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Help me understand the "common denominator."

Guest Steelharp

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Guest Steelharp

I'm sure we all have guns that "work" for us and ones that don't. I'm trying to figure out what the common denominator for me is. Guns that feel "right" for me and shoot well are 1911's, 9mm Glocks (not the .45's), CZ's, and the Taurus 24/7 Pro .45. What does NOT work for me are Berettas, SIG's, H&K's, Kel-Tec's, the XD line, revolvers in general. Does that make any sense?

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Neero is right... the common denominator is that you seem to do well or feel most comfortable with single stack pistols, or ones with a slimmer profile. don't feel bad, I have small hands too...that in no way affects how I shoot though. everyone knows its not the size of the pistol, but where you put your rounds....just like real estate, its location location location.

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Guest Steelharp

Interesting. My hands are not small by any means, but they are slim, not thick. My wedding ring is a 10. Maybe you guys have hit on what I couldn't figure out.

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A 9mm Glock is not a slim pistol, neither is a CZ75.

What they have in common is bore axis. The CZ75 has an exceptionally low bore axis. The SIG an exceptionally high one. Ditto for revolvers. You would do extremely well with an HK P7.

Oh, the Glock, 1911, CZ, and Taurus are all preferred by sissy steel guitar players. Maybe that's it.

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I'm sure we all have guns that "work" for us and ones that don't. I'm trying to figure out what the common denominator for me is. Guns that feel "right" for me and shoot well are 1911's, 9mm Glocks (not the .45's), CZ's, and the Taurus 24/7 Pro .45. What does NOT work for me are Berettas, SIG's, H&K's, Kel-Tec's, the XD line, revolvers in general. Does that make any sense?

Well, the Glock and 24/7 certainly are not any slimmer or less bulky than H&K or XD pistols...

The CZ and 1911 both have nice ergonomic grips... but so do Sigs. The Beretta is a rather wide grip, but really not any more so than a Glock.

I fail to see any commonality... all of those guns have different grip angles, bore axis', controls and triggers.


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Guest Steelharp

Now, that's interesting. To me, Berettas, SIG's, and the Glock 21 all have fat, "telephone pole" grips. Not so much with H&K's and XD's. 1911's, CZ's, and BHP's feel perfect, and the Glock 17/19 and 24/7 are comfy and acceptable. I know, I know, I'm weird, I'm a steel player, I know. I guess the crux of it is, I know what works for me, and that's the important thing, regardless of why.

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Guest triggertime
You would do extremely well with an HK P7.

I heard that if you play with an HK P7 too much, hair grows in your palm and you go blind...

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I heard that if you play with an HK P7 too much, hair grows in your palm and you go blind...


What you were actually told was:

"You play with your itchy-kitchy pee-pee you'll get hair on your palms and go blind."

I dont know who told you that, but she was just pulling your leg. Or something.

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I heard that if you play with an HK P7 too much, hair grows in your palm and you go blind...

Oh...is that what is causing that? :2cents:

I really don't know what causes someone to like some guns and not others.

My hands are small, but I've loved the Beretta 92 since I bought one in the 80s. Same with the USP. I like and perhaps compensate for quality, but I also like Kel-Tecs (not that for their purpose they are not quality).

I just like guns that do the job extremely well. That is my touchstone. They might cost $1C or they might cost $1K+ (like the P7M8). But they do the job well.

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Maybe it’s because I am a Toolmaker; but I like mechanical quality. Quality that you can feel and quality that you can see. So I tend to like Smith &Wesson revolvers and 1911’s.

Same thing in rifles, I don’t hunt but I like the quality stuff like M1 Garands, my .308 Panther and quality bolts with beautiful wood.

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Guest triggertime

What you were actually told was:

"You play with your itchy-kitchy pee-pee you'll get hair on your palms and go blind."

Itchy-kitchy pee-pee is HK's code name for 'squeeze cocker'...

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Guest Phantom6
Itchy-kitchy pee-pee is HK's code name for 'squeeze cocker'...

Is that what that is? Heck I thought that was code for Glock- it just goes off while cleaning it.:D


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