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US Military & Tatoos

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Guest Straight Shooter


I aint falling into an argument with you. Apparently the reason YOU feel forced or co-erced is because you are either gay yourself, or you agree with the gay agenda, and NO, Im not gonna lay out the whole "gay agenda". I know what it is, and you do too. As for me "staying home"...not happening. What WILL happen is when someone of of the gay...ilk...tries to preach to me, or tell what a bigot I am, and as far as gays go, I AM, then THEY will find out how/where I stand on the issue, REAL QUICK LIKE.

As far as them being "everywhere", I know that, and they arent "everywhere" trying to shove it down my throat either. As long as they, and everyone else for that matter, leave me and mine the hell alone, all will be just fine.

Im done with this.

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Guest bkelm18

I aint falling into an argument with you. Apparently the reason YOU feel forced or co-erced is because you are either gay yourself, or you agree with the gay agenda, and NO, Im not gonna lay out the whole "gay agenda". I know what it is, and you do too. As for me "staying home"...not happening. What WILL happen is when someone of of the gay...ilk...tries to preach to me, or tell what a bigot I am, and as far as gays go, I AM, then THEY will find out how/where I stand on the issue, REAL QUICK LIKE.

As far as them being "everywhere", I know that, and they arent "everywhere" trying to shove it down my throat either. As long as they, and everyone else for that matter, leave me and mine the hell alone, all will be just fine.

Im done with this.

Ain't America great! Where homo(phobes) can be open and proud! :)

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I aint falling into an argument with you. Apparently the reason YOU feel forced or co-erced is because you are either gay yourself, or you agree with the gay agenda, and NO, Im not gonna lay out the whole "gay agenda". I know what it is, and you do too. As for me "staying home"...not happening. What WILL happen is when someone of of the gay...ilk...tries to preach to me, or tell what a bigot I am, and as far as gays go, I AM, then THEY will find out how/where I stand on the issue, REAL QUICK LIKE.

As far as them being "everywhere", I know that, and they arent "everywhere" trying to shove it down my throat either. As long as they, and everyone else for that matter, leave me and mine the hell alone, all will be just fine.

Im done with this.


I'm not gay, I don't agree with anybody's agenda (not just the "gay one", whatever that is).

It's just that I don't hate people for things they do.

I may hate the thing they do, but I will not hate them.

You sound like a very religious man. Does your religion teach you all that hate for a fellow man?

It's always funny to me that very religious people that claim their good book teaches love, etc....but then turn around and hate people for something that does not affect them in any way, shape, or form.

But thanks for calling me gay, though! :puke:

Edit: You know, now that I think about it.

A lot of gay people, before 'coming out', show an over-exaggerated hate for gays in their denial and so others will not suspect them for having the gay.

Hmmm..... :)

Edited by strickj
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Guest redbarron06
Ain't America great! Where homo(phobes) can be open and proud! :D

Can you not do any better than name calling?

The fact is that being gay comes down to one of 2 issues, a choice that is made or a mental disorder that a person is born with. Now if they can control the mental disorder or their deviant habit, let them serve, if they can not then they dont need to be there. As a member of the military you are a item of govt property. Homosexual activity puts that that property at a greater risk. Not just risk to the individual but a risk to the entire team.

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Can you not do any better than name calling?

The fact is that being gay comes down to one of 2 issues, a choice that is made or a mental disorder that a person is born with. Now if they can control the mental disorder or their deviant habit, let them serve, if they can not then they dont need to be there. As a member of the military you are a item of govt property. Homosexual activity puts that that property at a greater risk. Not just risk to the individual but a risk to the entire team.

He wasn't name calling.

In fact, the person he quoted, called me a name.

That said, how does being gay put the Military at greater risk?

As far as why they're gay, I have no idea why they are. Nor do you.

If it is a mental disorder, then so what?

Does a person that excessively cleans not suitable of serving? (OCD)

Edited by strickj
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Guest bkelm18
Can you not do any better than name calling?

The fact is that being gay comes down to one of 2 issues, a choice that is made or a mental disorder that a person is born with. Now if they can control the mental disorder or their deviant habit, let them serve, if they can not then they dont need to be there. As a member of the military you are a item of govt property. Homosexual activity puts that that property at a greater risk. Not just risk to the individual but a risk to the entire team.

Didn't realize I was calling anybody a name. I was just making a general statement. My apologies that somehow you took it that I was speaking of you.

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Guest redbarron06
Didn't realize I was calling anybody a name. I was just making a general statement. My apologies that somehow you took it that I was speaking of you.

You insinuated that anybody that is against the homo movement wa a homophobe. That is not true, sure some are but you made a blanket statment. Be more specific next time.

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I aint falling into an argument with you. Apparently the reason YOU feel forced or co-erced is because you are either gay yourself, or you agree with the gay agenda, and NO, Im not gonna lay out the whole "gay agenda". I know what it is, and you do too. As for me "staying home"...not happening. What WILL happen is when someone of of the gay...ilk...tries to preach to me, or tell what a bigot I am, and as far as gays go, I AM, then THEY will find out how/where I stand on the issue, REAL QUICK LIKE.

As far as them being "everywhere", I know that, and they arent "everywhere" trying to shove it down my throat either. As long as they, and everyone else for that matter, leave me and mine the hell alone, all will be just fine.

Im done with this.

Lets see, you can stand on your stump and pontificate your "position/agenda" but no one else can? Sounds reasonable.

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Guest Straight Shooter


How the hell have I stopped you or anyone else from "pontificating" on this forum?


To bkelm18, to be "phobic" implies fear of something. FYI, Im "phobic" of nothing except GOD & snakes. Homo's.....not so much.

To strickj, since you wont LEAVE THIS ALONE, Ill say to you, DONT EVER PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH AGAIN. I NEVER said I "hated homosexuals", YOU LIE, SIR.

MY Bible ABSOLUTELY says GOD "hates" homosexuality. And I damn well do dictate what will be said and taught to me, and mine. Dont like it? Theres nothing you can do about it. Im NOT sorry if I offended some on here's love of DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. TUFF NUTS, I say. Now, be good little chaps and go on your way, and leave this alone., youve accomplished nothing more than "outting" yourselves.

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To strickj, since you wont LEAVE THIS ALONE, Ill say to you, DONT EVER PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH AGAIN. I NEVER said I "hated homosexuals", YOU LIE, SIR.

Actually, you did say that...

What WILL happen is when someone of of the gay...ilk...tries to preach to me, or tell what a bigot I am, and as far as gays go, I AM,
youve accomplished nothing more than "outting" yourselves.

Just keep calling me names, man. Makes your argument look all the better ;)


A lot of gay people, before 'coming out', show an over-exaggerated hate for gays in their denial and so others will not suspect them for having the gay.


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Whoops, forgot about this little gem in my last post...

\And I damn well do dictate what will be said and taught to me, and mine. Dont like it? Theres nothing you can do about it.

So, it's ok for you to dictate what happens behind your closed doors, but others cant?

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Straight Shooter,

WHY must YOU talk LIKE this? IT DOSENT help YOU get YOUR POINT across ANY BETTER?

And no one is going to take your seriously until you quit talking about yourself in the third person, I say. :D

Edited by Jasongar8
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Guest Straight Shooter

Hey Jasongar8-

I really give a damn whether or not YOU or ANYONE else likes the way I talk.

AND, as for taking me seriously, WHAT DO I CARE?!

And strickj, your right, no rebuttal.

Edited by Straight Shooter
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Hey Jasongar8-

I really give a damn wheather or not YOU or ANYONE else likes the way I talk.

AND, as for taking me seriously, WHAT DO I CARE?!

And strickj, your right, no rebuttal.

THATS cool MAN. I was JUST wondering. NOW wasnt THIS thread ABOUT TATS?

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Guest Straight Shooter

Why dont YOU go back and look to see WHO started all this?

Your a MODERATOR and all. Is it part of your duties here to exaggerate what I say and the way I write? If YOU dont like it, BAN ME.

Ill take it up with DAVID.

Your move.

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Why dont YOU go back and look to see WHO started all this?

Your a MODERATOR and all. Is it part of your duties here to exaggerate what I say and the way I write? If YOU dont like it, BAN ME.

Ill take it up with DAVID.

Your move.

Buddy you need to chill out. I was just messing with you. I cant (in this forum section) and I have no reason you ban you. The tat comment was an attempt at getting the thread back on topic.

Edited by Jasongar8
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Guest Straight Shooter

Thats fine then, but I aint the only one who took it off track.

And strickj,whooo what Id like to say to you.

Ill just say yes,I said something about homosexuals in the military, woulda stopped right then too,but YOU and a couple more got your PANTIES in a wad, LITERALLY, from the sound of it. You keep running YOUR mouth, Im gonna run mine.

And you STILL never showed all those SPELLING ERRORS. Of ALL PEOPLE, YOUR gonna tell someone how to talk?

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How the hell have I stopped you or anyone else from "pontificating" on this forum?


To bkelm18, to be "phobic" implies fear of something. FYI, Im "phobic" of nothing except GOD & snakes. Homo's.....not so much.

To strickj, since you wont LEAVE THIS ALONE, Ill say to you, DONT EVER PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH AGAIN. I NEVER said I "hated homosexuals", YOU LIE, SIR.

MY Bible ABSOLUTELY says GOD "hates" homosexuality. And I damn well do dictate what will be said and taught to me, and mine. Dont like it? Theres nothing you can do about it. Im NOT sorry if I offended some on here's love of DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. TUFF NUTS, I say. Now, be good little chaps and go on your way, and leave this alone., youve accomplished nothing more than "outting" yourselves.

I am merely pointing out something I heard in a movie, "your hypocrisy (seems) to know no bounds." You say that if a gay person should want to talk about their agenda/gayness that it in not ok. But that you will be quick to let them know what your agenda is.

I think most people are like you, they want to live and let live and be left alone. But your delivery tends to alienate and inflame people. It seems that you are quite passionate about this topic. And I am sure with all the fall out you are feeling somewhat defensive.

I have known and know many gays both in the service and out. Most are fine people with good morals and ethics. They are not perverts or petafiles. They want the same as you and I, equality. I can't say I understand or agree with their lifestyle, but it is not my choice and it really has no effect on me.

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So far a thread about confederate tats in the military has dissolved into people judging other people about how bad judging other people is. Hmm that makes sense.:P I just don't get the logic strikj- Don't tell me what to do, as I tell you not to tell me what to do.:stare:

A true libertarian wouldn't be bothered by people having different ideas, regardless of what they are. Yet you seem more prejudiced and set in your ideas than those you keep going after as hypocritical. It's obvious you have a thing about religion, conservatism, etc but either be consistent or quite.:puke:

As far as confederate tats, what' the issue? I've seen much more racially or PC insensitive stuff on military and LE than that. I guess it's the politicians flavor of the month.:bowrofl:

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Guest Straight Shooter


Your last post is one that I can speak more calmly to after getting some sleep!

What chapped me, was someone saying, that I said I "hated" homosexuals, and those words never left my mouth. I said "bigoted". My Websters, that I just consulted, does not mention hate in the def. of "bigot" at all.

Now, the whoooole thing I was saying, is about gays, and the government trying to MAKE me accept their lifestyle. Them merely speaking about it, is NOT the same as them telling me Ill be thrown in jail for saying its wrong,{happened} or that preachers cant preach what the Bible says about it{happened} and that our childen will be taught in school that its ok to have "two mommies or two daddies. {happened}

Yes, SPEAK any way you want. But I too have the right to say someone is full of Sh** too, it aint a one way street for these people. One thing I disagree with you about is feeling "defensive from all the fallout". Nah. Only fallout was from two people, who the subject apparently hit a little too close to home. Both made accusations and never could back them up. I HATE that.

In closing, my first post was about all the things the USMC, and other branches, were being forced to do, like banning Confederate tats, and letting in OPEN homosexuals. I reckon thats what upset a couple on here. Oh well, theyll get over it.

Now, I really am done with this.

Edited by Straight Shooter
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