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Guns & Ammo, Memphis

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Guest clownsdd

"They sold my mom a POS Kel-tech and told her how great a gun it was". The problem with this statement is that your mom bears no responsibility. Were you aware that your mom was making a purchase?

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Guest bnoland
"They sold my mom a POS Kel-tech and told her how great a gun it was". The problem with this statement is that your mom bears no responsibility. Were you aware that your mom was making a purchase?
No, I did not and I was much younger when she bought this gun. Ether way it is poor customer service, as far as I am concerned, to sell someone who doesn't know better a weapon like this. It's not like they told her well this is what you get for this but i would recommend this because of X&X.. They sold some one with minimal knowledge at best anything they could to get the sale. Instead of recommending a little more expensive gun that would function better because she was trying to save they sold her something just to get a sale.

If you disagree and want to blame her, me, my dad, or however you want to chalk it up so be it. I personally think it is in poor taste to do what they did to my mom. They didn't say it could have issues, they talked it up like it was the best of the best. If someone insists on buying a certain gun that is one thing but she went in asking what would be best and that is what they came up with. I would personally never recommend the gun she got to anyone with the experience I had with it. My issue still is not wholly with the gun, it's with how the sale and service around her buying it was handled. If you think it is ok to tell someone who doesn't know better it is a good gun then let that rest in your conscience when something happens to that person due to a weapon failure. There is no way I would ever carry the pistol she bought. It has had 100 round thru it ever and the 75 of those first 100 misfeed. It wasn't an ammo issue ether because I had ran the nearly 900 other rounds out of the same batch thru my rugar p95 with no issues. That is why It took several years before I ever entered that store and until recently I would look elsewhere before even considering going to them unless I needed to get something ASAP.

With all of that being said, my past personal experiance and reason for the prior dislike of what I used to know as "Guns and Ass Holes", my last couple of times in there I have been pleased. I still am not sure as to how they treat those who are new to firearms but I have been happy with my last few times in there.

Edited by bnoland
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way WAY way OVER PRICED and have aditudes like there doing you a big favor jest to help you

Sometimes G&A has the lowest price, sometimes not. I've bought several pistols and rifles from them during the last few years. It's been the only place where I could find 6.8spc locally. The staff has always been polite and helpful during the times I've been there.

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Guest clownsdd

I agree that the "sales job" was out of line, and not placing blame on anyone, but the purchaser in all cases needs to do the homework.

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Guest bnoland
I agree that the "sales job" was out of line, and not placing blame on anyone, but the purchaser in all cases needs to do the homework.
Absolutely, it sad that that has to be done that way though. You would think you could trust someone when you ask the advise of a professional about something but unfortunately that is not the case in most situations.
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It's not like they told her well this is what you get for this but i would recommend this because of X&X.. They sold some one with minimal knowledge at best anything they could to get the sale. Instead of recommending a little more expensive gun that would function better because she was trying to save they sold her something just to get a sale.

You want us to believe that any gun dealer sold her a $250 POS without trying to get her into a quality gun?

Why was your Mom at a gun shop without any help? No one in your family knew enough to help her?

Tell your Mom not to ever buy a new car without letting you know; your head may explode. :cheers:

It was recommended to get the ramp cleaned up on the barrel but its not worth putting it into to a $250 gun.

Polishing the feed ramp doesn’t cost anything…. It’s free. Maybe Deerslayer can do it when you give that gun to him.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Geigeroo

Just went in to buy an sr9c and was worried about BG check because I was a knuckle head when I was I kid. I'm already cleared by Department of safety but know I will have to appeal the TBI... I was told if I cancel a sale because of background check they will keep 60 bucks... I walked out.. I live 1/2 mile away and will not be back...unless absolutely neccessary

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest The Wanderer

I've had both kinds of experiences at G&A. However, I have noticed that recently I've had only pleasant encounters there. I believe it is because I go there often now (about once a week). I think that if you are new and they don't recognize you, they don't go out of their way to make you feel welcome. The more I go in there more friendly the employees become. When I first went in there I felt uncomfortable about asking questions, but now I have no problem. Also, the more you go in, they will start remembering who you are and what you typically shoot. They will start conversations with you. Overall, it's a good shop and you just gotta make your presence known.

The older guys have always been awesome. James has also been super cool each time I've gone in.

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