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If I were Tony Hayward...

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I tried arguing the same point with Straightshooter in the other thread. It's useless when some folks see nothing but a big company that makes commensurate big money. They are liable for the damages they caused. If it was negligent there should be punitive damages as well. Throwing arbitrary numbers out there don't work, especially when the numbers are this big. 20 billion may not be enough.

The thing is, do you really want to pound BP into oblivion now? Who's gonna pay when you force them out of business. Right now, the most important thing for this situation is to KEEP BP around and working. They should really be told to drill baby drill and we are going to have the best safety folks in world overseeing every second of it and you'll pay their salaries but your going to keep working, oh yeah, your gonna keep working. Then the bill gets paid.

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Look at post 48. Greggintenn sums up the way my

thinking is on this subject very well. Nothing more,

nothing less.

The constitution's role is spelled out very well.

Emotions and political pandering always get in the

way of dealing with situations. I don't know what

else to say.

Sad to say, I don't have the constitution memorized, and never taught it in law school. Can you clip out the part that deals with oil spills in our waters, especially in regard to the oil spill act of 1990? :-)

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Guest stmccann
Sad to say, I don't have the constitution memorized, and never taught it in law school. Can you clip out the part that deals with oil spills in our waters, especially in regard to the oil spill act of 1990? :-)

See the 9th and 10th amendment.

In Liberty -


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Sad to say, I don't have the constitution memorized, and never taught it in law school. Can you clip out the part that deals with oil spills in our waters, especially in regard to the oil spill act of 1990? :-)

Did you teach in law school the difference between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Government?

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