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God dishes out no more than you can take

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Guest Jamie
see previous answer

It wasn't an answer the first time 'round.

I don't know what's bothering Mike, if anything... but I'm quite sure surrendering to it isn't going to help, anymore than sitting around praying for the situation to be different is apt to.

A person has to find an answer that is acceptable to them... and usually they are the only ones who know what that is. It's not likely to come from god, or a bunch of yo-yos on the internet.


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Guys. He seems to be asking for help and some want to take this opportunity to impune God, ect. If you have a personal agenda against God, fine work it out with him. Otherwise why take what hope some have, so they can share in YOUR misery and hurt. The God I know takes it away if you are willing to let it go. Mike if you need anything you know where to find me and others who are willing.


God doesn't cause the bad stuff in the world. Man does that. God gives us a way to be free from it even when we don't deserve it. James 1:13 says, "When under trial, let no one say: "I am being tried by God." For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone."

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Guest Tiny G
It wasn't an answer the first time 'round.

I don't know what's bothering Mike, if anything... but I'm quite sure surrendering to it isn't going to help, anymore than sitting around praying for the situation to be different is apt to.

A person has to find an answer that is acceptable to them... and usually they are the only ones who know what that is. It's not likely to come from god, or a bunch of yo-yos on the internet.


Being humble isn't surrender. Prayer isn't for changing the situation, but for the strength to get through it.

I agree that each person has to find the answer that is acceptable to them and that the internet yo-yos are a poor source of comfort.

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Guest jackdm3
God doesn't cause the bad stuff in the world. Man does that.

There are exceptions to your statement, like worldwide famine and disease among countless other travesties, but I know what you mean.

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Guest Jamie

At this point in the game, I'd just like to know what's on Mike's mind...

I don't know if anybody's noticed, but he currently isn't showing up as being online and reading this crap. ( 3:59pm Central )


Edited by Jamie
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There are exceptions to your statement, like worldwide famine and disease among countless other travesties, but I know what you mean.

If ya believe in Adam and Eve than man really did cause all that too. Course then it would techincally be women's fault since she bit first. ;) JK ladies!

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Guys. He seems to be asking for help and some want to take this opportunity to impune God, ect. If you have a personal agenda against God, fine work it out with him. Otherwise why take what hope some have, so they can share in YOUR misery and hurt. The God I know takes it away if you are willing to let it go. Mike if you need anything you know where to find me and others who are willing.
At this point in the game, I'd just like to know what's on Mike's mind...

I don't know if anybody's noticed, but he currently isn't showing up as being online and reading this crap. ( 3:59pm Central )


Amen. A man seems to have been sincerely asking for help and people here are busy debating whether or not there's a God. I'd say it seems apparent from Mike's request he thinks there is, so I'm not sure how saying there isn't is helping him, exactly.

Mike, look to your friends, family, and yes, to God. Don't give up hope, whatever form that takes with you. Most of us here have been through some bad times. Some more than others. Sometimes just talking about it renews your strength.

I don't know what it is that is troubling you, but I know you'll pull through. Maybe beaten, battered, and scarred, but sometimes that's the price we pay.

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Preach! ;)

I ain't the one for that.

I've had enough when my body finally gives up and I quit breathing. That's not to say that I haven't sat there with a pistol in my hand, and contemplated mashing the button. The reason not to (more than once) came down to what it would do to the people around me. We ain't in this alone.

Now, I realize that no matter how bad it gets, there will always be better days.

With that said, if I was a typical Kevorkian patient, I would probably suck the bottom out of a bottle of CO.

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A second? Crimson, I've spent most of my life watching, listening, and thinking about it.

I didn't arrive at the conclusions I have without many years of thought going into them.

Sorry, didn't mean to come off condescending or dismissive, I just meant that I believe that's why things happen. We grow through things happening to us, both good and bad. Sometimes the growth is obvious, other times it takes years to see how the subtle changes that were made in us made us better people.

There are no lessons with what I am going through and have been through in my life.

There are no lessons in what my mother went through in the last few years of her life.

Well, obviously I can't speak of the specifics of your trials as I'm unfamiliar with them, but there have been people throughout history who have survived truly horrific things and grew to become far more than they likely would have otherwise. It's cliché but one can take life's lemons and make either a sour face or lemonade.

Whether God does this to us or allows it to happen are two very different things, and I believe projecting our own 'minds' onto His is a fallacy.

I do know that many times I've seen things happen to folks (and close loved ones) that made me wonder how on earth they can go on, yet they not only did so, but grew, and were able to live better and/or serve others better because of it.

So while I cannot speak to your specific trials, I believe there's a lesson in everything we survive - while I readily admit that the challenge lies in finding out how to channel those lessons into something positive.

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Mike, I don't know you & have never met you. I've had a pretty good life. Some ups, some downs, but the one thing that has got me through all the bad is doing whatever it takes to get yourself through it. Whether it's God, religion, getting drunk, therapy, or just hauling off & knocking the crap out of whatever's getting to you.

If it's something you can discard or get away from, do it.

All you can do, is whatever it takes & only you knows what that might be.

Pontificating over the existence of a divine being & whatever he or she does or doesn't do isn't going to help.

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You know, this phrase, along with "we can't understand it now, but it's God's will" probably do more damage to people's faith than about anything out there.

I agree with CrimsonAudio and Smith here, but that is of little consolation when it's happening. Yes, God may infact provide a "way out" to bear the suffering, and he may expect us to use the experience to help others later. Neither of those ease anyone's pain now.

Losing 2 children wasn't God's will for me and my wife. My wife losing her dad at 50 years old wasn't either.

This world is broken. It sucks. Through Christ, we do have a way out, but sometimes that's of little physical comfort here in this broken world that we are left in.

Mike, I don't even know you personally, but I do know that you've taken some blows this year with your grandkids moving away, and other stuff too. I also know that you can make it through it, and there are a lot of people on here who can do some of the lifting if it gets too heavy for you. Just let us know.

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first I want to thank everyone for responding.

I am overwhelmed by the kind thoughts and well wishes here. You all mean so much to me. I do not know how I would get by without this outlet. I pretty much do not know how to respond to this thread I started. Words fail me.

Not to worry, while dark thoughts have gone through my head, and the darkest of options has as well, I am not going that route.

I deeply appreciate everyone's input.

I feel weak (mentally) from my despair compared to what some of you have gone through. Compared to that I have no problem.

Everyday lately I kick myself in the ass and tell myself to keep going. Just sometimes there is no more "keep going" left in me.

( now after an hour on the phone maybe I can finish this post.) My head hurts too much to think anymore. Oh well tomorrow is another day, I just fear what pain it will bring.

Just know that I appreciate everyone and am better for knowing all of you.

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first I want to thank everyone for responding.

I am overwhelmed by the kind thoughts and well wishes here. You all mean so much to me. I do not know how I would get by without this outlet. I pretty much do not know how to respond to this thread I started. Words fail me.

Not to worry, while dark thoughts have gone through my head, and the darkest of options has as well, I am not going that route.

I deeply appreciate everyone's input.

I feel weak (mentally) from my despair compared to what some of you have gone through. Compared to that I have no problem.

Everyday lately I kick myself in the ass and tell myself to keep going. Just sometimes there is no more "keep going" left in me.

( now after an hour on the phone maybe I can finish this post.) My head hurts too much to think anymore. Oh well tomorrow is another day, I just fear what pain it will bring.

Just know that I appreciate everyone and am better for knowing all of you.

I'm glad you're feeling better, Mike. You might feel fatigued but not weakened by what you just went through. You'll feel stronger by morning, just like working out (not that I know much about that). I'll be calling you tomorrow.

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Guest jackdm3

While I don't pray, I will say that I think of you often (everyday actually, since you're always here) and it bothers me when you take time-out. You were the earliest of my friends here, and we share more than you know. If we're both around here in a year and 4 months from now, I want to meet you and the others on the East end when my wife is required to go to UT to test out of her masters program.

Edited by jackdm3
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Guest Glock23ForMe
I find it funny that people who claim not to believe in God get awful touchy at the mention of his name. I don't believe in the Easter Bunny, but I don't get all worked up if you want to talk about him.

I have my theories, but not gonna post them on here.


Hope all is well. Since I've been on here the past 60 days it's guys like you that I can come home from a bad day, and get a huge laugh out of some of the posts on here. Namely, "Did you hit it?". Just keep on keepin' on man. You're in my prayers, big guy.


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I find it funny that people who claim not to believe in God get awful touchy at the mention of his name. I don't believe in the Easter Bunny, but I don't get all worked up if you want to talk about him.

It is grating that seemingly intelligent, reasonable people can believe in something as silly and on the same level as the flying spaghetti monster.

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Mike, I feel ya man as I have been there too just not too long ago. I got through it by leaning on those close around me and by asking God for strength and courage.

I know some do not believe in God and some may say it is stupid or whatever, but look at it this way if you think He doesn't help you at least think of it as a way for a person to share things with someone that they would not share with anyone else in fear of being judged or ridiculed. Sometimes just talking about something to either someone albeit physical or spiritual can relieve someone of stress in knowing that they don't have to carry that burden alone anymore.

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Guest Jamie
I have my theories, but not gonna post them on here.

Oh please do... Just be sure and put 'em in another thread.

I'll be waiting. :squint:

Then again, I'm betting the thread wouldn't last 10 minutes. :death::lol:

Mike, I don't usually give advice on such things, but I'm gonna tell you what I usually do, when things get to be more than I can deal with:

I just don't, for a while.

I go find someplace I like, I sit down, and I try to not think about anything. I look, watch, and listen, but otherwise just shut it all off. No conscious thought, no trying to work things out, no prayer... nothing. Just try to be still, both physically and mentally.

Most of the time, the letting it all go for a while seems to help.

Given that I'm a night person, for lack of a better term, I can end up at some odd places at odd times... out in the woods at midnight, or sitting down by the river at 2:00am. The place has never mattered so much as it being deserted does.

I've done this many times, over the years, and it may very well be the only reason I'm still here.

Give it a try sometime. Who knows? It might just help.

Do NOT just sit there and stew over whatever's bothering you though... That'll only make things worse.


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Guest Jamie
So Jamie IS one of those things that goes bump in the night.

No, I think I tend to scare those... :squint:

( Remember, I said "be still"... No bumping allowed. )


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