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Hi from Oak Ridge TN

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Thanks for having me.

I am 35, raised in East TN around hunting, fishing, motocycles, camping and the great outdoors. I currently live and work in Oak Ridge. I am a proud gun owner. My family has lived in the same general area since the 1820's. I am the one that left and I only went to Oak Ridge 50 miles away.

I found this site when I was looking up some of the requirements for the carry permit, which by the way I did find the answer I was searching for. I was searching for the required distances for passing the shooting part of the exam, 3 yards, 7 yards and 15 yards.

Until recently most of my shooting has been with rifles and shotguns. But I believe I am almost ready to take the class for the carry permit. Little more practice, then to find a class that I can work in with my work schedule.

Dad introduced me to guns when I was 5. He took me deer hunting with him when I was 8. I killed my first squirrel and deer when I was 11.

When I was 10, I had my own guns.

Other things about me. I don't consider myself very left or right, as I can not find myself 100 percent in agreement with any political party, often I find both sides have views I hate and views I can agree with, which often puts me at odds in some discussions. Don't ask me which party I like, ask me about an issue.

However, I never want to see any RIGHTS stepped on.

Profession, I work with computers, not my ideal job but it pays the bills.

Personal Life, Married, no kids. One Pet.

Couple places you may see me, Irish Times in Turkey Creek or Buffalo Grill in Oak Ridge.


Edited by vontar
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Thanks all,

BTW, I drove over and talked with Mike at Austin's this evening. I am going to try and get a day off next Month at work to take his class. I just sent an email off requesting time off.

That gives me a bit more shooting time before hand to tighten up my pattern. I know i have my 3/7 yard down good. I should practice a bit more at 15 I am sure.

Give me my rifle, I will take a deer at 300 yards. Pistol, well that is a bit different.

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Welcome from another Oak Ridger! BTW. I took my lass at Austin's as well and really enjoyed it. Great folks over there! If you're looking for a place to shoot, I'll take ya on a tour of the Oak Ridge Sportsmans Association some time. Just PM me if you're interested.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

Welcome to TGO.....One of the finest gun sites on the Web. I do hope you enjoy being here as much as I have.:D

Lotsa good folks and lotsa good info.....Dive on in:D

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