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Elders say "these kids today all dress and act alike"

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I've seen plenty of worthless people who are twice my age... irresponsibility knows few boundaries.

The only common theme as far as anyone I know who is not self sufficient, or not trying to be, is that they are liberal. And of course, not all liberals are addicted to public aid, but everyone who is a addicted to those social programs is liberal, and the rest are feeding off of that dependance. It's like the Great American Club for the Socially Dependant. We just see it more in young people because they have greater exposure to mainstream media, which would create socialistic bias in anyone so weakminded that they didn't do their own research on matters, and of course the influence of public schools.

As far as the culture of young people goes... it really hasn't changed much. The music is by different artists and the clothes are by different designers, but the attitudes are identical, if you actually look at it objectively. The biggest difference has been as a result of technology... more connections over longer distances can be created, often totally replacing the true, deep, meaningful relationships, because we're always being inundated by a waterfall of information and conversation. nobody really cares about each other anymore... there is no honor... and everyone embracing that culture (young and old) are only in it for what they can get, with as little effort as possible, to the detriment of those actually working with a goal insead of content to maintain the status quo (with everyone else).

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I take offense to that. I have not served and probably never will. I am 27 so by age alone I fit into this.

Cap, good job sticking up for yourself. My kids, 15 and 11, also wouldn't fall into any of those categories. Neither has served in the military, and even as prior military, I will not be encouraging that path for them. Not that I am not proud of the military service of my family, I just don't want that life for them. It's tough.

It's easy to generalize any group of people, whether it's based on race, age, sex, pants size, whatever. It's much harder to treat every person you meet as an individual regardless of the perceived group to which they belong.

My impression of the 28 and under crowd, this is MY opinion, and there are a few, precious few exceptions.


wow, I am guessing that will ruffle some feathers.

Got to watch painting with such a broad brush.

( I finished reading this thread to this point and I was right, you ruffled a feather or two, LOL)

Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)

I figured it would upset a few on here, but IF THE FLIP-FLOP FITS....

If what I posted doesnt fit the way you are, then what are you upset at?

Ive been noticing this for a long time now, and to everyone Ive pointed this out to, and tell them to just observe for awhile, they nearly always say, you know, your right.

Ill give you another example or two. I work in a metal shop, its hot as hell, hard work. We've been on overtime for awhile now, and the FIRST ones out the door are the young ones, every time. They "are so tired". Pitiful little things. The ones that stay, are all of us older gents, who know and appreciate how lucky we are to be working, much less have overtime. One boy, who is 21...got his "girlfriend" knocked up..and has just moved in with her recently..after living all his life with mama amd daddy. Got a baby coming in 3 months..wont work a lick extra. And, all he talks about are his "caahs" {cars}. Just bought another old junker, got 6 now. NOT A WORD he has spoken about his baby's future. NOT A WORD about colledge money for his kid. Matter of fact, its "when that f-in baby come..." and we just shake our heads in dis-belief.

One of you greenhorns sarcastically brought up homosexuality. Well, I meant to cover that in my first post. About half of you.....males... act so damn feminine and sissy it makes me sick. Why do you act this way? You sound like a bunch of pre-teen girls when you talk. Ever heard the phrase.."Act like a man"? Stop spraying AXE all over you, it smells like ****, and man up for GODS sake.

And to the clown who said "I dont like wearing shoes". REALLY. Are you for real. Dont like wearing shoes. Boy..THAT takes the cake. I really have no response to that.

If you came into my place of work wearing them, youd go home the first time, and be looking for a job the next.

With due respect to Molonlabetn.. it HAS changed, Ive seen it, you havent. Its went downhill and for the worse. And its only gets worse and worse.

Some of you who defensively piped in, I can tell you meet about every description Ive posted. Not a one of you would I trust in battle, or with my life. And, I probably wouldnt sacrifce mine for yours either. Most, not all, but most of you are merely taking up space, and mooching of what little is left of productive society. Most of you, not all, contribute NOTHING meaningful or worthwhile. You wake up long enough to send a few texts....eat some Taco Hell... pop a pill or three for some imaginary "disorder"...play World of WarCraft awhile...then its beddy bye time again. I know not all of you fit this, but most of you do. I hope your parents, or whoever is supporting you...go flat broke. I hope they do without, to give you your every whim, want, and desire. Apprently many of you dont care, nor do I.

To those few who DONT fit my descriptions..I say BRAVO..SALLY FORTH and carry on. Good job. To the rest...nighty night.

To Mike.357- I figure you wont agree publicly, and you may not fully agree, but youve been around longer than I, and I KNOW youve seen this like I have.

Edited by Straight Shooter
Guest bkelm18
Posted (edited)
My impression of the 28 and under crowd, this is MY opinion, and there are a few, precious few exceptions.

Here goes:

Almost to a person, they are extremely lazy, cannot converse with any semblence of intelligence, are slow moving and lethargic, many of them mumble when they speak ,and NEVER look you in the eye. They NEVER offer to shake hands first, and when I offer first, its like grabbing a handful of wet noodles...completely limp.

Most of them are completely reliant on someone else, usually the government or mom & dad, to take care of themselves. They cannot cook, NEVER clean...oh GOD the stories I can tell on that one subject...,cant do laundry, dont read, except text mssgs, they dont know where ONE DAMN THING is, geographically speaking, except the mall, cannot tell you who the VP is, or more than two men who signed the Declaration of Independence, cannot start to speak without uttering "UHHH", are lazy as hell..triflin we "old timers" call it, generally need a bath and/or at least wash their greasy hair, are so COMPLETELY stupid as to be borderline retarded, are lazy hell, are generally liberal, even though A. they couldnt tell you what "liberal" meant. B. They couldnt tell you WHY they are liberal even if they knew what it meant, the concept of "you dont work, you dont eat" is so completely unknown to them, its like speaking Chinese, the idea of earning your way through life, making it on your own, has NEVER crossed their mind, they are lazy as hell, would not stand up and defend an innocent person, woman, child, small animal or even themselves, MUCH LESS their own country, THE ONLY F-ING SHOES THEY OWN, MALE OR FEMALE, ARE F-ING FLIP FLOPS OR...UUGH...CROCS, they are lazy as hell, no manners, have an un-believable sense of entitlement, couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper sack, dont know good music or food from Adam's housecat, they are lazy as hell, the majority believe Bill Mahr is GOD, the others dont believe in ANY GOD, and, to wrap it up..did I mention they are LAZY AS HELL?

I left out a bunch of stuff, but, Im tired. Other than this, "theyre good kids".

Info Added: I almost went to bed without clarifying something. The precious few exceptions I talked about at the start of my post, are almost all serving, or have already served our country in the U.S. military. Theyve come back dead, or broken physically, and/or mentally. They are TRULY the best of what we have left in America, IMO, and I salute them one and all. I wanted to just say I have not forgotten them, and I absolutely do not refer to them in my above post. GOD bless them.

Yep. You're ****ed when we grow up and run the world. :) It's refreshing to see someone like yourself who's so in-tune with us younger folks. Get over yourself, bud.

Edited by bkelm18

yes im for real i hate to wear shoes unless i need to especially on hot days. if i recall Jesus himself wore sandles so by all means i dare you to say that to his face.

Guest Straight Shooter

Hey bkelm18-

Whats mama fixin for supper tonight? Spaghetti-O's?


btw i dont know who you hang around but sweet damn axe smells like **** and i wouldnt be caught dead wearing it

Axe smells horrible.

I really have nothing to contribute to this thread. My kneejerk reaction is to make some kind of snide comment at Straight Shooter's expense, but then I remember that.. I kinda agree with what he's saying. I'm not saying I agree with all of it, but it's high time more guys started acting like real men in my age group.

Edit: and I absolutely cannot stand shaking someones hand it being as limp as.. well you know.

Guest Moody
I've seen plenty of worthless people who are twice my age... irresponsibility knows few boundaries.

The only common theme as far as anyone I know who is not self sufficient, or not trying to be, is that they are liberal. And of course, not all liberals are addicted to public aid, but everyone who is a addicted to those social programs is liberal, and the rest are feeding off of that dependance. It's like the Great American Club for the Socially Dependant. We just see it more in young people because they have greater exposure to mainstream media, which would create socialistic bias in anyone so weakminded that they didn't do their own research on matters, and of course the influence of public schools.

As far as the culture of young people goes... it really hasn't changed much. The music is by different artists and the clothes are by different designers, but the attitudes are identical, if you actually look at it objectively. The biggest difference has been as a result of technology... more connections over longer distances can be created, often totally replacing the true, deep, meaningful relationships, because we're always being inundated by a waterfall of information and conversation. nobody really cares about each other anymore... there is no honor... and everyone embracing that culture (young and old) are only in it for what they can get, with as little effort as possible, to the detriment of those actually working with a goal insead of content to maintain the status quo (with everyone else).

There is a rare occasion that I can agree 100%, whole-heartedly, with someone else whom posts, but this is honestly that time in which I can do so.

By nature, these days (it seems, at least), people are overly-opportunistic, centric, and feel entitled, regardless of what they have done to better themselves or to help their communities as a whole. Sadly, this is a mindset that typifies greater than 50% of the population, these days.

Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)

THANK YOU Metalhead.

Not for agreeing with some of what I wrote, but for THINKING first..THEN reacting.

My money says you are one of the precious few.

BTW- Im a HUGE METALHEAD myself! Iron Maiden-DIO..R.I.P....AC/DC... Lady Ga Ga....OOO SNAP! Not really "Lady" Ga ga, just jokin on that one.

I know my comments seem snide, and it pisses some of you young ladies off. But, its the truth as I see, I see it everyday. Am I, or my generation, perfect? HAAA! Thats a laugh, not by a long shot, especially me. But, as me and an old friend talked about a couple weeks ago, he and I think that we were about the last , the end of the age where kids had no sense of entitlement, where no one acted as effeminate sissy little wimps, we didnt go skateboarding, WE WENT TO WORK, for me, before school, AND AFTER, we knew right from wrong, and that there were consequences and reprocussions when we did wrong. We had a sense of patriotism..HONOR...we loved guns, girls, and old trucks,in that order...still do btw...yeah, we drank a little, but not in town, always out on some now extinct gravel road, out in the boonies. None of my bunch EVER did drugs, theyd have had the hell beat out of em. We couldnt wait to vote...FOR REAGAN!....and nearly all of us joined the military at age 17. I was one of two for the USMC. To this day, my old bunch has done VERY well for themselves, Im proud of every one of them, and we are all productive valuable assets to our community and country. To my knowledge, not a one of us, or all us put together, have taken a combined total of a DIME'S worth of "gubment" aid. Im proud of that.

Ive paid taxes for years longer than youve been living, and Ill NEVER see a penny of my S.S.,...thanks in part to the crooked ass gubment, and in part to lazy bums of all ages mooching of the system. So, you see gals, when I call a bum a bum, Ive got a right, cause Ive PAID for it. Again..IF THE FLIP FLOP FITs....wear it. If it dont...then you are one of "the precious few".

In closing, on the flip-flop/sandal issue. Since it WAS 2000+ years ago, and since he IS the Son of GOD, Ill cut my Lord & Saviour a little slack for his only choice of footwear back then. But nowadays, I HEAR you coming long before I see you, and why do most of you shuffle your feet when walking? Two or three of you squirts do that at work, and I LOVE to call them out and embarrase them, they are too damn lazy to even pick their feet up.

Oh well, Im gonna go play on my Gameboy now,. PEACE OUT..WORD. TO YOU MOTHER.

Edited by Straight Shooter

While I agree in principal with Straight Shooter, I gotta remind him that kids didn't get this way on their own. The arrogance of some of the older generation to denounce and dismiss their handywork IS part of the problem. Where do you think they got the blame everyone else mentality? That being said every generation has their own issues. While I long for a return to many aspects of the 50's, there are some that were incredibly egregious. I would love to live in a Mayberry world, but that isn't the reality.

Reminds me of the Andy Griffith show episode where the school principal was shocked and appalled at the dancing of the current generation (early 60's) ..... until he saw them demonstrate the flapper dances of his generation (20's). Put things in context.

I will say what used to be a much smaller line between decency and indecency has now gone off the cliff. When the hooker look is considered noraml and "cute" ... there is a problem.

Guest Straight Shooter

AMEN Mr. Smith, AMEN.

When kids have kids, this is what you get. When these...idiots breed, I wont call them parents..this is the level of ignorence that you get.

Yes sir, we had our problems too. No doubt. And I remember that very episode of Mayberry! While I dont hardly wish for a return to Mayberry days, given a choice between now or then, Im takin THEN. I was just thinking of this last night. ALL these unemployed people, young and old, should be lining up, filling out forms, to go down and start helping on the Gulf Coast cleanup. EVERYBODY on "gubment" aid, thats able bodied, should have to go. Build Army style barracks, issue them a rack, a bedroll, feed em chow 3 times day, and make them work 10 -12 hour a day LIKE I DO NOW, for their pay. Outta DRAFT some of these kids, and put them in camps, like the old CC Camps back in the day. Man, they got stuff DONE in those days. Built dams, bridges, roads, you name it. Wouldnt hurt them a lick, hell it might MAN some of them up, even.

Anyway...I DO blame these so called "parents" for a lot of this mess.


You know, the sad thing is, I don't disagree with a lot of what you are saying Straight Shooter. I disagree with your generalization. Maybe it is because I am a part of this group but I think you are way off base about the number of people that fit into your description.

And I have heard that, "if the shoe doesn't fit, ignore it" thing alot from my parents and grandparents generations. Something that I have come to realize over time though, is that it is merely a way for someone to make some broad generalizations about a group of people and cover their ass when someone tries to correct them. I could be wrong but it sure seems that way from my personal experience.

I will say this though. I am much older than other people my age. My elders have always told me that and I still think its true. I like old stuff. I like old furniture, architecture, CARS, militaria, etc. I was born in '83. I was born about 40-45 years later than I would have liked to have been. So I definitely don't fit the mold you created but as I stated, nor do MOST of the people that I associate with. Therefore, I presented my point of view based on the fact that your generalization only represented the minority of people I have experience with and not the majority that you sold it as.

Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)


I absolutely understand your response. And, after reading, and re-reading your last post, I have NO DOUBT that you, and YOUR amigo's, are indeed, the "precious few" I refer to. But Cap, I know A LOT of fellas your age and younger, Ive got nieces and nephews, and nearly all of them aint worth a dime. In their ealy 20's, and have been in /out of jail for years. Knocked up. Drugged up.

And I work with MANY your age. Almost without exception Capbyrd, they arent worth a damn. I am a very observent person. I always watch people, listen to them, and am just very aware of my surroundings, most all the time. And the crap I see, the crap I hear, the way these young people act and think...either Im from another planet, or they are. I simply do not watch TV anymore, cause every time I cut it on, there is yet ANOTHER homosexual singing and dancing. Yet ANOTHER gyrating talentless whore jumping up and down calling herself singing. Yet ANOTHER bunch of white boys with their asses hanging out the back of the pants, and hats around backward, trying to act black, or act something I dont know what. These people simply are whats wrong with America, and I will not support, NOR DEFEND, them, in any way.

One thing that Im wrong about, is the military aspect. After thinking on this, I too, would NOT join again today, nor would I encourage my children to do so if I had any.

Because, as it is now..this country AINT WORTH their precious blood. We half-ass every conflict we get into, we drag it out YEARS longer than it should last, they want to make the military a social experiment with the homosexuals, they LOWER the requirements to get in so no one is "OFFENDED", they have tried to actually court marshall our Navy Seals & Marines for MURDER, while in combat in fear of their own lives. So, Ill concede the military aspect of this discussion.

But, I see it EVERYDAY Cap, and you may not. But to all I talk about this to, they see it also. But there again, wont say it because they dont want to "OFFEND" anyone. As for me, I never try to cover my ass. No one can, or will, do anything to me for speaking my mind, period. I KNOW, I mean I KNOW, that there are many EXCEPTIONS to what Ive posted today, but the majority are THE RULE.

To the exceptions....I say no harm meant to you. GOD bless you, keep fighting the good fight. To the rules out there....well....mama's calling, time for your bath shuga pie.

Edited by Straight Shooter

Question, where are you from? It says southern middle Tennessee in your profile and I have family down around Michie, Selmer, Eastview, Ramer, Savannah, etc. I guess thats technically still West TN but I'm not sure. If you're area is anything like that area, then I would say that I agree with you 100 percent. I've seen more druggie, do nothings out near those areas than i have in Memphis and that's saying something. I'm not blaming rural life as I would certainly like to live in a rural area myself. I'm merely stating that those areas have bred some "special" kinds of people.

Guest Straight Shooter

Im in Fayetteville Capbyrd- the CAPITAL of no good, ne'er-do-wells. Getting worse here every day.

Guest mahahn

Pull up yer Damn pants! Nobody wants to see your ass hanging out. That action comes from a certain prison look. Only in prison, it's called advertising. Why do you think they call it "the Pokey?"

Posted (edited)

Yeah, all this skateboarding and playing video games when they should be working 20 hours a day at their first job and 18 hours a day at their second! These darned kids today - how dare they try to get any enjoyment out of life?! How dare they feel entitled to do a little living along with their working? Don't they know that real men work their asses off - often without even knowing why - until they drop dead, are carried out feet first (having done very little living despite all that life they had) and are replaced by someone else who will be worked to death, as well?

You'll notice I'm ten years older than that '28 and under' crowd that was cited. I also started my first job when I was sixteen (the minimum legal age at the time), have worked some jobs with long, hot and hard hours (Maremont making mufflers and tailpipes during 3 consecutive summers while in college, for instance) and went to college so I didn't have to spend my whole life doing work like that.

I further believe that the generation cited has plenty of problems. Some of Straight Shooter's indictments, in fact, are probalby spot-on regarding some members of that generation. That said, I also think that a lot of folks in older generations are a bit jealous that they have spent all of their time chasing - something - that they never attained and never stopped to have much, if any, fun along the way. Of course, rather than admit that they wish they had done a few things a bit differently - that maybe, just maybe, their way was not the best way - they will criticize those who are doing things differently. See, I think that is the real problem - some folks resent that they squandered their chance to be young.

I turn 39 this month. In some ways, I was born at 40 years old and it has simply taken this long for my body to catch up with my mentality. I didn't much like or understand kids when I was one - I always preferred hanging out with the adults. As I got older - into my teens and twenties - I usually tried to be more 'mature' than others my age. Hell, let's face it - I was a stick in the mud. I kind of regret that, now. In truth, I wish I had acted more young and foolish when I was, well, more young and foolish. It's a bit too late for that, now, but I don't blame the younger generation for my failure to take advantage of my youth.

Things change and each generation must adapt to the current state of things. If things - and people - stayed the same, the human race would stagnate and die.

I have a nephew who is 15. He certainly enjoys his video games, etc. and gets bored easily. The other day, I started talking about how I lived in the same area where he lives when I was his age. It is a rural area and there isn't a lot to do. I started telling him how when I was his age I would get out and walk in the woods and entertain myself. Then I realized that if he walked the paths I walked back then, he would be walking through the middle of three or four different yards/driveways where houses have been built on land that was just woods, then.

This past weekend, I went with my mom to visit my maternal grandfather on Lookout Mountain where dad and I used to go hunting. Dad had known the people who owned the various pieces of land as his parents had also lived there since he was a kid. Now, just in the last few years, all that land has been bought and sold - some of it several times - and it is all fenced in and posted. Even there, you can't just go out for a walk in the woods without trespassing, any more.

My point is, it isn't just younger people who are different. They haven't become who they are in a vacuum. The whole, damned world has changed - a lot - even since times as recently as the 1970s and 1980s.

Funny thing is, I am writing this in defense of these people and I am probably one of the biggest misanthropes around. Seriously, I like my friends and family, of course but I just don't much like people, in general. I guess, though, that my viewpoint has made me see that these younger folks - useless or not - are really no worse than 99% of the other useless people in this world.

Edited by JAB
Guest Jamie
I guess, though, that my viewpoint has made me see that these younger folks - useless or not - are really no worse than 99% of the other useless people in this world.

The problem being that useless is useless, no matter the age.

And I dunno about you, but I'm not inclined to forgive or make excuses for any of 'em just because they're "no worse than the rest".



im still trying to understand why the h*ll there is so much care in what others do or wear. instead of spending time on judging others maybe that time should be spent on judging ones self.

Guest Jamie
im still trying to understand why the h*ll there is so much care in what others do or wear. instead of spending time on judging others maybe that time should be spent on judging ones self.

Why would you do that when everybody else is going to do it for you? :rolleyes:

Besides... you might decide you're just fine and dandy the way you are, when in fact you suck. ;):screwy:


Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)


Excellent post sir. I re-read it twice, and I think I get the jist of what you are saying. I would like to clarify my personal thoughts.

I ABSOLUTELY love to see kids being kids, period. They are, as you said, gonna have PLENTY of time in life to work their asses off later on.

I really was talking about the group between 18 and around 28 or so. I look back at what I was doing at 11,12,13, and I was working making my own money. But let me be clearer. I had the WANT TO, to get out, and work. I had the CRAVING, the DESIRE to earn MY OWN MONEY, so I could further my own habits, which were guns & ammo, trapping, shooting TONS of ammo, ect. I have always WANTED to be on my own. I left for the USMC 3 months after I turned 18 and have lived at home a total of TWO DAYS since. I have had MUCH help from family, but only when I really needed it, and always, always paid back. What I am primarily upset with, is this insane sense of, "WHAT..WHO ME?" that these younger folk have now a days. You cant get them to want to do ****! If you ask them to so much as clean their rooms or some little piddly assed chore, they act like you just told them to go dig a hole to China, or something. They EXPECT to literally have all their wants, whims and desires given to them. And I see so-called parents doing it, when they cant afford it.

I was just at my dads place of employment. He asked, while he finished up, would I sweep the sidewalk . No prob, pop. As I was sweeping, Iwas thinking about this thread, and how many young ones woulda said 'that aaint MY job", or I aint sweeping that. The lack of desire, and expectation of instant satisfaction. is my problem. Along with the INCREDIBLE amount of ANY, ANY common sense, manners, dignity, honor or pride, or intelligence.

Speaking for myself...I had an absolutely perfect childhood, and would NOT change one, single thing about it, if I could. Its gotten me through some mighty tough times.

Your dead right about times changing JAB. When our own "leaders" from the POTUS on down, tell you your "entitled" to this and that, just to get elected, then opinions like mine are dead in the water to begin with.

But, theirs no way in hell my kids would leave my house with pants down below their ass, or any of the other flat out stupid stuff I see daily. I know things change bro, but I WILL NEVER accept some of it, to do so would be to condone it. They wont talk to me with their ass hanging out, or hat around backward, or this "Yo,man" **** they try to talk. but, I take your post to heart, you made valid points. Maybe some older folks do regret their childhood. I dont, not one lick. But, Im DAMN TIRED of paying for these lazy bastards, and thats why I raise cain some time.

Edited by Straight Shooter

I think I see where you are coming from, Straight Shooter. I don't think what you are saying is necessarily true about all members of that age group but I do see some of that as being pervasive among some, maybe even many. In a lot of cases, though, I think it comes down to what they have been conditioned to believe and expect. As kids, many of them probably have been given everything they have asked for, whether their parents could afford it or not - then folks (including their parents) expect them to suddenly stop acting 'entitled'. I don't have kids so maybe I can't completely understand but, c'mon - folks can't expect to raise a Shih Tzu and end up with a Doberman - or expect that Shih Tsu to transform itself into a Doberman when it turns 18 - or 21.

Guest jackdm3
Why would you do that when everybody else is going to do it for you? :D

Besides... you might decide you're just fine and dandy the way you are, when in fact you suck. :P:D


Angry TGO Members Say: Because you suck and we hate you!

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