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Teacher hit student Franklin Co

Guest clsutton21

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I disagree. It's the parents that don't discipline their kids that's the problem. It is not the schools' job to do what parents should be doing. And because of that, if the kids are out of control, send their sorry little butts home. If the parent doesn't rectify the situation, the kid can stay home.

There is only one other person who has a right to lay a hand on my children, and she gave birth to them. Other than that, you better keep your hands in your pockets.

So if the kids are out of control, they should be home schooled by the parents so that they can discipline them. This basically goes back to my point that if a parent doesn't want their child disciplined, they shouldn't send them to public schools. By sending your child to school, you are in a way giving partial parental rights to the teachers, or at least that's how I think people should view it.

The other option should be, that if a parent thinks they are the only ones allowed to discipline their child, then they should be required to attend school with him so they can be there in the event that the child acts up.

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So if the kids are out of control, they should be home schooled by the parents so that they can discipline them. This basically goes back to my point that if a parent doesn't want their child disciplined, they shouldn't send them to public schools. By sending your child to school, you are in a way giving partial parental rights to the teachers, or at least that's how I think people should view it.

The other option should be, that if a parent thinks they are the only ones allowed to discipline their child, then they should be required to attend school with him so they can be there in the event that the child acts up.

You read my point backwards. I meant the schools should have the guts to send the kid home. What the parent does as a result is their business. If they want their kid to behave at school, they better apply the appropriate discipline at home.

And I never said schools shouldn't discipline my kids. But they better keep their hands off them.

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You read my point backwards. I meant the schools should have the guts to send the kid home. What the parent does as a result is their business. If they want their kid to behave at school, they better apply the appropriate discipline at home.

And I never said schools shouldn't discipline my kids. But they better keep their hands off them.

I didn't read it wrong, I simply have a different take on it than what you were meaning.

It is not the schools' job to do what parents should be doing.

By this you're saying that it's not a teacher's job to teach the kids to behave. I was always under the impression that this was exactly what part of the teacher's job was, especially in situations where the parents do not contribute their part in a childs learning.

Schools can't simply send every child home every time they act up. If that were the case, half the people I went to school with would have never gone to school. They have got to be allowed to use some type of discipline in order to teach the kids that there are consequences for their actions. This is most especially the case when the parents can't do their job at home. For the future of the entire population, if a parent isn't teaching them important life lessons, then it should be a definate law that teachers in schools should be allowed to do so.

And don't get me wrong, like I say I agree with your opinion of not wanting your child to be harmed. However, if you discipline them at home by spanking them, then you've obviously come to the conclusion that this type of discipline is the only one they respond to. If that's the case, and you agree that schools should be allowed to discipline your kids, then how would you suggest they do so?

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Guest G-Pa Glynn

Living in Franklin Co., I have talked to a few people that know the situation frist hand. From what they have said, it is more than likely a set-up to get him fired. Mr. Jolley is a great man (have known him for many years) and this, in my thinking, is in fact a set-up. He has been teaching for many years and never had a problem.

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Guest clsutton21
Living in Franklin Co., I have talked to a few people that know the situation frist hand. From what they have said, it is more than likely a set-up to get him fired. Mr. Jolley is a great man (have known him for many years) and this, in my thinking, is in fact a set-up. He has been teaching for many years and never had a problem.

Exactly. I did forget to mention that several of the students say he tripped.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Wow. I cannot believe this is what is has come to. People are complete idiots and look for a payday any way that is possible. I love the "You can't see it on the video, but he smacks me across the face." I'm SURE that's exactly how it happened. And she wanted to "Save Face" until her momma though it could get them a payday. People make me sick.

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The courts have ruled that the school stands In loco parentis, meaning in place of parents. If you don't want the school to discipline your little brat, then you have the option of teaching him/her at home. I am a teacher. I have to deal with smartass kids every day. My philosophy is simple. If your little darling disturbs my class to the point of inhibiting the learning of others I will kick his/ her sorry ass out of class. If you don't like it- tough. If you had done your job at home, I would not have to do it at school.

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I have two kids in private schools and one graduating from U of M soon. They have always known that I would make them disappear for embarrassing our family for any reason. The same goes for the teacher that does anything other than using the paddle if they cut up in school. Kids should be raised to respect adults. My children know not to act out toward adults. They bring the issues to me or their mom and we deal with the adults.

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The courts have ruled that the school stands In loco parentis, meaning in place of parents.

I didn't realize it, but it's good to know that the courts have ruled in such a way, as this goes along with my opinion on that part of it.

Maybe they should come up with a waiver for those parents that will allow their kids to get a paddling when that type of discipline is needed. Teachers could check a kids file, and if the parents have signed off on it they could then paddle them and everyone could get on with class as normal. For those that refused to sign the waiver allowing the teachers to give proper discipline, the teachers could kick them out the front door and notify their parents that they needed to come pick their kid up out by the street.

It just goes to show that the parent/teacher relationships are nothing like they were when I was in school. My parents knew each of my teachers, and trusted them to discipline me correctly when I got out of hand. This is kinda hard to believe for me, because given the amount of time that kids are in school, teachers are in a way like babysitters. How many people would hire a babysitter that they didn't know and trust? If and when I have kids, if I don't trust their teachers enough to do the right things for my kids, then I will just have to do the schooling myself so that I can discipline them.

Edited by MCSCOTT
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Guest malbolja
Did anybody else see a hate crime in that video?

Against the teacher.

Unfortunately they will fire him to cover their a$$.

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Guest Glock23ForMe
I didn't realize it, but it's good to know that the courts have ruled in such a way, as this goes along with my opinion on that part of it.

Maybe they should come up with a waiver for those parents that will allow their kids to get a paddling when that type of discipline is needed. Teachers could check a kids file, and if the parents have signed off on it they could then paddle them and everyone could get on with class as normal. For those that refused to sign the waiver allowing the teachers to give proper discipline, the teachers could kick them out the front door and notify their parents that they needed to come pick their kid up out by the street.

It just goes to show that the parent/teacher relationships are nothing like they were when I was in school. My parents knew each of my teachers, and trusted them to discipline me correctly when I got out of hand. This is kinda hard to believe for me, because given the amount of time that kids are in school, teachers are in a way like babysitters. How many people would hire a babysitter that they didn't know and trust? If and when I have kids, if I don't trust their teachers enough to do the right things for my kids, then I will just have to do the schooling myself so that I can discipline them.

My parents didn't have to give a "You can paddle my child" nod to the schools... I was too scared that he'd whoop my ass until I died (He tried a couple of times). But I'm okay... Graduating with a B.S. in December... No 2 in High School class of 300... I think he did his job, and I'm okay as a result... Spare the rod, spoil the child

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The courts have ruled that the school stands In loco parentis, meaning in place of parents. If you don't want the school to discipline your little brat, then you have the option of teaching him/her at home. I am a teacher. I have to deal with smartass kids every day. My philosophy is simple. If your little darling disturbs my class to the point of inhibiting the learning of others I will kick his/ her sorry ass out of class. If you don't like it- tough. If you had done your job at home, I would not have to do it at school.

i taught high school for 3 years in Louisiana, and I agree whole-heartedly. 95% of all discipline problems I had with kids were caused by their parents. and i don't mean allowed or just not prohibited...i mean CAUSED.

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I graduated from Franklin County and had Mr. Jolly for several classes over the years. I don't really have a strong feeling either way on the video. He probably didn't do anything out of anger. She probably set him up. He should have kept his hands to himself. She probably needs her ass beat. He won't teach again. She will be worthless for her entire life.

Teaching doesn't pay well enough to put up with the BS that teachers deal with.

I am going to go beat my kid just to make sure she remembers to respect teachers. :cool::P:p

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