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Guest archerdr1

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Guest archerdr1

The way I see it is that I do not start any discussion at work about Politics, religion, or much of anything else. Now, If I see a police officer, a guy carrying, or an NRA hat or something of the sort that shows me where they stand and I am in agreement (saw a guy in an Obama sweater back 08 and never said anything political to him) I will start a conversation with them, but I won't seek out a political or religious debate with them. However, if someone says something to me, I will gladly let them know, respectfully, my opinion. I don't seek out a debate, but I will, with all respect, answer questions/comments directed at me.

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I think that maybe you don't get it.

I get it perfectly, and I stated so. You just didn't read carefully enough. If someone had a problem with my having a weapon on their premises, I just didn't go there, period. If that meant I left a job, then so be it. You see, that door swings both ways. If you know going in to the situation that you will have to break one of your morals, and then you still go in, then that speaks volumes about you. If you get into a situation, and later find out that in order to stay you have to break one of your morals, and you choose to stay, that also speaks volumes about you. You are, in essence, saying that you have a price. You can be bought. You will sell your 2nd amendment rights, your personal freedom, and your own security for the price of a paycheck. It's really that simple. It really does boil down to that. I'm exactly the same as all of you. I have financial responsibilities, and I have morals. I never sold out my morals for a paycheck that I know of. I know for sure that I never will. Has this moral compass swung over the last decade and a half? sure. If you disagree with my line of thinking, that's fine. I truly understand where you are coming from. I've been there, but I also questioned, continuously, if this was the right thing to do. If it wasn't, then I walked. Simple as that.


Not really sure what you mean by saying it's against your morals and saying that anyone without your gun carrying "morals" are sell outs.

i suppose that makes me a sell out for not carrying to check my mail B)

Whatever floats your boat, I suppose...

Guest archerdr1
Not really sure what you mean by saying it's against your morals and saying that anyone without your gun carrying "morals" are sell outs.

i suppose that makes me a sell out for not carrying to check my mail B)

Whatever floats your boat, I suppose...

what? you don't carry to check your mail? How could you?:D

I wouldn't think it would make anyone a sell out. Your decision to keep you weapon with you, or leave it in the car is just that, your decision. I have a wife and 2 kids, jobs are not easy to come by (however, I have two jobs but neither one lets me carry at work) and I just park close to the back door in case I have to get to it. I can't afford to leave my job so I can carry. Call me a sell out, but I don't live in the reality where I must have it every time I leave my house (though I would love to). If I could find a job where I could carry at work and still make about the same salary, I would leave my job in a second (anyone hiring?). I don't call it being a sell out, I call it being a responsible parent/spouse.

I don't think you were being petty at all. There is an innate desire within each of us as freedom-loving Americans to speak up and express our side of the argument to those who would make patently absurd statements like your co-worker did.

However, we sometimes must temper our reactions with an awareness of the dynamics of the situation. Had this exchange occurred off company property and off company time (for both parties) then I personally would have felt more liberty to say exactly what was on my mind.

Some people, even in this thread, apparently feel that keeping mum at work is akin to selling out your beliefs. People like that concern me, not only in relation to topics like this but in a lot of other facets of life as well. They look before they leap; they speak without fully thinking through the possible ramifications.

Everyone "sells out" a little bit all throughout the day. If you observe the speed limit, you're not living out your desire to drive however fast you want. If you're speeding and you slam on the brakes when you see a cop, you're not carrying through on the idea that you'll do whatever you please, damn the consequences.

We all know that with every action, there is a reaction. Sometimes those reactions may mean that you lose your source of income and the ability to provide food and shelter for yourself or your family. In the grand scheme of things, using some intelligence about when to make a big deal out of your personal beliefs on the job is as much a part of your overall tactics for keeping your family taken care of as is the decision to go armed for your protection.

reminds me of the proverb: "be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove". Like my wife always tells me it how you say it not necessarily what you say. I answered a lot of objections to stuff with a disarming smile and aphrase while expressing the truth at the same time. Sometimes though I 'm reminded of another proverb: "a fools lips invites a beating":D and "Silence is golden"

Not really sure what you mean by saying it's against your morals and saying that anyone without your gun carrying "morals" are sell outs.

i suppose that makes me a sell out for not carrying to check my mail B)

Whatever floats your boat, I suppose...

If it's not your moral to always be armed, then that's different. Many espouse on here that they are ALWAYS armed, then you find out that they drop it in the glove box for 8 hours while they are at work. That is the guy I am talking about. What, no one ever comes to the workplace and starts blowing people away? It happens. That's why I demand to be armed. You live a different lifestyle than I do, and that's cool. I hope I am more clear on those that I am talking about now...

  • Administrator

Rentaldude, you need to keep in mind that while you're free to live life the way you choose, so too are others. You have zero right to tell them how to live, what choices to make, when to be armed, etc.

Until you start paying their wages, you need to keep it in check.

Rentaldude, you need to keep in mind that while you're free to live life the way you choose, so too are others. You have zero right to tell them how to live, what choices to make, when to be armed, etc.

Until you start paying their wages, you need to keep it in check.

I never told anyone else how to live their life! I dare you to go back and pull a quote from this thread where I have done so. I have a differing opinion than you. Deal with it or boot me. The choice is yours.

I never told anyone else how to live their life! I dare you to go back and pull a quote from this thread where I have done so. I have a differing opinion than you. Deal with it or boot me. The choice is yours.

That's the way to draw a line in the sand. :confused::D

That's the way to draw a line in the sand. :lol::P

It's a forum on the interweb. Lots of people with lots of differing opinions. Some folks need to get over themselves. What the heck do I care if I get booted over something so vile as having a opinion.

It's a forum on the interweb. Lots of people with lots of differing opinions. Some folks need to get over themselves. What the heck do I care if I get booted over something so vile as having a opinion.

So..... you are making a big deal about what you consider not to be a big deal! :lol: Just poking the bear!:P

Back to the OP. Sometimes the right thing and the legal thing aren't always the same thing. You did right.


I have a price, and don't feel any shame for having been "bought". Mark me paid in full until the next paycheck- I'll not give up my livelihood to die on this particular sword.

I'd love to keep a weapon in my car, but I park on private property. The owner's will wins every time in my mind - it's no different than someone parking in my driveway with drugs or hippies. If the owner says it's not allowed, respect it.

You're only a sellout when you sell yourself out - not when you fail someone else's idea of how you should answer the bell.

  • Administrator
It's a forum on the interweb. Lots of people with lots of differing opinions. Some folks need to get over themselves. What the heck do I care if I get booted over something so vile as having a opinion.

You need to take your own advice there, chief.

Guest Jamie

Never minding all this "sell-out" business, I think the OP should'a been allowed to throw the woman over a nearby counter and paddle her backside 'til she "saw the light". :clap:

.... or at least learned to mind her own damn business.


Guest archerdr1

you don't know this girl, I would be afraid of what i might catch if I threw her over the counter and came within about 10 feet of her backside.

Guest archerdr1

dear jesus, sorry for that one there, and be with the pygmies in new guinea.

Guest Jamie
you don't know this girl, I would be afraid of what i might catch if I threw her over the counter and came within about 10 feet of her backside.

Okay, so wear a haz-mat suit. :clap:

... and be sure and burn the paddle when you're through. :clap:


You need to take your own advice there, chief.

You guys just don't seem to get it. You pile on me, because I have a differing opinion, and I word my responses strongly. What exactly do I need to get over? Expressing my opinion? Good luck on that one. ;)

If you want me to respect your opinion, you need to do it like this:

I have a price, and don't feel any shame for having been "bought". Mark me paid in full until the next paycheck- I'll not give up my livelihood to die on this particular sword.

You will need to be honest with yourself, first though. I have read on this forum, time and time again, guys beating their chests saying that they will not leave the house unarmed. Then, a few days later you find out that they didn't really mean it. They will make a concession for work, restaurants, the movie theater, their brother's house, etc., etc...

I have been completely honest on here. I carry everywhere, with the lone exception of a courthouse/federal building where they have metal detectors (so there is no way to carry anyway) and armed guards or police that I can entrust my safety to. Is that selling out? Well, some may think so, but since I am getting no monetary gain from these situations, I don't see it that way.

Anyway, I won't go on any more. I can see that if you have your own opinion, and state so, that this is the kind of place where you will get piled on if the mod goes a different way.

Posted (edited)
You guys just don't seem to get it. You pile on me, because I have a differing opinion, and I word my responses strongly. What exactly do I need to get over? Expressing my opinion? Good luck on that one. ;)

If you want me to respect your opinion, you need to do it like this:

You will need to be honest with yourself, first though. I have read on this forum, time and time again, guys beating their chests saying that they will not leave the house unarmed. Then, a few days later you find out that they didn't really mean it. They will make a concession for work, restaurants, the movie theater, their brother's house, etc., etc...

I have been completely honest on here. I carry everywhere, with the lone exception of a courthouse/federal building where they have metal detectors (so there is no way to carry anyway) and armed guards or police that I can entrust my safety to. Is that selling out? Well, some may think so, but since I am getting no monetary gain from these situations, I don't see it that way.

Anyway, I won't go on any more. I can see that if you have your own opinion, and state so, that this is the kind of place where you will get piled on if the mod goes a different way.

Three things:

1. Get over yourself

2. Lose the self-righteous 'tude

3. Grow a thicker skin

Oh, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out...

Edited by DaddyO
Three things:

1. Get over yourself

Nothing to get over. You saying I can't have a opinion, or are you just saying don't post it if I do?

2. Lose the self-righteous 'tude

I don't have one. I am definitely not without sin, so I don't cast the first stone. I had a opinion. I stated it. Deal with it.

2. Grow a thicker skin

I think that was actually number 3, but who's counting. Nobody has thicker skin than me. I could care less what you, or anyone else on this board or elsewhere says.

Oh, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out...

Original. Do you suck that bad at every other aspect of your life?

...yes, I was just being contentious on that last part.;)


about the only issue I see here is the same 'ole OMG save the children mentality in this country. If we really wanted to save the children we would take away their cellphones, internet, and video games so they can really be children.

The woman you work with is no different than the idiots picketing outside bars, adult book stores, and abortion clinics. :popcorn:

Guest archerdr1

She is ok other than the gun thing. Sometimes she is a nice girl, sometimes she is a real B****. She is a bit skanky, but that is her business. I didn't, however, plan on starting a fight on here. Oh well. I do agree with the way to save the kids. My kids spent all evening playing outside in the sprinkler and helping me tend to my grape vines. He watches videos, but only educational ones and that seems to have been a good thing b/c he is really smart! He spends more time outside than inside though! That is something I believe in Whole-heartedly!

She is ok other than the gun thing. Sometimes she is a nice girl, sometimes she is a real B****. She is a bit skanky, but that is her business. I didn't, however, plan on starting a fight on here. Oh well. I do agree with the way to save the kids. My kids spent all evening playing outside in the sprinkler and helping me tend to my grape vines. He watches videos, but only educational ones and that seems to have been a good thing b/c he is really smart! He spends more time outside than inside though! That is something I believe in Whole-heartedly!

:) You sound like a great Dad.

  • Administrator

Original. Do you suck that bad at every other aspect of your life?

...yes, I was just being contentious on that last part.:D

Lowrentguy won't be joining us anymore.

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