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Constitutional Question

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Ok I have a question that Ive always wondered about. The constitution says if something is legal in one state it has to be legal in another state right?

Why arent gun laws inforced that way? If its legal to carry a concealed gun in state A why cant one do the same in lets say NYC? The fags were planning on using that to get gay marriage legalized in all states when Mass said it was ok.

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That is not true. The constitution doesn't state that if something is legal in one state is has to be legal in another. The constitution and the amendments there of only spell out the powers of the federal government. Those things not specifically granted to the federal government are withheld from the federal government and reserved for the states\county\city to determine.

The boys and girls in DC and on the local levels have gotten too big for their britches and need to be reminded of this.

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Guest Step Up
That is not true. The constitution doesn't state that if something is legal in one state is has to be legal in another. The constitution and the amendments there of only spell out the powers of the federal government. Those things not specifically granted to the federal government are withheld from the federal government and reserved for the states\county\city to determine.

The boys and girls in DC and on the local levels have gotten too big for their britches and need to be reminded of this.

Article. IV.

Section. 1.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

This is what I was referring to. If its recognized as legal in one state it has to be legal in all states right???????

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Guest ETS_Inc

Unfortunately, Article IV, Section 1 doesn't mean that they have to recognize carry permits issued by other States.

Oh, and the term "fags" might be deemed offensive to some folks. As gun owners, we are constantly under a microscope. The anti-gun movement loves it when we live up to the stereotypes they give us. The use of close-minded, hate-filled speech just feeds their fires. Do you have to be PC? No, but there are more appropriate terms which can be used, that don't make us look bad. Terms like homosexuals, gay/lesbian, etc. are better than "fag."

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Swish?? I thought I was fairly worldly. Never heard that one.

Isn't fag an older term for a cigarette?

I for one would happily trade gay marriage for universal carry privilages.

What if there was a bill that contained both of these? Would you be for it?

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Guest ETS_Inc

Being intelligent, articulate, and respectful does not necessarily imply PC-ness.

Would you honestly call The Rabbi a kyke? I don't think he'd find it an acceptable term of endearment. Yet, kyke has been used quite often as a term for a Jewish person. That doesn't mean it's the right term to use.

Do you honestly think it does our side any good by using terms like "fag," "kyke," or "******?" There's no difference in any of those words. Their use is doing nothing to win support for our cause.

(Heck, the last one was so obviously offensive, the software wouldn't even let me type it. Suffice to say it's a commonly used term for a black person, and rhymes with trigger.)

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Hell Frank. I don't generally call homosexuals by those terms. I have people I work with who are gay and it's none of my damn business. I might use the terms if I got mad at them. But lets be honest, not using those terms is being PC.

Whether it is good for our cause or not is another matter.

And, BTW I despise board software that sensors words. I remember we had to disable one of the dumb things in a chatroom because it wouldn't let you type in about "cock"ing a gun hammer.

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The world is ending. I agree 100% with Marswolf. I don't see the need for censoring software. On one board you can't even talk about Dick Cheney, much less write n1gger. I thought this is why we had moderators.

Hell Frank. I don't generally call homosexuals by those terms. I have people I work with who are gay and it's none of my damn business. I might use the terms if I got mad at them. But lets be honest, not using those terms is being PC.

Whether it is good for our cause or not is another matter.

And, BTW I despise board software that sensors words. I remember we had to disable one of the dumb things in a chatroom because it wouldn't let you type in about "cock"ing a gun hammer.

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Guest Step Up

Well Ive never been called PC. Back to the question. The GAY community used that clause to force same sex marriage on every state. The states who were against it quickly added anti gay marriage amendments to there constitutions. I can assume they have challenged the amendments in court. Why dont the NRA try to use this free people to carry?

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Guest canynracer

Im lost (as usual) how did the term fag become a subject, who said it?

I thought the question was about the constitution...does it say fag in there?

im not gay not that there is anything wrong with that (sorry Seinfeld joke)... but if i were, who cares what im called...holy crap, this is rediculous, I cant even call someone short, I have to call them "height challenged" or whatever...

call it for what it is and move on...

Im Italian, I get goodfellas, godfather, WOP, greaser, all kinds of crap..

Im also bald, so I get "Stone cold steve austin", mr clean, telly savalis, skinhead, gangbanger, thug...sheesh who cares

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Why dont the NRA try to use this free people to carry?

You will never force states to allow carry. It is a state right.

Tennessee does not recognize the 2nd amendment as an individual right anymore than Illinois, New York or California.

A HCP is a privilege that you can purchase from the state. There are no “rights†involved and you have no right to carry.

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You will never force states to allow carry. It is a state right.

Tennessee does not recognize the 2nd amendment as an individual right anymore than Illinois, New York or California.

A HCP is a privilege that you can purchase from the state. There are no “rights†involved and you have no right to carry.

John Harris made a point like that when I talked to him once, that he wasn't in favor of the Feds imposing on states' rights. My answer is that while in theory that is true, in practice the Feds trample on states' rights every chance they get. What is the drinking age in NY? What is it here? What is it in CA? All 21, although it didnt use to be like that. Ditto on the late, unlamented 55MPH limit. So if the Feds are going to abuse states' rights, at least let's make them do it in some constructive way.

The right to carry is a right in TN, according to the state constitution. The fact that it is not administered that way is sort of irrelevant.

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Guest slothful1
Ok I have a question that Ive always wondered about. The constitution says if something is legal in one state it has to be legal in another state right?

I think you may be thinking of this part of the 14th Amendment:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

And while it doesn't mean that "something legal in one state has to be legal in another", it certainly does mean that states have no authority to violate rights enumerated in the U.S. Constitution (such as RKBA). So why isn't it enforced? Because most Americans simply don't want constitutional government.

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So why isn't it enforced? Because most Americans simply don't want constitutional government.

Please explain as it pertains to the 2nd amendment. 2nd amendment cases go through the courts as do all other cases. Almost every court in the land has addressed the 2nd at one point or another. “Most Americans†have no input.

Most of the Judges would argue that the 2nd is alive, well, and in full force. When was the last time that you heard of a state or the Federal government trying to disarm a Police Department, Military Unit or any other well regulated Militia that is necessary to the security of a Free State?

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Guest slothful1
Please explain as it pertains to the 2nd amendment. 2nd amendment cases go through the courts as do all other cases. Almost every court in the land has addressed the 2nd at one point or another. “Most Americans†have no input.

Aside from having 100% direct or indirect control over the appointment of those judges, as well as direct control over the legislative and executive entities that make and implement laws.

Most of the Judges would argue that the 2nd is alive, well, and in full force. When was the last time that you heard of a state or the Federal government trying to disarm a Police Department, Military Unit or any other well regulated Militia that is necessary to the security of a Free State?
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How about "queer", "closet queen", "fairies", "fruits", "nance", "nelly", "pansy" or "swish"?

We don't have to be PC, but please don't use "fag"? Give me a break. That was a plea for PC-ness.

I couldn't care less what my political enemies think and say of me. They are going to say it anyway, so why should I worry about it? We are supposed to live our lives for the approval of our enemies? Not me.

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We are supposed to live our lives for the approval of our enemies? Not me.

That's pretty much the way I think too.

I'm not a bigot. Far from it. I have absolutely no use for bigots or other fools. If you do act like a fool around me, you will probably find out quickly that I think you are one and you may not be happy with the outcome.

I'm basically a very nice guy, as long as you don't oppose me. If you fight fair, I'm probably going to be a nice guy even if we are on different sides. But I treat idiots like idiots, both verbally and if necessary physically.

I am a master at being impolite in a very polite way. You get more done that way. It is also stupid to go out of your way to needlessly push folk's buttons. You don't have to tell someone that they are a fool. You just demonstrate the point and everyone figures it out. :)

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