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M1 Garand Rear sight help needed


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I just received my SA service grade from the CMP. I still haven't cleaned it up or anything but something I noticed when I was messing with it on my lunch break was that the rear sight will not move when you turn the windage knob. What happens is that the aperture begins to move and then it pops back to where it started. Can anyone help me with this or should I call the folks at CMP to see what they say?


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Humm sounds like the teeth on your apature or pinion could be out of spec. Call CMP they will make it right. The removal of the rear sight is easy enough.

You may want to try and tighten/loosen the screw on the rear sight and see if that will help.. If you remove the rear sight and clean it really well then it may help the teeth on the apature and pinion "bite" better, if not CMP may need to send you some parts.

To remove the rear sight lossen the screw on the rear sight. The pinion should unscrew and come out. Pull the apature up a bit and use it as a lever to pop the dust cover off.. ... but you may not need to remove the base and cover unless there is a lot of gunk under the cover.

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sounds like what mine does, but if I keep clicking it the thing moves.

Its very small increments

did you move it several clicks?

I thought it was doing this at first but I clicked forever and it never made it all the way so I assumed it was stuck. I will check it when I have more time. Maybe I just got ahead of myself.

Thanks everyone.

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Well I just went out on break and got it moving. I checked again and it wasn't moving at all. I ran the elevation through a full cycle to see if there were any problems with that and there weren't. I tried turning windage again and it miraculously started moving. Hooray for no more problems. I can't wait to get this thing cleaned up and start shooting it.

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Guest Halfpint

Let me check my "spare gun stuff" box, I may have some stripper clips I can toss your way. Can't wait to see a PIC OR TWO (this is a HINT, dude...) :D

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I will have plenty of clips here soon. I just ordered a spam can full of rounds preloaded on clips from the CMP. About a 4 week wait right now. Gives me lots of time to clean and familiarize myself with the rifle.

Sorry for the crappy pics. I don't own a digital camera so my phone is the best that I can do. This is also the way it was shipped. After some cleaning, it will look amazing!








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Yep. This rifle and all of the ammo I will be buying for it will be coming from CMP. I am not a reloader so that is my best option. I'm going to be taking it apart today and getting all of the cosmo and such off. There are some places that are just bad.

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