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I survived the past 12 hours without TGO by...

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Guest Moody

I actually will admit that I logged on this morning and was like, "Oh! No way - awesome!" I hadn't been on, because of working/family time. But - the site looks great.

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Newboy!! I was writing Fortran programs on punch cards in the late 60's.


I've seen those too, though I've never worked on 'em.

The state was still using punch card machines as late as 1989 or 90.

( Most of the folks here would probably :D themselves to :cool: if they had to go back to using DOS. )



Alright boys...we dont' want trouble in here, not in any language... :)
Edited by Fallguy
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Guest Jamie


Alright boys...we dont' want trouble in here, not in any language... :)

We're gonna have to find you another avatar if you keep talkin' like that... :cool:

( Looks like I'm gonna have to nab the appropriate one off the DVD, 'cause I can't find Marshal White with Google... :D )


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Guest Lester Weevils
Newboy!! I was writing Fortran programs on punch cards in the late 60's.

Those were the days!


[edit] And I think the new site looks great!

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest Glock23ForMe

Honestly, the first thing I thought whenever I saw it was, "Wow, this looks nice." And now, after playing with it a little more, TGO, I have found some things that I already really like. I really like the Quick Navigation at the bottom of the page... Haven't tried to quote anyone yet, because there wasn't anything said worth cutting down or repeating. :cool: I do like the look. Awesome Job, David. We really appreciate it.

What I did last night:

Went to Sounds game.

Blackberry Bricked (Died)

Came home to mad woman, because she had Oral Surgery yesterday before me and the boys went to the game.

Cried when TGO was down.

Fell Asleep.

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We're gonna have to find you another avatar if you keep talkin' like that... :cool:

( Looks like I'm gonna have to nab the appropriate one off the DVD, 'cause I can't find Marshal White with Google... :D )


Me either...was looking and looking...

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Guest HvyMtl

I miss DOS, and BASIC... Sigh. You can keep Pascal.

I went to bed. Woke up and went to garage sales. Got an APC Smart-UPS 1500 for $10. (Yeah, the $500+ model...)

Now if people would sell their firearms at garage sales.... :crazy:

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Guest hoss6175

Took Mother in-law to dinner. Came home watched The Book of Eli and the wife and i went to bed. The problem was my 2am fix when it said TGO was not ready yet but I can see it was worth the wait

good job David.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

A friend and I had to go to Memphis for VA appts and they were able to strecth 10AM and 11AM appts into it being nearly 3PM before we could leave.

Stopped by Direct Hit Guns to pick up new grips for SP-101 that have been waiting on me for awhile.

Got home and had kids B-Day dinner and then fell out from exhaustion, that dont happen often so I guess it was a good day for it. I simply can not imagine needing a TGO fix and it not being available......such is a very scary thought.:crazy:

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Remember, cussing DOES help. :crazy:


I HATE change ... (well, with the exception of radial tires vs. bias-ply) ... still miss the rear-wheel drive cars of my youth ... miss simpler times ... but ...

the only thing that DOESN'T change is my crappy outlook toward change. And cussing DOES help.

Anyway, outstanding job on the update. I'll get used to it, just like I've got used to thinning hair and a thicker waistline.

And David, as to what I did without TGO ... I actually spent some time with the better half and watched some TV. TGO is far better entertainment than the garbage we watched, IMHO. Appreciate the work you've done, even if I don't like change. And I won't gripe. Too happy to have something to occupy me other than the "idiot tube."

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Guest TargetShooter84

I like the new layout.

I will admit that I did like the "Offline"/"Online" text status though instead of a green/gray dot but other than that, it looks good though.

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Least anyone think I'm not paying attention, I am in fact making a list of the minor quibbles with the new software and will be prioritizing and addressing each one given the time that I have available over the next 24 hrs. This upcoming week I'll be fairly absent from the forum, however, as I'm stuck in training classes all day.

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