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Police Officer Punches "Lady".

Guest Swamprunner

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Guest Jamie
You're right. Hadn't thought of that. There still had to have been something that he could have done to get that girl cuffed more easily.

Shot her a few times?


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I think he handled it fairly decent based on what he is allowed to do. He's very luck that those around him acted in the manner in which they did, because there was potential for that situation to turn very badly for him. Both women involved should be charged, and should not even have the option of a lawsuit in this case.

Personally the fact that police officers do not have more rights to protect themselves is the reason I didn't pursue a law enforcement career any further than I did. He shouldn't have to stand there and wrestle with her for so long to get her to put her hands behind her back. It should simply be comply or be sprayed, tazed, or shot. I would also like to see something done in our courts system about the whole race issue. It's the year 2010, so if someone in this day in time even brings up the race card in the courtroom their case should automatically be dismissed.

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Shot her a few times?


Some people definitely deserve it but thats not what I mean. I think he did a good job considering. I hate that I said some of the stuff I did because I certainly don't want to seem as though I am talking bad about him.

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After watching the full 9 min. I support the LEO even more. What I just can't get over is the attitude and thought process of the crowd, video guy, and perps. They cry foul at the LEO response becasue they escalated a situation out of any normal decency. Kind like the burglar who sues when the home owner shoots him. just amazing .... and sad.

BTW - what little I know in single detainment is stay mobile and on your feet. You only go to the ground if there is backup to cover you. If I were the LEO I'd be pissed it took so long for backup to get there. Would have solved soooooo many problems. However, I do admire him for not running just becasue he was alone. Makes a much better societal impact that way.

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Guest Jamie
Some people definitely deserve it but thats not what I mean. I think he did a good job considering. I hate that I said some of the stuff I did because I certainly don't want to seem as though I am talking bad about him.

I understand.

What most folks don't consider is what they would actually do - or be able to do - if they found themselves in that exact situation. It's all too easy to set back, watch a vid, and comment on what should have been done.

I'll bet even that officer himself will look back at the video and see several things that he wishes he'd have done a little differently. But being there in the middle of it, it's just not an option at the time.


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Guest stmccann
That officer needed backup sorely. At least a half dozen more officers; one for each jackass who wanted to impede the arrest by crowding him. Busted noses for everyone!

You do know that this was all started over JAYWALKING?

Excessive response from ALL involved. Officer included.

In Liberty,


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Guest stmccann
I know he had two idiots to focus on but there was too many chances for the others around to access his weapon. He should of tazed to gain control instead of playing grab arms (unless he was going to cuff them). I am glad to see it didnt get any worse for him than it did.

There were a total of 5 - the officer was dealing with a jaywalker, and these 4 idiot women jaywalked while the officer was dealing with the first one.

Bad judgement all around.

In Liberty -


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Guest Jamie
You do know that this was all started over JAYWALKING?

And if she'd have acted like she had good sense she might've only gotten a warning instead of a punch in the chops.

Sorry, but the cop was doing his job; it wasn't his place to turn his head or over-look something just because some crazy woman might throw a temper-tantrum.

Edit: On second thought, let her keep j-walking until somebody runs over her. Only don't charge the driver with anything. Problem solved.


Edited by Jamie
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Guest stmccann
Did any of you observers see what homeboy had in his hand at 1:50 mark? Black revolver right hand. Definitely should have called more units once they started screeching and acting a fool. This wasn't the greatest of neighborhoods and typically have everybody and their momma come out to fight for someone else. I'm not going to second guess this officer but can only say I may have stepped back and OC Sprayed anybody who got in my way.

Saw three cameras an no gun - only gun on the scene that I saw was the officer's. 2 phone cameras and one SLR camera on left hand of screen at the mark you state.

Why the moniker 'PAIN'?

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And if she'd have acted like she had good sense she might've only gotten a warning instead of a punch in the chops.

Sorry, but the cop was doing his job; it wasn't his place to turn his head or over-look something just because some crazy woman might throw a temper-tantrum.


Exactly, and this is where public opinions on situations like this always piss me off. The officer is not to blame for the woman getting punched in the face. He would also not be to blame had he taken his firearm out and used it on all of the ones that were crowding him so that he could #1 protect himself, and #2 maintain order. It would be sad to see several people die over a simple jaywalking offence. However, the blame for such actions should fall on the ones breaking the laws, NOT the ones trying to enforce the laws while at the same time defending their own life.

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You do know that this was all started over JAYWALKING?

Excessive response from ALL involved. Officer included.

In Liberty,


The whole issue is about a total disrespect for law enforcement, and the new trend of trying to push them into making a mistake on tape. When they physically "tied him up", they also put him in potential danger from the crowd. They need to be taught a stern lesson... one that lasts a little longer than a punch in the face.

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Guest stmccann
And if she'd have acted like she had good sense she might've only gotten a warning instead of a punch in the chops.

Sorry, but the cop was doing his job; it wasn't his place to turn his head or over-look something just because some crazy woman might throw a temper-tantrum.


He could have also done his job by yelling at the dimbulbs to get their tails in the crosswalk - while he dealt with the guy he was already in contact with.

Seems like at that point when he went after them it was for 'contempt of cop' and he was likely (justifiably) pissed and escalated something that did not need to be.

My training is to avoid confrontation - and maintain awareness of my surroundings, and don't put yourself into a situation that can escalate beyond your control. This officer did not do that. I suspect that if nothing else he will receive training on when to proceed and when to wait for backup. This guy took on more than one officer should be expected to handle - that's the bad judgement that I speak of.

That being said - if an officer roughed up one of my daughters for jaywalking - even if she was being a spoiled brat beeyatch - I would be a thorn for that department for a while....

In Liberty -


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Guest stmccann
Exactly, and this is where public opinions on situations like this always piss me off. The officer is not to blame for the woman getting punched in the face. He would also not be to blame had he taken his firearm out and used it on all of the ones that were crowding him so that he could #1 protect himself, and #2 maintain order. It would be sad to see several people die over a simple jaywalking offence. However, the blame for such actions should fall on the ones breaking the laws, NOT the ones trying to enforce the laws while at the same time defending their own life.

I cannot use or brandish a firearm to 'maintain order'. At that point, if the officer would have pulled his sidearm I would have run like hell, even if I had been told I was being detained or under arrest.

In Liberty -


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Guest stmccann
The whole issue is about a total disrespect for law enforcement, and the new trend of trying to push them into making a mistake on tape. When they physically "tied him up", they also put him in potential danger from the crowd. They need to be taught a stern lesson... one that lasts a little longer than a punch in the face.

Be more explicit - what exactly is a good punishment for contempt of cop - maiming, castration, death? Where do you draw the line? This officer made his mistakes before the cameras came out, not after. IMHO.

In Liberty,


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Guest stmccann

Edit: On second thought, let her keep j-walking until somebody runs over her. Only don't charge the driver with anything. Problem solved.


Perfect solution!

In Liberty -


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Guest drv2fst

I am not LEO so consider the layman's viewpoint. That officer needs more training. It should not have taken him so long to restrain 2 unarmed females. If he had handled that situation faster instead of letting it go on so long it would have been a non-issue.

Cuffed perps sitting on the curb does not make the viral video circuit.

He was justified in his application of force. In my opinion he should have used more (nonlethal) force sooner and put this disturbance down more quickly. I think he needs retraining on how to apply more force to get the situation under control before it escalates to this point.

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I wasn't there and I don't have video of the entire thing, but I don't see why he was wrestling with the girl in the black in the first place, and yeah it was really stupid for her to resist and her friend was also stupid to try to help. This all does not mean that it was ok for him to punch the girl in the face. He should have used pepper spray or a tazer, or even perhaps not decided to detain someone over jaywalking.
(CNN) -- A Seattle, Washington, police officer who was caught on video punching an alleged jaywalker did nothing wrong, the Seattle Police Officers Guild said.

Seattle police are reviewing the incident, which was caught on a witness's cell phone camera, a department spokesman said.

Police officials originally said that Officer Ian Walsh had been sent to a training unit to review police tactics, but later said that the officer was not reassigned, Detective Mark Jamieson told CNN.

Walsh, who joined the force in November 2007, has not been disciplined in the Monday incident, which remains under investigation, Jamieson said. The event has been referred to the department's Office of Professional Accountability for review, he said.

"The officer did nothing wrong. We always will review incidents like this, that's how police officers learn," Sgt. Rich O'Neill, president of the Seattle Police Officer's Guild, told CNN. "I am confident that the review will show that the officer was totally justified. He was defending himself."

According to a police statement, Walsh was on patrol and in uniform Monday afternoon when he stopped a young man for jaywalking.

While interacting with the man, Walsh observed four women jaywalking at the same location and ordered them to step over to his cruiser, police said. The department described the women as being "verbally antagonistic toward the officer."

One of the women began to walk away and appeared to raise her hand in a dismissive gesture after being ordered to step over to the car, police said.

Walsh escorted the woman back to the cruiser, but she then started to yell at him and pull away, "breaking free of the officer's grip several times," police said.

When the officer tried to handcuff the woman, another woman placed her hands on the officer's arm, police said. "The officer pushed the second subject back, but she again came at the officer, at which time he punched her," police said.

O'Neill forcefully defended Walsh's actions.

"The focus needs to be on the two individuals," O'Neill said. "If you watch the entire video, he is trying to de-escalate the situation, first by voice commands, then by taking her by the wrists, and then she reacts by pulling away and swinging.

"My critique is that he could have used more force and taken the girl to the ground," O'Neill said. "He could have grabbed her, it's called a leg sweep, handcuffed her and it would have been over a lot faster, but when you take someone to the ground you risk more injury."

The 19-year-old woman who allegedly grabbed Walsh's arm was booked for investigation of assault on an officer, police said. The other woman, who police said was 17, was booked for obstructing an officer. Both suspects were also cited for jaywalking.

The bolded statement outlines the incident.

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Guest Jamie
"My critique is that he could have used more force and taken the girl to the ground," O'Neill said. "He could have grabbed her, it's called a leg sweep, handcuffed her and it would have been over a lot faster, but when you take someone to the ground you risk more injury."

To both them and yourself, especially when they have someone trying to help them out.

Which is no doubt the conclusion a review board would come to.


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I cannot use or brandish a firearm to 'maintain order'. At that point, if the officer would have pulled his sidearm I would have run like hell, even if I had been told I was being detained or under arrest.

In Liberty -


I'm aware of that. I suppose my post on that part of it should have read that he should not be to blame had he taken such action. It goes back to my post of how my opinion is that LEO's don't have enough rights to protect themselves while enforcing the laws.

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Guest db99wj

This seems to be an example of the downfall of parts of our society, there is no respect for authority figures, people are pushing to see how much they can get away with, and threaten to sue once THEY cross the line. My kids push the limits with me and I take, I take, I take so much, then they cross the line and I respond, but where my kids are different from these people is, they stop, they learn, they grow.

I was raised that you respect authority figures, whether it is your teacher, principal, adult, business owner, cop, firefighter, etc. In today's world, a large group of people lack this understanding and lack this respect. It only appears to be getting worse, especially if they can manipulate a pay day out of the deal. As long as the courts continue to pay frivolous lawsuits, people will continue to manipulate people and the system to get their check.

We have seen small micro events of this lawlessness throughout time, for example riots for what ever reason. The mentality of this is growing, and being spread, partly, possibly mostly, due to media/communication outlets such as the internet, youtube, etc. The state that our country is in economically could be leading us to a large outward showing of this behavior across the country. The lack of respect for other people, authority, etc, could cause all of us problems, whether it be our property, our way of life, or our lives.

It saddens me to see this type of behavior from people, it kind of scares me as well. I'm blown away by some of the stuff that is shown on youtube and the comments made. For a world that has grown and advanced, we sure do seem to be going back the other way at times. Kinda of scary.

Makes me want to go buy some more .40 and 5.56.


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Guest Lester Weevils

Last night the blowhard Bill O'Reilly and his lawyer babes were all echoing the sentiment that the policeman was clearly in the wrong. That with luck the policeman would only get fired rather than charged for assault, and that the offendors would walk and win a monetary lawsuit settlement from the city.

I don't have a crystal ball. Perhaps their prognostications are accurate, but their judgement of who misbehaved seems seriously flawed.

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