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I am now a "Tennessee Gun Owner"

Guest wTiger

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Guest canynracer

Congrats wTiger! and welcome to the future bankruptcy club of TN

...wanna buy some holsters??? ..no? How bout a box that holds holsters???? ...no? How bout a mag???...no? New smaller carry version gun??? ..not yet?? ohh, I know, how bout 2000000000000000.00 in range passes, and 1 beeeellllionn dollars of ammo...you are screwed, divorce, alone at home shopping the internet CONSTANTLY looking for great deals on ammo, carry options, and the "what if I..." you will now relate to crack addicts cause you understand their need for the next fix....

Welcome to the club, enjoy your stay!!! LMAO

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Congrats wTiger! and welcome to the future bankruptcy club of TN

...wanna buy some holsters??? ..no? How bout a box that holds holsters???? ...no? How bout a mag???...no? New smaller carry version gun??? ..not yet?? ohh, I know, how bout 2000000000000000.00 in range passes, and 1 beeeellllionn dollars of ammo...you are screwed, divorce, alone at home shopping the internet CONSTANTLY looking for great deals on ammo, carry options, and the "what if I..." you will now relate to crack addicts cause you understand their need for the next fix....

Welcome to the club, enjoy your stay!!! LMAO

It gets even worse if you start to shoot competitively. :woohoo:

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Congrats wTiger! and welcome to the future bankruptcy club of TN

...wanna buy some holsters??? ..no? How bout a box that holds holsters???? ...no? How bout a mag???...no? New smaller carry version gun??? ..not yet?? ohh, I know, how bout 2000000000000000.00 in range passes, and 1 beeeellllionn dollars of ammo...you are screwed, divorce, alone at home shopping the internet CONSTANTLY looking for great deals on ammo, carry options, and the "what if I..." you will now relate to crack addicts cause you understand their need for the next fix....

Welcome to the club, enjoy your stay!!! LMAO


the most important thing you will need is not a good quality holster,or the perfect tac light!it is a good quality box to put your crap in.I would suggest one thats 5 foot by 5 foot with a lid and must be made of polymer.you will want your useless crap you will never,ever,never use to be protected,and dry!!!!

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Guest wTiger

I went out to the range off of 24 towards Clarksville, the Academy of Self Protection. I should have brought more ammunition. Thier "target" ammo was pricey. I shot 305 round today and it was great. I love the snap and flash of the .40 s&w. I am happy with my new pistol and got it all dirty. The five rounds were my "Gucci" rounds that I purchased from The Rabbi. The Rabbi definately gave me a better bargan that what i saw at the range store. Thanks... Shooting was fun, and none of the paper targets got away!

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Guest wTiger

That was the first thing that got done when i got home. It was good to see it dirty, and good to get it clean.

... now, what kind of holster do I need?...

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Guest canynracer
That was the first thing that got done when i got home. It was good to see it dirty, and good to get it clean.

... now, what kind of holster do I need?...

so did the dishwasher work??? do you JetDry with that???


holster? you get one of each...lol

depends what you feel comfortable with, where you are carrying it (i.e. Small of back, in waistband, or hip) also depends if you are going to open carry with a badge :mad: ......or conceal it :D...

I ended up with 5 (about $280.00 worth) for my Sigma...lol...

I ended up using this simple Galco belt leather one for like 30 bucks (though mine is black and doesnt look so big)


But I also HAD to have this Galco Small of Back with Retention screw


Yeah, I used it once...Mine is Black awesome holster, but not comfortable with a larger gun like the Sigma. $120.00 down the drain...the other 3 are chaper models I bought on impulse at BassPro

...so far I have 1 for my new Kahr, its an uncle mikes cheapo IWB


LOL..I will be upgrading to Leather with a thumb break for SOB carry

have fun!!

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