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I was humbled at the range today

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My employer is a retired LAPD officer and also a Green Beret. He is in his mid 60's while i am only 23. We joke around about shooting from time to time. I made the mistake of saying " you probably cant even see a target at 25 ft anymore." Boy was i wrong.

He ask me today if i had my carry gun with me. I said i did so he suggested we head out to the rod and gun club. He sets up 4 milk jugs and put golf balls on the top (35-45 yrds.) Then he pulls out the S&W department issue .38 he carried in the PD. This is when i got a little worried. He suggested we both take 12 shots and see how many golf balls we can hit. I got first. Hit 2 in 12 shots. I figured that would be respectable.......til' he shot. 4 shots....4 hits. Damn. We went through this prob 10 times and i didn't manage to take one match. I thought "maybe its because i am shooting a sub compact." Nope he takes my G26 and goes 4 for 4 on the first attempt. So......back to the range for me everyday this week--possibly this entire month. I have to get some redemption. I'm tired of hearing the ***** talking already. :)

Any suggestions? I am a fairly new shooter just based on my age. In addition, the range i use is only 35 ft long. How do i get ready for this friendly challenge? I seemed to miss high the majority of the time.

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Guest mosinon

First, forget practicing. Everyone knows that you can buy your way into be an expert shooter/golfer etc. So just spend a crapton of dough on a really high end .45. The bullets are magic and so forth.

IF that doesn't work (and it won't) challenge him to MArio Galaxy, you're 23 so you'll have no problems winning that battle.

For the record I couldn't hit the milk jug much less the golf ball at that distance. Worst shot ever.

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I am really just gearing up with pistols myself at 35.

However for Rifles my dad alway had me shot at larger targets with small targets in the center. The reason was so when I was not on center I could see if I was high, low, left, right, etc.

Other boys my age shot at pop cans and such, so when they missed they had no idea why they missed.

So, now when I practice with a pistol, I do the same, maybe this will help you. Large target with a small center target so you can see what direction you are off in.

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The difference between you and him is that of experience. You know that already.

In one year, I went through about 6k worth of ammo. You wouldn't believe the difference in my marksmanship.

THAT is what it takes. practice. LOTS AND LOTS of practice.

practice the basics.

breathing, focus on the front sight after you get your sight picture..there are so many things going on when you shoot a pistol and it takes practice to get them all in sync when you pull the trigger.

Aim small, miss small...good luck!

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Guest jackdm3

My cousin was shooting his .308 at 50 yds and all over the place. Asked me what was wrong. I said, "It's in your lungs." I guess he thought I was knocking on his smoking. "It's called B.R.A.S.S."

Immediate improvement.

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(35-45 yrds.)... Any suggestions?... How do i get ready for this friendly challenge?

There's 30ft difference between 35 (105ft) and 45yrds (135ft), that's pretty substantial, if he's going one-for-one on golf balls at 135ft then you should be asking him IMO...

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Parrothead, I don't mean to offend you, but consider this...you...are 23. You called out a retired Green Beanie. Ask him what he was doing 40 or so years ago. If the man is what some here may suspect; you may have gotten off easy.

But for you, the short and long awnser is practice. Then more practice. Then more. Get the idea? It takes long hours of dedication for sometimes long years to get where you want to be.

And no, I'm not there. If you hit golfballs at 45 yards with a subcompact pistol; not the jug and knocking them off; you, sir are a better shot than I am. And I applaude you. Now I'm getting ready for some range time. I know I need the practice. I'm trying to learn to shoot 1911's well. And hopefully, accurately.:nervous:

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There's 30ft difference between 35 (105ft) and 45yrds (135ft), that's pretty substantial, if he's going one-for-one on golf balls at 135ft then you should be asking him IMO...

i did....he said practice and get a rid of that plastic thing haha

Seriously, i wont have a chance to match his ability. Not in his lifetime. It really showed me what dedication and practice can produce. I can only hope to learn from him.

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Guest motonut
Parrothead, I don't mean to offend you, but consider this...you...are 23. You called out a retired Green Beanie. Ask him what he was doing 40 or so years ago. If the man is what some here may suspect; you may have gotten off easy.

But for you, the short and long awnser is practice. Then more practice. Then more. Get the idea? It takes long hours of dedication for sometimes long years to get where you want to be.

And no, I'm not there. If you hit golfballs at 45 yards with a subcompact pistol; not the jug and knocking them off; you, sir are a better shot than I am. And I applaude you. Now I'm getting ready for some range time. I know I need the practice. I'm trying to learn to shoot 1911's well. And hopefully, accurately.:nervous:

What he said! I might be hard pressed to hit them at 45 feet with a subcompact!

Of course I just blame my eyesight.....

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There's 30ft difference between 35 (105ft) and 45yrds (135ft), that's pretty substantial, if he's going one-for-one on golf balls at 135ft then you should be asking him IMO...

No kidding...if he is hitting the actual 1.5" golf at 45 yards freehand he would have place top 5 in last weeks silhouette competition at my local club...and they were using custom built CZ target rifles!

Were you guys trying to hit the milk jugs and using the golf balls as an indicator as a hit or were you guys actually hitting the actual golf balls?

Either way that is really good shooting!

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Practice dry firing like you mean it. I don't mean kinda throw it up there and pull the trigger. I mean where you can get the sights lined up exactly where you want them and they stay there all the way through the trigger travel.

Do it a LOT. It's free and you can do it almost anywhere. (oh yeah, and I don't give a damn if you "know" it's unloaded before you start dry firing...check anyway)

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