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BP Oil spill is NOT 'Epic'. Not even close.

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The CEO of BP is on TV daily....what are you watching?

So, the fisherman that signed up aren't going to move to save their own area until BP ponies up with front money, very altruistic of them.

Would you write a check to someone you were in an auto accident with (not Travelers mind you, oops) before it had even been determined whom the blame and liability should fall on? It's an accident. BP states they will and are doing all they can. Neither you nor I know what they have or have not done that should have been done sooner or better. With all the wild rumors of what the government is said to have told them to do or could not do, who knows?

I fall on the get it capped, start the clean up and then lets hope the real truth gets out so we can make an informed decision. Not that it matters as it will all be hashed out in courts and government actions we will have no input in other than what they take from their non-scientific public opinion polls.

Clean the birds then lets find out where the poo is.

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Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)

According to Anderson Cooper on CNN..just yesterday he was raising hell that BP was not allowing anyone to come on and give an interview. So, no...Ive not watched every single channel, and dont intend to.

As far as it being "an accident", was it due to negligence? Was it due to incompetence? Its inconcievable to me yall are defending BP. They have a looong record of violation. But, your entitled to your opinion, as I am mine. Lets see if you keep yours when food prices go outrageous, certain seafoods wont be available, and, as I stated earlier, when BP declares bankruptcy, and us taxpayers start footing the bill, let me know your opinion then.

Myself, I hope BP goes **** up after everything is said and done.

Oh, as far as the fishermen go, what...theyve got the gear and know how to start a major oil cleanup? Are you for real? It has to be a coordinated effort, they must recieve gear and training. So, are you now blaming the fishermen? Oh, I guess its MY fault now.

I do not get some of you guys.

Edited by Straight Shooter
  Straight Shooter said:
WHO should I be pissed at? BP has thumbed it nose for years at safety laws. They have tried to downplay and minimze this from DAY1.

They have covered their own ass while doing everything they could to act like they are innocent as lambs in all this. There are fishermen who WEEKS ago signed up to start cleanup, whose boats aint moved an inch. They aint made a dime.

Why do we have to be mad at anybody? I don't want to 'minimize' the effects of the spill, but accidents happen. As for the fishermen, I was under the impression that there are cleanup crews currently working.

  Straight Shooter said:
Name me ONE thing they have done right, since day one. Why are there already over 200 lawsuits so far?

They've tried to stop the leak. That seems to be occupying a lot of their effort. No, they haven't done it yet, but, they have tried a bunch of different things. They've had some of the best people in the field working to stop the leak, it's not just Jimbo and Billy Bob trying to stick a plunger on top of it.

  Straight Shooter said:
How can any rational person NOT be upset with BP? The wellhead itself has been proven to improperly made, it did not function as it should have.

BP did not make the oil rig, nor the pipe that broke, nor the blowout preventer that failed.

  Straight Shooter said:
The head honcho's have given no media interviews to date, and apparently go home each night as though this is a 9 to 5 job. I could go on and on..but does this answer your question?

What do you want them to do? Put on some gloves and go feed pipe into a relief well drill rig? Try and operate one of the ROVs that have been working at the ocean floor? I doubt that the company executives are experts in that stuff. The people that they have doing it, though, are professionals. It's what they do. What can the executives do, that they aren't?


Don't reckon I'll care how much seafood costs when I can't drive off the hill to get any.

Why do you want to throw a company that provides jobs to a lot of that same area under the bus with out any facts! If the fishing goes, I say you better open up drilling at a much higher rate to let those people have access to good paying jobs!!! Of course that raises the odds on another accident, rut roh.

Take feeling out of it and work the problem. If it comes out that they were negligent then I along with everyone else can then feel righteous indignation.

  Caveman said:
Why are you attempting to minimize the severity of this event? Also your last statement is absolutely incorrect.


Guest Straight Shooter
Posted (edited)

Nothin to do with feelings. Its common damn sense.

As far as BP not making the rig, the pipe, or blowout preventer, THEIR NAME IS ON IT...ITS THEIRS whether they "made" it or not. Its their baby, the buck stops with BP. And... if fishing goes, just hire them onto more wells, huh? Well...THERE YOU GO, youve singlehandidly solved the problem Rightwinger. Hey, maybe BP will hire you, as they need all the problem solvers they can get right now. And, again lets talk about the word accident. So, if Im talking on a cell phone while driving, and cause a wreck, well, I didnt mean to, it was an AAAACCIDENT. I surely didnt mean to cause it,who would? Now, if I did that, thats NEGLIGENCE, period.

Yall look at my first post. My bet is STILL on. Do you want to put YOUR guns where YOUR mouth is? I do. Cant wait to hear from you.

One more thing. 56FordGuy asks what I think the BP execs can do? HERE'S A THOUGHT....what about going around and passing out checks to men who have lost jobs theyve had for generations. What about going around, shaking peoples hands, APOLOGISING for whats happened, and assuring them that BP will do whatever it can, no matter what the cost, to set things as right as they can be. What about acting LIKE THEY GIVE A DAMN?!! Theres some things right there, BP defenders.

Edited by Straight Shooter
  Straight Shooter said:
Ill bet anyone on here ALL my guns against ALL yours, that in a year from now you WILL be able to tell. ANY takers?
  Straight Shooter said:
Nothin to do with feelings. Its common damn sense.

As far as BP not making the rig, the pipe, or blowout preventer, THEIR NAME IS ON IT...ITS THEIRS whether they "made" it or not. Its their baby, the buck stops with BP. And... if fishing goes, just hire them onto more wells, huh? Well...THERE YOU GO, youve singlehandidly solved the problem Rightwinger. Hey, maybe BP will hire you, as they need all the problem solvers they can get right now. And, again lets talk about the word accident. So, if Im talking on a cell phone while driving, and cause a wreck, well, I didnt mean to, it was an AAAACCIDENT. I surely didnt mean to cause it,who would? Now, if I did that, thats NEGLIGENCE, period.

Yall look at my first post. My bet is STILL on. Do you want to put YOUR guns where YOUR mouth is? I do. Cant wait to hear from you.

I don't think anyone said that the effects from this spill would be gone anytime soon. It's going to change things for a lot of people, for a long time.

As for your analogy, I don't think it's an even comparison. If you were driving the car you bought, and a mechanical component of the car (like the brakes) failed, and you caused a wreck, is that your fault? By the logic you've used here, then yes, it would be. So what if you just bought the car, you owned it. Your name was on the title. Why would it matter if a mechanical component of your property failed, it was still your property.

Guest Straight Shooter

Yes, 56FordGuy, someone DID say in a year from now, you wont be able to tell it happened. Thats why I made my bet, I stand by it now.

I see that no matter how I shoot down every argument you make, your going to keep defending BP, and rationalize their negligence and incompetence, that theyve shown FOR YEARS, not just with this spill. I dont understand it, but its your opinion, your entitled.

Im standing by waiting on someone to take my bet. Nothing better than FREE guns!!

And, Ill close, and leave this debate, saying Id love to hear you people defending BP opinions when food prices skyrocket, all those people go bankrupt, one third of our coastline is destroyed, and in the end, taxpayers wind up footing the bill. The damage thus far aint nothing to whats coming...but poor poor Bp, its not their fault.

Guest Straight Shooter


As with your other posts, you make no sense.

Guest LibShooter

I've seen estimates that about 48 million gallons of oil have been leaked to date. That puts this spill at about 9 on your list.

And it's possible this spill could go on producing for months.

Sounds kinda epic.


Looks to me like the thing is about the same as always.

Indeed, perhaps its epicness has even grown in epicnosity.


- OS

  Straight Shooter said:
56FordGuy asks what I think the BP execs can do? HERE'S A THOUGHT....what about going around and passing out checks to men who have lost jobs theyve had for generations. What about going around, shaking peoples hands, APOLOGISING for whats happened, and assuring them that BP will do whatever it can, no matter what the cost, to set things as right as they can be. What about acting LIKE THEY GIVE A DAMN?!! Theres some things right there, BP defenders.

No one is guaranteed a job, or a career. Period, in any industry. There is no such thing as 'job security'. The company a person works for could get sued and close, the self employed landscaper could lose his equipment in a flood and not have the money to replace it. Crap happens. Is it fair, or right? Maybe not, but it's life.

  Straight Shooter said:
Yes, 56FordGuy, someone DID say in a year from now, you wont be able to tell it happened. Thats why I made my bet, I stand by it now.

I see that no matter how I shoot down every argument you make, your going to keep defending BP, and rationalize their negligence and incompetence, that theyve shown FOR YEARS, not just with this spill. I dont understand it, but its your opinion, your entitled.

Im standing by waiting on someone to take my bet. Nothing better than FREE guns!!

And, Ill close, and leave this debate, saying Id love to hear you people defending BP opinions when food prices skyrocket, all those people go bankrupt, one third of our coastline is destroyed, and in the end, taxpayers wind up footing the bill. The damage thus far aint nothing to whats coming...but poor poor Bp, its not their fault.

If someone said the effects of the spill will be gone in a year, they're wrong. I don't feel like reading back 11 or so pages to find it, though.

You keep saying BP has shown negligence for years. What proof of that do you have? I've never worked for them, don't know anyone who has. I can't say either way. If they have though, I'd like to see some proof of it. Once things settle down, and they solve the leak, and they get into the investigation of the incident, any violations will undoubtedly come out. Until then, all I'm saying is lets keep the torches and pitchforks at bay.

Guest Straight Shooter

Your right 56FordGuy-

Im wrong, and BP will wind up paying BILLIONS in fines AND restitution just because THEY CARE, THEYVE GOT BIG HEARTS. NOT because they are liable, like I said. And I just made up the part about BP's previous safety record, its only been on the news for the now MONTH AND A HALF the spill has been going on. As Rightwinger asked me, what channel YOU been watchin? But, I lie and make up stuff, so I dont blame you for defending BP. And your ABSOLUTELY right, those fishermen arent entitled to jack ****, due to BP's negligence, no one is entitled to work, or guaranteed a job, thats what El Rushbo says, and HE oughtta know, cause he is a Republican. Life happens, right 56FordGuy? Ill listen to El Rushbo from now on to get my thinking right.Im sorry for posting all those facts earlier.


I want to see how many times we can say that 56 and still not have it understood.

Not defending anything or anyone, just saying we don't know and need to work the problem so we can dig for the results once it's under control.

I just find it funny that companies with profits are always the evil villians yet those that have failed but have "good interests at heart" get the good press while producing nothing for the common good.

Guest Straight Shooter

Hey OhShoot-

Havent you been keeping up? ITS NOT EPIC...isnt really all that much. The ocean will CLEAN ITSELF, dont you know that? Sheesh, hope you arent as big a dummy as I was. Ive got my mind right, now.Gonna let El Rushbo tell me what to think from now on.

LibShooter-be careful. Even if it goes on for another year, or two...it STILL aint epic. The ocean WILL clean itself. YOU, sir, need to listen to El Rushbo, and STOP using common sense and facts. BP has a CAP on it now, CANT YOU SEE? Its AAAALLL BETTER now, like a childs boo boo. No harm, no foul.

Guest Bronker
Posted (edited)
  Rightwinger said:
...Not defending anything or anyone, just saying we don't know and need to work the problem so we can dig for the results once it's under control.

I just find it funny that companies with profits are always the evil villians yet those that have failed but have "good interests at heart" get the good press while producing nothing for the common good.

Because American Pride has been reduced to Populist Apologists.

Their 'mouthpieces' are everywhere. There is good reason why they are so vocal...because the 'rest' of us are working.

I'm allowed to say that because I own a business that employs people.:up:

Edited by Bronker
  Straight Shooter said:
Your right 56FordGuy-

Im wrong, and BP will wind up paying BILLIONS in fines AND restitution just because THEY CARE, THEYVE GOT BIG HEARTS. NOT because they are liable, like I said. And I just made up the part about BP's previous safety record, its only been on the news for the now MONTH AND A HALF the spill has been going on. As Rightwinger asked me, what channel YOU been watchin? But, I lie and make up stuff, so I dont blame you for defending BP. And your ABSOLUTELY right, those fishermen arent entitled to jack ****, due to BP's negligence, no one is entitled to work, or guaranteed a job, thats what El Rushbo says, and HE oughtta know, cause he is a Republican. Life happens, right 56FordGuy? Ill listen to El Rushbo from now on to get my thinking right.Im sorry for posting all those facts earlier.

Relax, guy. I'm not calling you a liar. All I said was that I want to see some solid evidence. Is that wrong? I'll revisit the links you posted, perhaps I missed something. My main point is that we need to slow down and be sure before we start assigning blame.

As for Rushbo, I can't say either way. I'm not a regular listener.

Guest Bronker
  56FordGuy said:
Relax, guy.

And ease up on the CAPS LOCK.


Let's step back and put some perspective on this.

This is a big honking project to tackle. Logistically (pro here) this is a nightmare. They should be doing more....okay, how fast and how much more do you think they could do? Let's try a little exercise.

Straightshooter, I hope you understand the scale of everything going on down there and you have so elegantly stated that apparently there are locals ready to go, they just need that little kiss of cash, but I digress. The 30 military aircraft, fleet of ships from Navy, Coast Guard and contracted private fleets plus ground forces, have run up a bill that Bo has slapped down on BP already, 68 million.

Now the perspective part. Since so much more is apparently possible and should be done, let's use a small scale mock up and see what happens. I want Straightshooter to take every possession he has and move it 10 miles. That's all. One household, 10 miles. See how much transportation and man power you need to muster....oh, and do it by tomorrow! This is important! It has to happen now! People are watching this thread and forming opinions! When you post up that everything you own, rent or lease is 10 miles down the road, we can get a read on if BP and the govt have done everything they can.

Oops, forgot the road block. While your trying to do this, someone will rip off your debit card number and start emptying your bank account (BP stock prices) so you better get the resources to move you fast before the cash drys up.

Oh, one more, local law enforcement, THP and some Federal EPA folks are going to inject some of their policy on your move since they don't want you carrying to heavy a load on public roads or drop your stuff on the side of the road at the 10 mile mark.

Finally, News 5 and WSMV will have to come into your home and watch it all going on....just to be sure your doing it right. We all then get to post our thoughts on how your doing it.

Ready...lets go.

Guest Bronker
  jackdm3 said:

Bleed. Blister. Purge.


Always helps.

Guest 6.8 AR

I step out to go and buy a good pistola and this place gets like Animal House.

Food Fight!food_fight.jpg

Don't you love it:D

  Straight Shooter said:
Hey OhShoot-

Havent you been keeping up? ITS NOT EPIC...isnt really all that much. The ocean will CLEAN ITSELF, dont you know that? Sheesh, hope you arent as big a dummy as I was. Ive got my mind right, now.Gonna let El Rushbo tell me what to think from now on.


Sarcasm appreciated, but I guess you haven't read many of my comments in the two Deepwater Horizon threads.

Besides the obvious long term ecological implications, I think most are vastly underestimating the economic implications. This could actually be a contributory gale in the perfect storm for US financial meltdown.

I'll say it again: if I read their stock statement correctly, BP's $70 Billion in assets won't cover this if it goes till August or later. Not by a long shot.

'Course, I could be totally wrong.

Hope so.

- OS

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