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Unions Are the Bestest


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Guest 6.8 AR

Some unions have a valid purpose, but there are few,

and certainly not SEIU. That bunch is nothing more

than Marxist trash. I am a union member, at first by

choice, then it closed the shop. Not a happy camper


Mike, it was the Community Reinvestment Act in the

70's that our mortgage problems can be traced back to.

My first mortgage qualified me at $112k, and I bought

at 57500. Felt the same way you did.

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Dave, you have officially lost it. Your hate has finally finished you. You pass judgment on the banker based on conjecture and hyperbole and then claim fairness. You must be a Democrat.

Hate…. Me??? smilielol5.gif

You better go back through and read this thread again from the start. I’m not the one that wants to kill protesters, and thinks the Castle Doctrine somehow gives them the authority to commit murder. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to have a carry permit.

BoA was giving credit cards and mortgages to illegals. If I thought it would do any good I would go picket the SOB’s house myself. They undermine our economy, finance illegal’s, and then ask for bailout money.

I have been called a lot of things, but Democrat has never been one of them. rollfloor.gif

And I’m not passing judgment on the banker; I don’t know who he is. I’m passing judgment on all of the BoA management.

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I was watching the news tonight and they were talking about the metro schools outsourcing the janitors. I don't like outsourcing. Being in the tech field I've known numerous people who have lost their jobs to outsourcing.

Then they said the janitors union was SEIU....I quit feeling bad for them.

Lay down with commies....reap what you sow

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Guest 6.8 AR

What's strange is the banker is a democrat.

If I don't have a right to run someone off my land, and

if I can't use a firearm to protect my property and my

family, I'm not much use to my family.

That man called the police and they wouldn't come and

assist him. If they are scared of a bunch of thugs and won't

do their jobs, then they aren't much more than the thugs.

DaveTN, if it came to protecting mine from them, they

would be forced off my property, one way or the other.

You really rush to assume people would open fire on a


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We are supposed to feel sorry for a Senior Exec of Bank of America? **** that.

It doesn’t sound to me like his kid was in danger. But if he was; Baer should be ashamed that his business practices put his family in danger.

Maybe when the son gets done hiding in the bathroom he will do some research and find out what kind of guy good ole Dad is.

So the thugs outside the house are not responsible for their actions?

Hate…. Me??? smilielol5.gif

You better go back through and read this thread again from the start. I’m not the one that wants to kill protesters, and thinks the Castle Doctrine somehow gives them the authority to commit murder. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to have a carry permit.

BoA was giving credit cards and mortgages to illegals. If I thought it would do any good I would go picket the SOB’s house myself. They undermine our economy, finance illegal’s, and then ask for bailout money.

I have been called a lot of things, but Democrat has never been one of them. rollfloor.gif

And I’m not passing judgment on the banker; I don’t know who he is. I’m passing judgment on all of the BoA management.

You passed judgement in an earlier post.


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If I don't have a right to run someone off my land, and if I can't use a firearm to protect my property and my family, I'm not much use to my family.

How much use are you to your family if you are in prison? None…. You are a criminal that has left his family to fend for themselves because he thinks showing someone how tough he is more important than taking care of his family. A real man would not be making remarks about killing people simply for trespassing on their land; it ridiculous.

That man called the police and they wouldn't come and assist him. If they are scared of a bunch of thugs and won't do their jobs, then they aren't much more than the thugs.

Sounds to me like they came? We don’t know why the cops didn’t run the people off. We only know what this cry baby neighbor has to say about it. Maybe they couldn’t run them off because they weren’t doing anything illegal.

DaveTN, if it came to protecting mine from them, they would be forced off my property, one way or the other.

You really rush to assume people would open fire on a crowd.

I’m not assuming anything…

If they showed up in my front yard and the police wouldn't do anything, that bunch may get one warning shot before the bloodbath.
Best not instigate a situation like this in a State that has a Castle Law.

There is another term used to describe someone in my yard who is deliberately frightening my family. Out of consideration for the gentlefolk who might be upset, I will leave that term as an exercise for the class. Got Shovel?

Which one of those as I misunderstanding as a threat to kill innocent people??

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Hate…. Me??? smilielol5.gif

You better go back through and read this thread again from the start. I’m not the one that wants to kill protesters, and thinks the Castle Doctrine somehow gives them the authority to commit murder.

And nobody in this thread suggested the Castle Doctrine gives any person the right to commit murder, you are the one that made the jump to light speed on that issue.

From my post that raised the issue of the Castle Law or Doctrine:

A bus load of union thugs shows up on my front porch, at my personal home, with my child in the house alone, is going to find a much different response. That crap may fly in Yankee land, it will not in Tennessee.

Best not instigate a situation like this in a State that has a Castle Law.

Now you tell me where murder was mentioned?

My second post give a clear concise rendition of what the Castle Doctrine means, again no mention of murder.

Where are you coming up with that?

It take a pretty low individual (or group) to intimidate a kid for his father's company's business policies.

People like that shouldn’t be allowed to have a carry permit.

I for one am glad that the decisions on that are left to folks who can search my history via the background check and look at my record, and not be left to an individual whose political thoughts that have no basis in fact regarding the matter, and do not mesh with the social norms of the area.

If 14 bus loads of Tea Party folks showed up at a Mosque and started screaming through bullhorns and scaring children, how long do you think it would be before the SWAT Team showed up.

But as long as it suits the SEIU form of force, violence and intimidation it is OK with you evidently.

It does seem that you are alone in this opinion.

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dave, i agree with disgust for BoA, but to excuse what the union thuggery was doing as justified is exactly the same rationale Che used to murder countless people. After all they were part of the corrupt opprressive capitalist pig. After all, had they had to drag his kid out of their house and beat him to get the bankers attention it was the banker who created their pain. Right?

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You passed judgement in an earlier post.


Yes I did. But I was passing it on the entire BoA management. I don’t know who this guy is other than just some BoA dirtbag attorney, with a drama queen son and a cry baby neighbor.

:D I can’t help it man… you guys crack me up.

If the cops had shown up and herded all the protesters back onto the buses you guys would be whining that they were violating the rights of the protesters.

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Dave, at what point does a trespassing mob intent on terrorising a family become "innocent people"?

What criteria or logic did you use to determine that this group, assembled and bussed in in such numbers that it intimidated police officers, consists of choir boys and Sunday school teachers?

At what point did mob tactics, used not to protest but as blatant intimidation - and, mind you, against an individual and his family, become acceptable to you?

Not in my country, pal.

Edited by Mark@Sea
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And nobody in this thread suggested the Castle Doctrine gives any person the right to commit murder,

Now you tell me where murder was mentioned?

no mention of murder.

Where are you coming up with that?

Absolutely no mention of murder.

(That is until I mentioned it and you realized how freaking ridiculous you sounded.)

So would you make milk and cookies for the protesters or what? :confused:

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Dave, at what point does a mob intent on terrorising a family become "innocent people "?

Was there violence? Did they try to get in the house? Did they make threats?

How do you get to deadly force?

All I see is that the kid was in the bathroom and was scared…. BFD.

If they tried to get into that house I’m all with you…. But I see no indication that anything like that happened.

Fill me in.... :confused:

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Yes I did. But I was passing it on the entire BoA management. I don’t know who this guy is other than just some BoA dirtbag attorney, with a drama queen son and a cry baby neighbor.

:confused: I can’t help it man… you guys crack me up.

If the cops had shown up and herded all the protesters back onto the buses you guys would be whining that they were violating the rights of the protesters.

No, you were passing it on the indkividual

"It doesn’t sound to me like his kid was in danger. But if he was; Baer should be ashamed that his business practices put his family in danger.

Maybe when the son gets done hiding in the bathroom he will do some research and find out what kind of guy good ole Dad is."

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Absolutely no mention of murder.

(That is until I mentioned it and you realized how freaking ridiculous you sounded.)


Uh, Lord Dave, forgive me for now bowing to your omnipotence, but your opinion of how I sounded is just that, your opinion. Did not sound ridiculous to me.

So would you make milk and cookies for the protesters or what?

No, given the opportunity, I would have turned my Grandma loose on the gutless little pricks with a Peach switch, and she would have run their butts back to the curb. I would have had her back of course, but I doubt that she would have needed any help.

DaveTN said:

with a drama queen son

Maybe he has enough sense to watch the news, and can retain facts for more than a few moments, and saw that group of wonderfully brave SEIU guys beat that black guy selling Gadsden Flags to the ground in St. Louis last spring.

If I was a kid, and saw and heard that mob starting up on my porch, I would have been scared myself. Of course, in my situation, I would have loaded the A5 full of buck and carried that with me to the top of the stairs and watched the front door. No, I would not have stepped outside at 10-12, but would not have quailed in the bath room. I would bet however, that the aforementioned kid had never touched a gun, or seen one other than on TV, so all he could do was be scared, and that is OK with you.

If you can not understand that, you have less cognitive reasoning skills than I think you do....but I suspect it is just your adherence to a lifestyle that endorses Power by the Mob, in one form or another, because that is how YOU grew up.

I am also sure that now you will opine how my supposed reaction in a hypothetical situation makes me sound stupid, and should be proof that I have no right, oh wait, privilege, to ever touch hand to a firearm, as you know best.

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Guest 6.8 AR

SEIU organized an event on a mans private property, singled this man out, and scared the heck out of one or both of his kids. Is this the way you see society taking care of

its woes, or do you just think SEIU is a good example of "Organizing for America"?

"We know who you are. We know where you work. We know where you live".

Andy Stern. International President, Service Employees International Union

Most visits to the White House to date during Obama administration.

Bank of America was forced by laws enacted by congress to dole out garbage loans

to minorities and everyone else who couldn't afford to make the payments. The same

thing happened to Countrywide Mortgage. The Honorable Chris Dodd had a lot to do

with that. Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae, had a lot to do with the crap loans also.

You must be watching too much bad news, DaveTN. This stuff has been going on for years and it isn't reasonable to say the banks are at fault. The problems were started

years ago and they are getting worse because of bad legislation forcing banks to do

things good banks wouldn't otherwise do.

SEIU and ACORN(and/or whatever their new name is) have been mixed up in this as

a beneficiary for a long time.

I pretty much agree with Hvymtl's assessment of unions, even though they are

becoming so corrupt and are an arm of the progressives in the Democrat Party, but

they will destroy this country with their activities.

What are we going to have left after the progressives spend this country's wealth?

Nothing but tyranny.

Keep on defending SEIU and their protests all you wish, but remember, they had no

right to be there, and it was only to ridicule one man, and unionize bank tellers. Part

of the Saul Alinski communist cookbook.

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Guest HvyMtl

"I pretty much agree with Hvymtl's assessment of unions" :popcorn::D:D

I agree with 6.8 AR on the viewpoint some of the unions are being used by the liberal arm of the Democratic Party.

However, BoA is not a total innocent... particularly on predatory lending, and foreclosure.

AS for the SEIU, I find them to be more and more thug like in their actions, a disturbing trend. And yes, they can be quite "brute force" on things. I expect Metro Nashville to find this out the hard way, with the Metro Schools deciding to outsource janitorial and maintenance services. I fully expect the lines of civility to be crossed. I fully expect property damage, people picketed at home, and lives threatened, at the least.

Sad, as I know a few of the Metro School Janitors, some who have put in decades of dedicated, loyal, and exceptional service, to be dumped like the trash they pick up.

I wonder when Metro will see how others have outsourced, and well, gotten less than what they have paid for. I expect Metro to spend millions and get practically nothing for their expenditures...

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I heard on the news Alcoa United steelworkers union is prepared to strike if they dont get their way on a contract at the end of May.

With the unemployment at 10% Alcoa should tell them to go ahead, And replace everyone of them. It doesnt make sense to strike the best job in town.

I'm in this union and one of those layoffs from last year. I was really disgusted by the obvious support of Obama in their magazine that we got about once a month.

They already have barricades setup around the plants, hired extra security, calling back retiree's, and training salaried people (Non union ALCOA employees) to do the jobs.

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» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home - Big Journalism

It looks like “reporter†Arthur Delaney has a new moonlighting gig as Assistant Communications Director for SEIU and he’s so tired he accidentally posted a PR piece for the beleaguered union at his day job at the Huffington Post.

As noted at Big Government today, a gang of SEIU intimidators stormed the front lawn of Bank of America Deputy General Counsel Greg Baer this past weekend in an attempt to bully him into changing B of A’s policies toward foreclosures, or so they claimed.

In Fortune Magazine, columnist Nina Easton reported on the protest and made note of the fact that SEIU is actively trying to organize the bank tellers at B of A — and by the way, SEIU owes the bank four million dollars. But never mind all that, SEIU just cares about “the little guy.â€

But, the main thrust of Easton’s article in Fortune is the fact that she happens to be Greg Baer’s neighbor. The issue of hundreds of protesters bused in from various states to block traffic and scream through a bull horn on a peaceful suburban street on a Sunday afternoon transcends politics. This is about common decency and co-existing in a civil society — qualities that elude the modern fascist left.

In a rhetorical flourish meant to shame the SEIU thugocracy into taking a glimpse into the mirror to see what they’ve become, Easton skewers them with the cruelest cut of all:

Targeting homes and families seems to put SEIU in the ranks of (now jailed) radical animal-rights activists and the Kansas anti-gay fundamentalists harassing the grieving parents of a dead 20-year-old soldier at his funeral (the Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on the latter). But that’s not a conversation that SEIU officials want to have.

This is where Delaney comes in. His headline at Huffington Post screams:

Nina Easton, Fortune Columnist, Compares Bank Protesters To ‘God Hates Fags’ Group

He then dutifully repeats the talking points spewed out from SEIU blogger John Vandeventer who “exposed†the real reason behind Easton’s post. No, it’s not the fact that there were hundreds of strangers clogging her street, disturbing the peace and blocking traffic. It’s not because she’s a journalist, and when news is being made right in front of your eyes, you write about it. And no, it wasn’t even because her two-year-old child was woken from a nap due to the ruckus (if they woke my kid up I’d be in a rage).

No, with classic leftist logic and reasoning, Vandeveter reveals Easton’s real motive behind her column. Follow along now: Her husband, Russell Schriefer, owns a PR firm and one of the PR firm’s clients is the Business Roundtable. And a member of the Business Roundtable is B of A CEO Brian Moynihan.

Wow! Major bust, right!??! Well, not if you also reveal (which neither Vandeventer nor Delaney do) that there are more than one hundred and fifty members of the Business Roundtable.

But, never mind that… Easton wasn’t really upset about the noise and intimidation in her neighborhood or her child being disturbed, or just doing her job. No, she just took the opportunity of a random SEIU “protest†in her neighborhood in order to carry water for her husband who is accommodating the CEO of the firm Baer works for, who just so happens to be one of 150 members of a group that is one of her husband’s clients. Follow that? Yeah, me neither.

But here’s the kicker, neither did anyone else.

In fact 24 hours after Vandeventer’s “blockbuster†post at the SEIU blog, the story had only been picked up by one other blogger, Delaney at the Huffington Post. That is, until 2:00 p,m, PDT today. That’s when it was picked up by our good friends, the Soros-funded hacks and non-entities at Media Matters.

You know it’s a problem when Huffington Post is beating those guys in regurgitating SEIU propaganda.

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» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home - Big Journalism

The family of Greg Baer, Bank of America executive, is located in a jurisdiction protected by the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD), which responded promptly to a disturbance call from his neighborhood last weekend.

According to Corporal Dan Friz, an MCPD spokesperson in Rockville, Maryland, the department received a disturbance call from one of Baer’s neighbors at 4:10 pm last Sunday. Four MCPD units arrived at Baer’s Greenville Rd. address at 4:15 pm. At least two Metropolitan Police Department units from the nearby District of Columbia were already at the scene when they arrived.

Why? Because police cars attached to the Washington MPD’s Civil Disturbance Unit had escorted the SEIU protesters’ buses to Baer’s home. Such cross-jurisdictional escort activity is not uncommon for both departments according to Friz and Metro Police Department spokesperson Officer Eric Frost. Still, the District police did not inform their colleagues of what was about to happen in one of their Maryland neighborhoods.

The Maryland officers reported there were approximately 500 protesters on and near the front lawn of Baer’s house. Montgomery County was not given a “heads-up†concerning the planned protest. Although a protest permit is technically required in Montgomery County, in practice no citation is issued if the protestors disperse when requested to do so by the owner of the private property they occupy.

The primary role of the Washington cops in this event was to protect the protesters. The D.C. officers had no authority to act to disperse the protesters even had the homeowner been present and asked them to vacate the private property. The event ended as a “dash oneâ€â€“ no arrests, no citations – according to Friz. The Montgomery County units left the scene at 5:29 pm.

According to Friz, “members of protest groups know how far to push the envelope†and wait for “the key words†– for example, the property owner’s request that they leave – in order to avoid arrests or citations. For example, protesters are required to keep on the move, since a standing protest violates a Montgomery County code. And, while photographs clearly suggest that many of the SEIU protesters were stationary, the District police don’t have any authority to enforce Montgomery County laws.

So, let’s sum this up: A caravan of SEIU buses receive a Metropolitan (D.C.) Police Department escort to a private home in Maryland where the protesters, from all appearances, violate Montgomery County law by engaging in a stationary protest. The Montgomery County police were not informed by their cross-jurisdictional colleagues of the impending, unusually large protest pending in their jurisdiction.

What’s up with that? Had the mob decided to torch the house, the D.C. police would not have been authorized to intervene. Not their jurisdiction. They’re just escorts. Meanwhile, a teenage boy is home alone, frightened by what’s happening outside his front door.

There’s something very wrong with this picture.

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"I pretty much agree with Hvymtl's assessment of unions" :D:dunno::D

I agree with 6.8 AR on the viewpoint some of the unions are being used by the liberal arm of the Democratic Party.

However, BoA is not a total innocent... particularly on predatory lending, and foreclosure.

AS for the SEIU, I find them to be more and more thug like in their actions, a disturbing trend. And yes, they can be quite "brute force" on things. I expect Metro Nashville to find this out the hard way, with the Metro Schools deciding to outsource janitorial and maintenance services. I fully expect the lines of civility to be crossed. I fully expect property damage, people picketed at home, and lives threatened, at the least.

Sad, as I know a few of the Metro School Janitors, some who have put in decades of dedicated, loyal, and exceptional service, to be dumped like the trash they pick up.

I wonder when Metro will see how others have outsourced, and well, gotten less than what they have paid for. I expect Metro to spend millions and get practically nothing for their expenditures...

Unions were temporary market corrections that have lost most of their use. However, like many of the Democrats operatives, they have been copoted to be used as political strong men for the party and serve little to no purpose for those they purport to serve, ala Civil Rights, Education, etc. Most unions could go away and the market and workers would be much better off. Just ask the auto industry or the obvious to us all the education system.

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Guest 6.8 AR

BOA is not the bad guy. It's all too convenient to blame things on a private company.

Laws were enacted that forced banks to change their business model and make bad

loans. Loans which are being paid for buy the American taxpayer and benefits from

those loans, directly and indirectly, received by politicians and SEIU types for their

own gain. There is nothing good happening and nothing good will come from this. Let

them keep taking over banks that made those bad loans and see what happens to the

banking industry, and the rest of the country. Let the government unionize all the

employees of every 'mom and pop' company and see how well productivity tanks.

Let the government spend all the taxpayers wealth on health care.

Want to see a "Third World country"? Walk outside your front door in a year or two

and look around. It will make you so proud to be a part of it.

It's this government run by the marxist hyenas and the unions by then.

Go back and read a little about the causes of the Russian Revolution for some

background. Then go and see how Hitler and his thugs took over. This stuff has been

in the making for a long time. It didn't come about overnight. That's not the way they


Bitch about the Republicans all you want, people, and you've lost. The Democrats

use any tool they have, and it is the unions, which are heavily dominated by marxists

and have been throughout their history, that are the leading edge in a civil war.

Some of the 'intellectual' discussions we have on here just completely miss the point.

You can fix the Republicans, but see how hard it is to fix the 'all out communism' coming from the ranks of the Democrats. It took the economy of the US to crush

the Soviet Union. If there is no economy to use next time, how do you think that

will end?

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