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Israel Raids Activist Flotilla Attempting to Run Blockade


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Never mind PM sent.

Bottom line for me is, aside from the American Indian, there has never been a more abused and maligned yet triumphant people than the Jews. Push comes to shove, I want Israel on our side and I want us (US) to be on their side.

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Never mind PM sent.

Bottom line for me is, aside from the American Indian, there has never been a more abused and maligned yet triumphant people than the Jews. Push comes to shove, I want Israel on our side and I want us (US) to be on their side.


I want to let you know that I received your PM. I typed a reply, but it would not send. I will inquire with the admin and see if I can get this reply to you. In the meantime, you have a good night as well.

Edited by gts
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I wasn't separating firearms from other weapons in the post you refer to. My reference to weapons in the paragraph was to firearms. Hence, there was no need for a new paragraph. I have explained this more than once in this thread.

As for the definition...look, I am not the idiot you think I am. I have an explanation for my understanding of what a semitic person is. Yet, I am sure you don't care to hear it so I won't share it.

I am not going to compare education levels with you or anyone else. I have a degree and graduated at the top of my class with honors. But, in this thread, all of that is irrelevant. There is a fundamental disagreement based on global political views. I think Israel was wrong. Not because of the primary race of their people, but because of the actions and orders of their leaders. It's an opinion that differs from most others in the community. That's all. So you don't like my opinion and I don't like yours. But I am not the one resorting to name calling, spiteful insults or other childish antics. Nor did I state anything racist or hateful. I posted a link that shows some stats and a different point of view than is usually presented by the typical MSM.

I didn't make this thread a racial issue. Looking back at this thread and reviewing its contents, it is clear that it was not made a racial issue by me. But, that obviously doesn't matter. It is easier for some to call me a fool, a liar, and a racist rather than just address the issue, dispel what I said, or hell, even agree to disagree for that matter.

One last thing, I have received two infractions. One was justified, the other was for my views. That one costs me a 30 day ban. Since my return from exile, I have made it a point to not make race an issue at all. I don't want to get banned again. I know that there are those who are just waiting for me to slip up and give them a reason. I am gun owner and a Tennessean. I like this board because it is a place where I share two things, that matter greatly to me, in common with the others, MY STATE and MY GUNS. Everything else is just ideologies and opinions, and it is okay, IMO, not to agree with everyone on every little detail. I enjoy reading the perspective the others have. Some I agree with, others I don't. But, I do not go out of my way to slander or insult anyone. If I have done so, directly or indirectly, I apologize. But, for my beliefs I don't apologize, nor would I expect anyone else to be apologetic for theirs.

"I submit that if someone were approaching you with a tire-tool you would draw and fire making you an incredible hypocrite as well as an antisemitic."

In my posts those are the only labels directly addressed towards you, and one is in the context of being the likely reaction you'd make to a hypothetical situation, and the other is a conclusion based on your statements thus far. Is that childish name-calling or just a conclusion?

As far as education is concerned: who cares? I have an advanced degree with honors too, but we aren't talking about human biology so it doesn't apply in this argument. I have also seen people with advanced degrees who are dumb enough that I refer to them as "educated idiots" on many occasions, but I do recognize when people know more about a subject than I do, (irrespective of degrees or lack thereof), and I try to open my mind to this.

What you should be aware of is that written communication utilizes only 7% of our communication skills. Body language and voice inflections make up the rest. For various reasons, (like individual writing skills and multi-tasking while at work to name a couple), some peoples' 7% is smaller than other peoples' 7%: therefore, it is easy to be misunderstood on a forum such as this. You posted information from an obviously questionable source and referred to it as “fact†as well as used the word “witnessed†to lend false credibility to your statements, and that does not appear to be accidental. What reaction should one have to this?

This is America, and you have the right to be racist, anti-Semitic, or anything else allowed by law, but don’t expect others to not call you out on it when you post such drivel on a public forum.

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Check this out. Link here: Theater of War - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

It is dead on target.

Theater of War

By Mona Charen · Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The effort to destroy the Jewish state has many fronts. One front is in Iran, where the maniacal regime that has repeatedly promised to "wipe Israel off the map" marches inexorably toward a nuclear bomb. Another is in Gaza, from which Hamas has lobbed 10,000 missiles into Israeli cities. Yet another front, the most insidious, is comprised of the propaganda arm of the Palestinian movement. And this front thrives for only one reason -- the complicity of the world press and the so-called "international community."

It was the propaganda arm that staged the "Freedom Flotilla." But there have been many previous productions: The propaganda arm was responsible for the photo-shopped images of damage to Lebanon during the 2006 war, the staged "death" of 12-year-old Muhammad Al Durrah, the "massacre" at Jenin, and the "war crimes" in Gaza. In each and every case, the "news" of Israeli atrocities was broadcast far and wide by organizations like Reuters, AP, CNN, and AFP. The United Nations has offered its imprimatur to every libel. The truth seemed always to have a case of laryngitis.

Today, in the wake of the confrontation between Israeli soldiers and the provocateurs aboard the Gaza flotilla, the remarkably incurious world press is providing exactly the sort of headlines on which the organizers knew they could count. "Flotilla Attack Is Israel's Kent State" screamed the Huffington Post. Agence France Presse carried a banner quoting the Turkish foreign minister to the effect that "Israel has lost all legitimacy." Every news outlet I checked docilely described the flotilla as "humanitarian."

Don't members of the press ever resent being so used?

Fact: Israel imposed a blockade of Gaza to prevent weapons from reaching the radical Islamic regime there that continues to make war on Israeli civilians. Egypt, too, has blockaded the strip, hoping to choke off weapons to Hamas, which it views as a threat.

Fact: Humanitarian relief is delivered to Gaza from Israel on a daily basis. During the first three months of this year, 94,500 tons of supplies were transferred to Gaza from Israel, including 48,000 tons of food products; 40,000 tons of wheat; 2,760 tons of rice; 1,987 tons of clothes and footwear; and 553 tons of milk powder and baby food for the strip's 1.5 million inhabitants. Representatives of international aid groups and the United Nations move freely to and from the Gaza Strip.

Fact: Upon learning of the intentions of the Gaza flotilla, the Israeli government asked the organizers to deliver their humanitarian aid first to an Israeli port where it would be inspected (for weapons) before being forwarded to Gaza. The organizers refused. "There are two possible happy endings" a Muslim activist on board explained, "either we will reach Gaza or we will achieve martyrdom."

Fact: The flotilla ignored multiple instructions from Israeli navy ships to change course and follow them to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Fact: On board one of the ships, according to Al-Jazeera, the "humanitarian" Palestinians sang "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return" -- a reference to the 628 massacre of Jews in Arabia at the hands of Muhammad.

Fact: The flotilla's participants included the IHH, a "humanitarian relief fund" based in Turkey that has close ties to Hamas and to global jihadi groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya and elsewhere, and which has also organized relief to anti-U.S. Islamic radicals in Fallujah, Iraq. A French intelligence report suggests that IHH has provided documents to terrorists, permitting them to pose as relief workers. Among the other cheerleaders -- former British MP and Saddam Hussein pal George Galloway, all- purpose America and Israel hater Noam Chomsky, and John Ging, head of UNRWA, the U.N.'s agency for Palestinian support.

Fact: When the family of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier who was kidnapped during a cross border raid by Hamas in 2006, offered to support the flotilla if they would agree to ask Hamas to permit international agencies to visit their son, they were rebuffed.

Fact: When Israeli commandos rappelled down ropes to the deck of the Mavi Marmara, they were assaulted and beaten with metal poles and baseball bats by the Palestinians on board. (It's available on theisraelproject.org1).

Some commentators sympathetic to Israel complain that the Israelis were late getting their explanation of events to the press. That's probably true, but almost irrelevant. There is a jerking of knees around the world whenever and wherever Israel is forced to defend herself. This eagerness to repeat the Palestinian version of events, to assume the very worst about Israel, and to ignore the history of blatant and outrageous lies by Israel's enemies -- amounts to joining them.



Edited by leroy
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"I submit that if someone were approaching you with a tire-tool you would draw and fire making you an incredible hypocrite as well as an antisemitic."

In my posts those are the only labels directly addressed towards you, and one is in the context of being the likely reaction you'd make to a hypothetical situation, and the other is a conclusion based on your statements thus far. Is that childish name-calling or just a conclusion?

So you used a hypothetical to call me a hypocrite and antisemitic? Nah, there's nothing childish about that at all. That's more a of a spiteful insult.

This, on the other hand, was a childish antic...

Dude! Step away from the crack-pipe.

As far as education is concerned: who cares? I have an advanced degree with honors too, but we aren't talking about human biology so it doesn't apply in this argument. I have also seen people with advanced degrees who are dumb enough that I refer to them as "educated idiots" on many occasions, but I do recognize when people know more about a subject than I do, (irrespective of degrees or lack thereof), and I try to open my mind to this.

That we can agree on.

What you should be aware of is that written communication utilizes only 7% of our communication skills. Body language and voice inflections make up the rest. For various reasons, (like individual writing skills and multi-tasking while at work to name a couple), some peoples' 7% is smaller than other peoples' 7%: therefore, it is easy to be misunderstood on a forum such as this. You posted information from an obviously questionable source and referred to it as “fact†as well as used the word “witnessed†to lend false credibility to your statements, and that does not appear to be accidental. What reaction should one have to this?

The statistics on that site are legitimate. They can be cross referenced with other sources. The opinion on that site is just that, opinion. Which I acknowledged earlier in the thread. I addressed and explained what I meant by being a witness to a Palestinian's opinion of the PLO as there was a challenge by another poster. I know that you are capable of understanding this and I have addressed it previously for you already.

This is America, and you have the right to be racist, anti-Semitic, or anything else allowed by law, but don’t expect others to not call you out on it when you post such drivel on a public forum.

I don't disagree with this at all. However, I am amazed that instead of focusing on the content within the thread, some on here resorted to immediate condemnation based on racism that was non-existent within my post in this thread. Moreover, it doesn't make sense, if I hate all non-white and non-Christians people, what would I care that Israel kills Palestinians or vice versa? Look at my OP, I clearly stated that the U.S. should remove itself from the middle-east so as to allow the nations that reside to settle this matter on there own. Therefore, no matter how you spin it, it is a geopolitical argument to me, not a racial issue.

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I don't disagree with this at all. However, I am amazed that instead of focusing on the content within the thread, some on here resorted to immediate condemnation based on racism that was non-existent within my post in this thread.

Anytime you use the word "Zionist" it is clearly racist and only currently used by the enemies of the Jews. It doesn't matter if at one point they used it themselves, black people have used the "N word" but it doesn't mean that it isn't a racist slur.

And whether you believe it or not, you are the first person I have ever had any discourse with that I referred to as a true racist. I feel like I've seen a Bigfoot because, thank God, people like you are extremely rare yet you give guys like me a bad name in the public eye.

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So you used a hypothetical to call me a hypocrite and antisemitic? Nah, there's nothing childish about that at all. That's more a of a spiteful insult.

This, on the other hand, was a childish antic...

That we can agree on.

The statistics on that site are legitimate. They can be cross referenced with other sources. The opinion on that site is just that, opinion. Which I acknowledged earlier in the thread. I addressed and explained what I meant by being a witness to a Palestinian's opinion of the PLO as there was a challenge by another poster. I know that you are capable of understanding this and I have addressed it previously for you already.

I don't disagree with this at all. However, I am amazed that instead of focusing on the content within the thread, some on here resorted to immediate condemnation based on racism that was non-existent within my post in this thread. Moreover, it doesn't make sense, if I hate all non-white and non-Christians people, what would I care that Israel kills Palestinians or vice versa? Look at my OP, I clearly stated that the U.S. should remove itself from the middle-east so as to allow the nations that reside to settle this matter on there own. Therefore, no matter how you spin it, it is a geopolitical argument to me, not a racial issue.

I now doubt your reading comprehension skills and veracity of some other claims of yours. I'm out.

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Seriously? Seems to me as though you not being to serious with a question like that.

I am serious. I am trying to figure out exactly what kind of person you are and what your beliefs are. I am not sure if you just enjoy playing devil's advocate or if you are serious.

You are extremely quick to blame victims and heroes of wrong doing and often, you are the only one to do so.

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Guest JHatmaker

Guys, lets keep the discussion about the topic at hand. Looks like it's back on course, and the discussion is staying somewhat civil. As much of a cliche it is; attack the issue, not the individual.

Carry on...

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