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Ruger LCR 38 Special

Guest ForPointSix

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Guest ForPointSix

I picked up a M&P 9mm Compact for the wife the other day but it looks like I will be keeping it for myself (I know it's a travesty :D). The wife has a hard time with the slide release, and she complained that it was just way too heavy. So we went to Eastside Gun Shop today and looked at revolvers (no slide to worry about). She was not impressed with the bodyguard, she said "it is also too heavy". Then I told her we could order it with a laser :cool: then I was told "I would never use that :rolleyes:". Then we looked at the LCR. When see picked it up, her smile went ear to ear "Ooow I like this it's light, and black so I can easily Concealed Carry". So I was sold, this will be the gun you will use in your Carry Permit class, and keep with you at all times.

As all of this is going on, my eyes keeps going over to the glass case with with a 2nd hand pre-ban Ruger P89 in it. So after the wife decided she wanted the LCR. I asked to look at the P89 and boy this gun looks more like a 3rd or 4th hand firearm. Then after closer inspection, she has a new (or newer then the gun) hammer, trigger, barrel, rod and spring. But for me a rugged looking P89 is was exactly what I wanted. A P89 that can be thrown in the back of the truck and roll around for a week, tossed in a tool box and forgotten about until its needed, and most importantly its a pre-ban P89 15 round with 2 extra clips!!

So after several looks of dismay from the wife, and a few comments about "this will be the 3rd gun you purchased in 1 month". She finally gave in and said off to the side "if you can talk him into a good deal do what you want". So after a great deal on the P89, a free holster for the LCR, a good deal on 600 rounds of mix of 38 special and 9mm she was happy. Now if the both of us can work out our schedule to have the same day off we are all set for our Handgun Carry Permit Class!!!

Also is there a way to tell what year the P89 was manufactured?

Ruger LCR 38 Special


Ruger LCR 38 Special


Ruger P89


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haha good snags both of em. I saw those over there wednesday. I also carry an LCR...great little gun...the P89 is ugly but they are workhorses and should do what your wanting to do with it perfectly. Make sure when your wife takes her CCW class she uses some light 38 non+p she will get a lot more comfortable with the gun and it will make shooting it much easier(course keep the +p for when she actually carries it).

Guest ForPointSix

Before we take the class I want her to get two good range days in with the 95gr rounds. I will have her fire off a few 148gr during the two range days, so she can get a fill of what the hot shots are like just in case the unthinkable happens.


Be sure to verify the light ammo as it states in the manual. The low grain stuff can possibly have the bullets shift in the case especially if it is +p.


That's awesome, my wife saw a Ruger LCR at a gun show and would love to try one out before buying.. .... We'd love a 'range report' from y'all when you get some downrange...

Guest ForPointSix
  hkusp40cal said:
Be sure to verify the light ammo as it states in the manual. The low grain stuff can possibly have the bullets shift in the case especially if it is +p.

The manual says "The LCR is designed specifically for moder higher-powered cartridges, including .38 Special and .38 Special +P ammunition." It says nothing about not using light loads??

  sigrug17 said:
That's awesome, my wife saw a Ruger LCR at a gun show and would love to try one out before buying.. .... We'd love a 'range report' from y'all when you get some downrange...

It looks like we will be out at the range this coming Thursday, so I will report our thoughts about the gun then.

Guest TargetShooter84

Nice guns


I don't wanna burst your bubble but I hear the LCR kicks like a mule. But worst case scenario your wife won't like it and then you can sell it to me ;)


I got the LCR w CT and my wife won't shoot it due to the recoil being such a light gun. I wish I could have waited for the LCR .357 for myself.

I turn on the CT switch when I place it in the holster and certainly plan to use it if the need arises.

  Erik88 said:
I don't wanna burst your bubble but I hear the LCR kicks like a mule. But worst case scenario your wife won't like it and then you can sell it to me ;)

With some loads it does...the Speer Lawman 158gr+p training ammo is painful, but the 38+p PDX1 is not too bad at all.

Guest ForPointSix
  kesava said:
How much did the p89 run you?

I need to look at the paper work for the exact number, but it was just a tad over $200.00

  Erik88 said:
I don't wanna burst your bubble but I hear the LCR kicks like a mule. But worst case scenario your wife won't like it and then you can sell it to me :up:

Her sister owns a LCR .38 also, and the both of us have shoot it. She said the kick was a bit harsh, but it is a compromise she is willing to make to have a very light gun.

Also worst case scenario the dead will walk the earth, and it much easier to pick up a fully loaded gun then it is to reload an empty one. So no gun in my stock will be sold... lol

  Erik88 said:
I don't wanna burst your bubble but I hear the LCR kicks like a mule.

Not at all. It's very manageable. The secret is not grabbing as high up as you would a regular snubbie. The cushioning part of the backstrap is where the oval is; if you put the web of the hand down there, it's very pleasant to shoot. If you go all the way up to the top of the rubber grip, where it's hard as a rock, ouch.


My wife has the 38 LCR and it doesn't hurt her hand until after about 15rds, the first 10 rds don't feel like much. Talking about ammo it is advised to stay clear of the lead bullets for these but they can be shot.

Guest ForPointSix
Posted (edited)
  sigrug17 said:
That's awesome, my wife saw a Ruger LCR at a gun show and would love to try one out before buying.. .... We'd love a 'range report' from y'all when you get some downrange...

Just got back from the range. The wife and I took her sister (never shot a gun before today).

The LCR is a pleasure to shoot when loaded with Plinky 95gr (blue bunny), and PMC 132gr rounds. But WOW when you put the +p 148 gr, and 158 gr rounds in, this gun becomes a beast!! The 148 gr Golden shot (blue bunny) had the greatest kick of them all. But all and all the only complaint she had about the LCR was the rear sights. She fills like the gun is pointed (down) off target. The gun has a very sleek (I presume to cut back on snags) design, with very low integrated rear sights. But after about 1/4 box of ammo she was very accurate and had no problem with putting the rounds where she wanted.

Now to the P89. I LOVE IT!!! Not ONE shot off center with 124gr reloads. It may be an ugly gun (I am giving thought about re-bluing it) but I will be taking my CC class with this one. The wife liked and shoot better with the P89 with the HK USP .40 coming in 2nd. The only complaint she and her sister had was the shells bouncing off the wall into there shirts (I told them to change).

Edited by ForPointSix
Guest ForPointSix
  Capbyrd said:
I currently carry a P89. I love this gun.

I owned one years ago, and have no idea why I sold it...


Thanks Much! Great Report.

  ForPointSix said:
Just got back from the range. The wife and I took her sister (never shot a gun before today).

The LCR is a pleasure to shoot when loaded with Plinky 95gr (blue bunny), and PMC 132gr rounds. But WOW when you put the +p 148 gr, and 158 gr rounds in, this gun becomes a beast!! The 148 gr Golden shot (blue bunny) had the greatest kick of them all. But all and all the only complaint she had about the LCR was the rear sights. She fills like the gun is pointed (down) off target. The gun has a very sleek (I presume to cut back on snags) design, with very low integrated rear sights. But after about 1/4 box of ammo she was very accurate and had no problem with putting the rounds where she wanted.

Now to the P89. I LOVE IT!!! Not ONE shot off center with 124gr reloads. It may be an ugly gun (I am giving thought about re-bluing it) but I will be taking my CC class with this one. The wife liked and shoot better with the P89 with the HK USP .40 coming in 2nd. The only complaint she and her sister had was the shells bouncing off the wall into there shirts (I told them to change).

  ForPointSix said:

Also is there a way to tell what year the P89 was manufactured?

304-88013 1993

307-58873 1994

309-89047 1995

310-53882 1996

310-79465 1997

312-13397 1998

312-71930 1999

313-62765 2000

314-26003 2001

314-85982 2002

315-12033 2003

315-29067 2004

315-53386 2005

315-78882 2006

315-91160 2007

316-50732 2008

316-78139 2009

  ForPointSix said:
I owned one years ago, and have no idea why I sold it...

I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to get rid of them. They may be heavy and ugly but they are great reliable guns.

Guest Law of Thirds

Maybe because for a little more money you can get a great reliable gun that isn't uglier than a retarded possum/bulldog mix?

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