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Magpul's Quadstack AR Mags


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AK-200. I comes with a quad stack mag aswell. I think I read somewhere that the MAG for it was up on gunbroker for over 900$!!!!! and reserve was not met!!!WTF:screwy:

Anyways, I cant wait to buy a couple of these but not to have in a SHTF situation. You might ask why? More bullets=more firepower. BUT what if you start having malfunctions in round 5,6,7...you ditch the mag and now you are down FIFTY rounds...just my .02

Another thought, the magwell on your AR isn't changing size, either, so you will have some funky designed magazine. So it will basically have to be the same size as two 30 rounders side by side and be longer if it holds 50 rounds due to the necking down to fit in the AR magwell. That would require a complete change of vests and pouches. I don't see how that would work not only because the mags would be longer. If its a 50 rounder you are shorting yourself on the room and 10 rounds...

Be checking your mail, colombianito. :D

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Another thought, the magwell on your AR isn't changing size, either, so you will have some funky designed magazine. So it will basically have to be the same size as two 30 rounders side by side and be longer if it holds 50 rounds due to the necking down to fit in the AR magwell. That would require a complete change of vests and pouches.

+1, but might be OK for the mag in the gun...standard mags in the pouches.

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I have a 45 round Bulgarian mag for my ak74 that is pretty close to the same thing. Functions pretty well. Wouldn't bet my life on it though. If magpul brings it to market it will be a 100% functioning product.

I love my magpul products.

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