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Here's your Liberal solution to Arizona's problem: SEIU etc

Guest 6.8 AR

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White House said Obama would deliver a speech soon on "the importance of passing comprehensive immigration reform" but didn't give more details.

and of course those three words in obama speak mean, amnesty.

We all better hope the Dem's lose either the house or Senate this time around. If they maintain a majority this place is done.

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I don't know why this would surprise anyone. Mexico has long wanted to infiltrate the US to the point that they can conquer us without firing a shot and turn it into the same kind of :poop:hole they have down there, and the left is good with any help they can get to facilitate it.

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Sometimes I think that people in the current administration really do want this country to tear itself apart.

So that they can remolded it in the way they believe it should be.

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I don't know why this would surprise anyone. Mexico has long wanted to infiltrate the US to the point that they can conquer us without firing a shot and turn it into the same kind of :poop:hole they have down there, and the left is good with any help they can get to facilitate it.

Evidently Mexico AND the US have forgotten that is exactly what led to the Mexican-American War. Mexico wanted Texas (included present day NM, AZ and other territory) and California. "Power through population" was their official pre-war strategy. Looks like the are trying it again. I'm saying it again this will be our Alamo. If they want round two, I say bring it on!

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The Conservative solution to Arizona's problem is to secure the border and deport the illegals. Unfortunately, what we will get is amnesty not deportation. Neither the democrats nor the republicans have the political balls to deport 10-15 million illegals and risk losing the votes of hispanics left behind.

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But just imagine how sweet it would be to see those millions of illegals leaving the country.

Yes. On their own. No need to deport. Just prevent their hiring, stop giving them free health care, free schools, drivers licenses, etc. Then they will leave soon enough.

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and of course those three words in obama speak mean, amnesty.

We all better hope the Dem's lose either the house or Senate this time around. If they maintain a majority this place is done.

Of course this has been a problem for the last thirty years under both parties.

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Guest 6.8 AR

It still needs to be fixed. And not allowing them to work in this country will keep most of them away.

With the right leadership, why can't this be accomplished? With a more secure border(except for

Tunneling Jack:D) and enforcing existing laws, most every illegal could be gone. It is obvious to me

what is going on and it has to stop. We will have to stop the messiah. That's all!

I've addressed how you fix the democrats and republicans in another thread. Some of you would

rather sit on the fence and complain about both parties. Don't do that. Do something positive.

If you don't do something with your vote, the next opportunity to fix this country will be a lot

more difficult, and maybe bloody. We are extremely close to a crossroad.

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Guest CrazyLincoln
[Latino leaders say they will work in coming months to pressure Republicans to give way and support an immigration bill - and make opponents pay at the ballot box if they don't.

"We're going to make absolutely crystal clear who's at fault here," said Eliseo Medina, a leader of the Service Employees International Union.

Who's at fault? for what? Not enforcing the law? If we're going to do this, why don't we have "murder reform" and "burglary reform", so all your murderers and burglars who haven't been caught yet, we'll let you go this one time....

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