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I survived the past 12 hours without TGO by...

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I just realized I have a 3-year-old daughter!

ME TOO! Now that we both have learned that, maybe we should get 'em together for a play date or something! :D

The shaking has finally subsided. Glad to have TGO back. I'm still not sure about the redesign, but I think I'm gonna like it when I get used to it.

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Man, I wasn't paying attention... I knew there was an upgrade looming but I didn't know exactly when. This forum and the Sig forum are pretty much the only firearms forums I participate in. Last night they both decided to upgrade at the same time. I'm pretty sure there was a conspiracy and I was completely out of tin foil...

On top of that I can't get the fox news site right now or last night. Not exactly sure what is going on with that either.

But, I love the new graphics!

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Guest Bronker
I curled up in a ball in the corner and cried...

Again? I remember the first time I saw you do that (last December).

Just remember, Santa IS real...if YOU believe it.

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Guest Jamie

Clicked the bookmark 'til carpel tunnel syndrome started setting in, finally figured out the forums weren't coming back any time soon and went to bed...

Now I'm trying to figure out the new software... and so far not liking it. :D

( Like the look, just not so wild about the functions just yet... )


Edited by Jamie
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Guest Boogieman

Played Dungeons and Dragons with my wife and daughter then finished off my homework before scouring Youtube for gun videos...:D

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Clicked the bookmark 'til carpel tunnel syndrome started setting in, finally figured out the forums weren't coming back any time soon and went to bed...

Now I'm trying to figure out the new software... and so far not liking it. :D


Gonna take some new muscle memory, but it all seems to be there except for the home page. Looks like the data migration was 100%. Kudos to David for that.

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