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SureFire X400 Laser/Light for Pistol Rail... Good & Bad!!

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Have two rail guns, a home built Essex FrankenColt and a Wilson CQB Tactical. They both need a good light or laser. Well, the price of a quality light/laser combo is no cheap date but I busted the budget and got the SureFire X400.

Supposed to be THE baddest and the mostest a civilian can get without drawing a license from the nuclear regulatory guys. As soon as I got it in, you can tell it is a quality precision piece. Without a doubt, it would do a great job.

The light is BRIGHT!! Blinding would be an understatement. I'm still seeing a spot. I know, I know, only a dumba$$ would hit hisself with that light but I had to know. wow.:) Anyways, take my word for it... it's BRIGHT.

The laser is the brightest I've EVER seen too. No, I didn't. :D Just seeing the red dot around the room told it all. It is a strong powerful red laser and meant to turn on with a little flick of the thumb. Way cool.

All that said... put it on my Wilson and I be a monkeys uncle the thang would not fit. Thought maybe I was not doing it right and read some more. Put in the little pic rail adapter and made the fit worse. Got the FrankenColt out and it fit the same way. Gut was real tight by this time.

Looking at how to make it fit was next and then I done got the red neck on why I should have to file the battery cover on a $400 accessory to make it fit a 1911. With a teary eye and a chapped axx, I returned it promptly and waiting for a refund as you read this.

Soooo... Have any of you had or heard about the X400 not fitting a 1911??

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The light is BRIGHT!! Blinding would be an understatement. I'm still seeing a spot. I know, I know, only a dumba$$ would hit hisself with that light but I had to know. wow.:) Anyways, take my word for it... it's BRIGHT.

You'd be surprised at hown many people look into a light when they turn it on, even after they're warned. :):)

As for the light not fitting, I've heard of the same issue on some Sigs.

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I have the X300 on my G20Sf, it is my nightside gun they are extremely bright and just as 57FordGuy said people normally do stare directly into them when they are turned on Surefire makes an excellent defensive light for certain

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