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Obama Leaves Out White Americans

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I was listening to Michael Delgiorno just a little bit ago on my drive back from class, and he was talking about a speech that Obama had given that leaves out white middle-aged americans. While I fall into the "young people" category, I still find this very wrong. I can't believe he is our president. Here's some links for you...

Washington Examiner

Edited by dubya3488
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He did that on purpose. See the people who were "lacking representative votes" were, youngpeople, african americans, latinos, and women. He is trying to conjure up the same votes that got him elected to keep his congressional majority. If more middle-aged white people voted he couldnt guarantee his minority(racial) bias to gain democratic votes.

His main points in campaining were that not enough minorties vote thats why a Republican like Bush had been in office for 8 yrs. This was basically a vote for Dems in november so I can keep ruining this country

but remember these are just my opinions :)

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Guest FroggyOne2

He mentions Afro Americans, Latino's, Women and young people. Never mentions Navtive Americans or Anglo Americans (IE.. no mention of "white" males).

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Has everybody forgotten that Obama was raised by WHITE people? Or... that his father wasn't Afro-American (he was just plain Afro). So many folks are worried that he's going to take the money and just give it to "his people", which is white folks from Hawaii???

The guy worked his way through Harvard on a student loan. That's a LOT of hard work. Is it reasonable to think that somebody like that is out to reward laziness?

Disagree with his politics all you want, 'cause there's plenty to disagree with. But, we have too many big issues to worry about to waste time on sh*t that ain't real.

Sorry for the rant.

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Has everybody forgotten that Obama was raised by WHITE people? Or... that his father wasn't Afro-American (he was just plain Afro). So many folks are worried that he's going to take the money and just give it to "his people", which is white folks from Hawaii???

The guy worked his way through Harvard on a student loan. That's a LOT of hard work. Is it reasonable to think that somebody like that is out to reward laziness?

Disagree with his politics all you want, 'cause there's plenty to disagree with. But, we have too many big issues to worry about to waste time on sh*t that ain't real.

Sorry for the rant.

You are a voice of reason. Some of these guys are like petty little 13 year old girls. Always looking for a reason to start some :drunk:. Too much time on their hands.

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You are a voice of reason. Some of these guys are like petty little 13 year old girls. Always looking for a reason to start some :drunk:. Too much time on their hands.

There are a lot of guys yuckin' that kinda crap in the media as well. I'm not saying anybody should like Obama... just saying that if you buy into the BS, you're that much further away from being a part of the real solutions.

Just like the birther crap. The birth certificate I saw looks just like the one I gave to the State to get my HCP. Fight Liberalism (and all the other real threats), not the boogie man.

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He's addressing his known demographic, plain and simple. He knows that highest voter turnout has always been the elderly, and he knows his votes are amongst the young and the minorities, those people who desire change. Everybody knows most old people hate change simply because they've gotten accustomed to whatever system they have and they wanna keep it that way. This is Marketing 101, and he's done plenty of other things to be upset about, not this petty whatnot.

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The guy worked his way through Harvard on a student loan. That's a LOT of hard work. Is it reasonable to think that somebody like that is out to reward laziness?

Sorry for the rant.

If you have some documents showing he worked his way throught Law School, I would sure like to see them.

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If you have some documents showing he worked his way throught Law School, I would sure like to see them.

Geez. OK, he had a student loan. He wasn't on the Kennedy or Bush tit. I don't spend a bunch of time digging up stuff that doesn't count. that was kinda my point.

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This is Marketing 101, and he's done plenty of other things to be upset about, not this petty whatnot.

Petty, huh? So what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if a middle-aged white President made a speech and said, specifically, "So, I would like to encourage all the middle-aged white men in this country to get out and vote!" I'll tell you what - Al Charlatan and Jesse Jackass would be on every major news venue within fifteen minutes calling for protests, etc. Let the president overtly omit that same group, however, and it is 'petty whatnot.'

I don't give a crap if the groups mentioned were the ones who put his sorry carcass in office. He is in the office, now, and he is supposed to represent all Americans. His appeal should be for all voters to make their voices heard at the polls - not specific groups - whether those votes will be cast in support of his agenda/supporters or not. To this point, as much as I have disliked Obama, I have avoided the whole, "He isn't my president," thing. However, judging by this speech, I guess he really isn't and doesn't want to be.

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Petty, huh? So what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if a middle-aged white President made a speech and said, specifically, "So, I would like to encourage all the middle-aged white men in this country to get out and vote!" I'll tell you what - Al Charlatan and Jesse Jackass would be on every major news venue within fifteen minutes calling for protests, etc. Let the president overtly omit that same group, however, and it is 'petty whatnot.'

I don't give a crap if the groups mentioned were the ones who put his sorry carcass in office. He is in the office, now, and he is supposed to represent all Americans. His appeal should be for all voters to make their voices heard at the polls - not specific groups - whether those votes will be cast in support of his agenda/supporters or not. To this point, as much as I have disliked Obama, I have avoided the whole, "He isn't my president," thing. However, judging by this speech, I guess he really isn't and doesn't want to be.

You're right. he hates white folks. All Muslims do. But wait, Nazis don't hate white folks. How could he be a Muslim AND a Nazi? I'm so confused.

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