).

When Republican opposition stymied the bill in 2001, the anti-freedom crowd circulated a "discharge petition" to force it on to the House floor. Zach Wamp joined a handful of other Republican turncoats to help pass a law that made it illegal to publish information -- such as what is contained in this letter -- within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.

Rep. Wamp also voted against an amendment to the bill that would have at least protected the right of groups like GOA to widely disseminate voter guides during the "prohibited" periods.

Of all the types of speech protected by the First Amendment, political speech was foremost on the minds of the Founding Fathers. Just this year, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that fact and in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (a case in which Gun Owners Foundation participated) undid much of the damage caused by Wamp and his congressional allies.

In this race for Governor, the choice for gun owners and sportsmen is clear. Ron Ramsey is a proven, effective and constitutionally minded leader who will stand up to all attacks on our right to keep and bear arms.

Please join Gun Owners of America in supporting Ron Ramsey for Governor in the Republican primary on August 5.

To learn more about the Ramsey campaign, please visit www.teamronramsey.com.

On behalf of GOA, I would like to thank you for your support of our efforts, and for your support of Ron Ramsey for Governor.


Tim Macy


Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is a project of Gun Owners of America.

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Guest HvyMtl

Sadly, I dont like any of the Candidates.

Ramsey is a politician, hands down. Been in the legislature and played the game for a very long time. One does not get to the position of Lt. Governor without politics. The man cannot even speak clearly. "Wahs-in-teh" is not Washington. And frankly, what Washington, D.C. does impacts far less than what he claims. Ask flood victims if they want the Federal Aid "booted" out right now...

Wamp voted for the Bail-Outs, and I cannot support a politician who has done so. (Oddly enough, the Wahs-in-teh Republicans are presently voting for a continuation of TARPS...)

Haslam is yet another politician, joining the "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" and then dropping the membership when it best politically benefited him. Way too rich to be in touch with those who are losing health care, their homes, and jobs... An $8.00 per hour job (what you'd get paid, employed at any of his family truck stops) is not a living wage... but is closer to the poverty line.

Then the sole Democrat: McWherter is running on the family name. Also too rich to care. Vague in answers. No political experience (in my book some what of a plus.) Not pro-gun.

So. Who to vote for? I find myself wishing for a "None of the above" vote which would force a new set of candidates. I see no true Tennessean listed.

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Sadly, I dont like any of the Candidates. ...

So. Who to vote for? I find myself wishing for a "None of the above" vote which would force a new set of candidates. I see no true Tennessean listed.

One of the candidates will be elected!

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Ramsey showed up at our HCP class one morning. He and the class talk a bit, solid views and answers... didn't seem too shake hands and kiss the babies to me. But "yes" for a newbie, and still researching... Ramsey has my vote.

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Guest HvyMtl

Yes, one of the candidates will be elected. I fear it will be Haslam.

He is too slick. To well spoken. And to well funded.

Again, I see no real candidate, and no one to lead when we need leadership so badly.

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Again, I see no real candidate, and no one to lead when we need leadership so badly.

I'm afraid youre right. Ron's become a one trick pony. He has no discussion about anything except his boot, abortion, and having an HCP. I'm really not happy with the way this race is shaking out.

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I have met and talked with all of the candidates but Wamp, he has not deigned to come into the TFA meeting at Jackson, nor has Haslam, but at least Haslam did sit down and talk with me twice. Nothing in either conversation led me to think he is anything other than a Lamar Alexander type Rino.

McWherter is far too liberal, admitted he is all for gun registration and Obama's health care plan. Thinks the 10th Amendment has no place in todays society.

Out of all of them Ramsey is the only one who has a real record of supporting gun rights. Once he gets off the stump speech, he is very real and easy to have a conversation with. He is still a small businessman, and my wife says his wife is the real deal, not the type to put on airs. They made their own way to where they are by working hard.

Outside of some who simply do not like any one who is successful as a politician, (guess they were against Regan too if that is a criteria) I have heard no "dirt" on him, and his voting record is sound as a Conservative.

He gets my labor, my money and my vote.

Edited by Worriedman
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Ramsey is a politician, hands down. Been in the legislature and played the game for a very long time. One does not get to the position of Lt. Governor without politics. The man cannot even speak clearly. "Wahs-in-teh" is not Washington. And frankly, what Washington, D.C. does impacts far less than what he claims. Ask flood victims if they want the Federal Aid "booted" out right now...

What Washington does impacts every factor of our lives.

You must not have been affected by the flood personally, or you would know just how broad the relief promised by the Federal Government is, and what little amount of "help" there actually is.

Is your home or business in a map marked flood zone? If not you are not eligible for any "help" which in effect is your and your neighbors money being doled back out to you if deemed worthy. We are seeing first hand just how "Catch 22" the FEMA redistribution of wealth is here in Jackson. If you do not live in a floodplain, you can not buy flood insurance. Your homeowners will not pay anything if it was a rising water event and you did not have flood insurance, round and round we go. What we are hearing is that "A 500 year event" is sad, but FEMA does not cover the fact the County or the City failed to keep drainage channels cleaned out, same old "Warshington" doublespeak we always get. Anyone who thinks the Federal Gov. is coming in here on a white horse to "save" the afflicted is a fool.

Add to that the coming taxes on your employer supplied health-care benefits, and the control and rationing of health-care itself that is just around the corner, not to mention the move to legitimize illegal immigrants into citizen hood by the millions....

Makes any surmise that Washington does not have a huge impact on our lives disingenuous at best.

To the point that Ramsey has a speech impediment, I have no problem understanding what he says, and suggest if you get out amongst the great unwashed in Tennessee, his speech patterns are no worse than the majority of folks who maybe were not educated in the finer schools in our State. Obama is very articulate in his enunciation of the screwing he is giving us, does that make it any more palatable because the delivery is eloquently (to your ears maybe) done? To me that smacks of an elitism that is out of place in todays scramble to save our country from a complete Liberal takeover.

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Ron Ramsey has my vote. Wamp and Haslam have always had a " read me between the lies " political way about them. To me, Ramsey is up front and honest.

I corrected a typing error in the above statement

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Wamp voted for the Bail-Outs, and I cannot support a politician who has done so. (Oddly enough, the Wahs-in-teh Republicans are presently voting for a continuation of TARPS...) ...

Care to provide a source for this information? I've found a bit of conflicting info and I'm not sure exactly which bill is which, but best I can tell Wamp voted against both the bank bail out (Reinvestment & Recovery) and the (Obama-care) healthcare bills.

Project Vote Smart - Representative Zach Wamp - Voting Record

Who voted for stimulus bailout? Senate and House HR1

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Unfortunately it is very rare these days that any candidate is simply the obvious man/woman for the job, that everyone likes and there are no issues that would make you question him/her about their past. Everyone of them will have positives and negatives no matter who they are. That is how I go about choosing the one who gets my vote, weighing the +'s and -'s.

HvyMtl, if all that you do is focus on all of the negatives you will never vote again. No one will ever measure up. I typically don't like someone like Ramsey who is, as you say, a "Politician" but he has a record that shows me that he is a true 2A supporter and has been for a long time.

Ramsey is the man for me at this point in the campaign and I don't see that changing.

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Guest uofmeet
+1, I'm active in his campaign... volunteer... money. We can't afford to sit on the sidelines this day and age!

you know where i can get a sign in memphis?

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Care to provide a source for this information? I've found a bit of conflicting info and I'm not sure exactly which bill is which, but best I can tell Wamp voted against both the bank bail out (Reinvestment & Recovery) and the (Obama-care) healthcare bills.

Project Vote Smart - Representative Zach Wamp - Voting Record

Who voted for stimulus bailout? Senate and House HR1

Your own link at votesmart.org answers that question. But for those who won't go look it up, here's the answer:

02/07/2008Economic Stimulus Plan

HR 5140YConcurrence Vote Passed - House

(380 - 34) 01/29/2008Economic Stimulus Plan

HR 5140YBill Passed - House

(385 - 35)06/24/2008Medicare Bill

HR 6331YBill Passed - House

(355 - 59)07/31/2009Supplemental Appropriations for the "Cash for Clunkers" Program

HR 3435YBill Passed - House

(316 - 109)10/03/2008Financial Asset Purchase Authority and Tax Law Amendments

HR 1424YConcurrence Vote Passed - House

(263 - 171)

HR 1424 is the law that created TARP. Zach Wamp has not demonstrated to me that he understands the concept of 'We the People' as his employer. Rather, he seems to look at government programs and pork-barrel spending as legitimate ways to solve problems that are not the government's legitimate business.

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Your own link at votesmart.org answers that question. But for those who won't go look it up, here's the answer:

02/07/2008Economic Stimulus Plan

HR 5140YConcurrence Vote Passed - House

(380 - 34) 01/29/2008Economic Stimulus Plan

HR 5140YBill Passed - House

(385 - 35)06/24/2008Medicare Bill

HR 6331YBill Passed - House

(355 - 59)07/31/2009Supplemental Appropriations for the "Cash for Clunkers" Program

HR 3435YBill Passed - House

(316 - 109)10/03/2008Financial Asset Purchase Authority and Tax Law Amendments

HR 1424YConcurrence Vote Passed - House

(263 - 171)

HR 1424 is the law that created TARP. Zach Wamp has not demonstrated to me that he understands the concept of 'We the People' as his employer. Rather, he seems to look at government programs and pork-barrel spending as legitimate ways to solve problems that are not the government's legitimate business.

Don't forget both versions of the "Cash for Clunkers" Bills.

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