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Immigration problem?!

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Guest 6.8 AR

And when everyone understands we are raising a lot of children to be just like that, we

will have half the problem solved. But you have fix one problem before you can go to

the next.

Those people in that picture should be rounded up and sent to China. They may be able to afford them, but that's not the point. :)

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Guest Lester Weevils

I saw some discussion on another forum, and it MAY be possible that the bottom part of the sign was photoshopped.

There was some photo-analysis done on the image, but IMO the results looked inconclusive and could go either way.

The telltales on the bottom part of the sign seemed more obvious than the top part of the sign.

However, the top black part of the sign is at least as absurd as the bottom red part. Immediate deportation just for the top part of the sign, if it was not photoshopped.

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Call me harsh, inhumane, un-american, or any other names that come to mind, but my personal opinion is something much worse than simply rounding them up and giving them a free ride home to visit their family for a bit. Again I will say, at some point this country is going to have to make some very harsh examples out of people like this, or we will continue to be viewed as a weak nation.

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Guest HvyMtl


THAT SAID, They need to go HOME... and those who hire them need to be severely punished. Like lose their business punished.

No job, no reason to come here.

AND NO Social Services

No room and board, no education, and no health care.


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Guest KimberChick
And when everyone understands we are raising a lot of children to be just like that, we

will have half the problem solved. But you have fix one problem before you can go to

the next.

Sure are. Entitlement generation is just getting started. Work is lost on some of these kiddos.

If we kick out the illegally employed, can we make the generational welfare types forfeit their citizenship and leave too? How about we broker some sort of a trade? :P

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THAT SAID, They need to go HOME... and those who hire them need to be severely punished. Like lose their business punished.

No job, no reason to come here.

AND NO Social Services

No room and board, no education, and no health care.


Right. If you don't feed the roaches, you won't have any.

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Guest 6.8 AR
Sure are. Entitlement generation is just getting started. Work is lost on some of these kiddos.

If we kick out the illegally employed, can we make the generational welfare types forfeit their citizenship and leave too? How about we broker some sort of a trade? :P

Hmm. No, but we can stop the welfare explosion and change public school

curriculum. We may have lost part of a generation. Go back to the

Constitution and some semblance of moral and ethical behaviour, other than

'anything goes'. It would be a start.

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There are too many leaches in this country already!

They won't work hard and hate anyone who does. They will say anything to get what they want. They steal from hard working people at the point of a gun. They ignore oure laws and will bend them any way they can to appear innocent and pious. They hate all businesses, even though they are the ones employing the masses. They want to change our country into a God-less communist state.

And worst of all...we keep re-electing them!

Edited by BigK
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Man don't get me started.... In Florida it's common that illegal aliens openly picket on the streets for better wages without fear of being deported. I believe in legal immigration for anyone to better their life but why do that when you can be here illegally without any repercussion?

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wow. i had assumed the whole thing was photoshopped. Turns out only the red letters are

Error Level Analysis Results

The top part is really what makes me sick

I figured it was photoshopped too. I downloaded it and blew it up to look for obvious mismatches. Didn't see anything obvious, but didn't rule it out either. I've had photoshop for years. You can do undetectable alterations if you know how to drive it.

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Guest Boogieman
Cost be damned. Round everyone in that "gimme" group up and deport them immediately. "You owe us, America" ??!! Send the lot of 'em to some disease-infested, third-world, dictator-run, slimepit and let'em rot.


We owe them :D.

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They really expect us to give them jobs with NO TAXES?! WE DON'T EVEN GET THAT!

They're acting like they should be treated as the prodigal son who returned yet they were never here to begin with and nobody misses 'em.

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They really expect us to give them jobs with NO TAXES?! WE DON'T EVEN GET THAT!

WE, as in American Citizens, are have made this problem much worse. Fact is, WE created it. Illegal aliens are the best thing since slavery when it comes to cheap labor.

American citizens HIRE them for CASH so they can get their stuff done cheaper than hiring American citizens. Not only does that keep them here, and brings more in every day, it adds to the number of folks below the poverty line. They can't live here with zero income.

I'm not making excuses for the illegals. But, until we stop hiring (feeding) them, they're going to keep coming. Sometimes you can't seal the cracks in your house enough to keep roaches out. You have to eliminate the food source. We need to throw a few WHITE folks in jail for awhile. There should be a stiff penalty for hiring illegals IF we really want them gone. The big problem is... a lot of Americans don't want them gone, because they don't want to pay a fair wage.

They won't stop coming when we stop "letting" them in. They'll stop coming when we stop inviting them.

FWIW, uppity Mexican attitudes boil my blood. I'm certainly not going to hire any of them. I'll cut my own grass first.

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Immigration isn't the problem. Criminal, illegal immigrants are!

I don't have any problem with legal immigration. That is how our ancestors got here. The rest are breaking the law and our government is allowing it while looking for the opportunity to allow them to become legal and give them benefits that will only make them legal leeches on our society.

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I don't have any problem with legal immigration. That is how our ancestors got here. The rest are breaking the law and our government is allowing it while looking for the opportunity to allow them to become legal and give them benefits that will only make them legal leeches on our society.

And voters...

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The top part of the sign is what ticks me off. The bottom part, whether it's photoshopped or not, is really just an empty threat at best. That top part however is exactly the way alot of immigrants seem to think, and it's just something that strikes the wrong nerve with me. I shouldn't post too much about it on the internet, but if I were to ever come across someone in person holding such a sign, or even talked like I owed him something because I'm an American, then my reaction would most likely turn violent. I would try to remain as calm as could be, but it would still end up with that sign in a very uncomfortable spot for that guy holding it.

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