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what one food item

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If you could only have one type of food for the rest of your life for example, pizza, or green beans, or pancakes or a t-bone steak, what would yours be?

No side dishes along with it, just one menu item only. And health considerations need be of no concern. And it goes without saying that you can have butter on your green beans and syrup with butter on your pancakes.

Mine would be a cheeseburger all the way ( hold the tomato),

mmmm mmmm mmmmm

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Guest jackdm3

Mike, I'd say that with all your recent threads, you're growing tired of people showing off their additions to their superfluous gun collections. Kinda bored?

I would say my damn-it-all-to-hell food choice is BBQ pizza.

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Guest proudsuthrner

beef/chicken and brocolli, from the place down road.. but i'd get tired of anything if its all i can eat and it'd ruin it for me. like i cant eat steak because while in iraq we had it too much and its just the same to me anymore :)

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BBQ pizza.

what exactly is that? BBQ sauce instead of red sauce? Or is the bbq sauce in additon to red sauce? I picture a peperoni pizza on the grill and a big bottle of open pit being slathered on it.

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I'd have to say burritos myself. From time to time I find myself getting burnt out on burgers, pizza, heck I even get tired of steak from time to time. No matter how many times I have burritos though I can always have some again the next day.

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Guest jackdm3

Versatility. You can eat just the meat off it. Or just the cheesy bread part. Or just the veggie part of it. Or just the bread and veggies. Or the bread and sauce. Etc. I didn't make the rules beforehand.

Edited by jackdm3
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what exactly is that? BBQ sauce instead of red sauce? Or is the bbq sauce in additon to red sauce? I picture a peperoni pizza on the grill and a big bottle of open pit being slathered on it.

Mike, me and Ohshoot are getting worried about you with all these recent threads. :)

But I would have to agree with BBQ pizza, it is bbq sauce as the base instead of tomato sauce... and...it...is...delicious.... Brixx has a great BBQ chicken pizza

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I can not believe no one has offered up the FOOD of the GODS...you what I'm talkin about...BACON

Bacon is NOT a food. Its a natural right.

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I can not believe no one has offered up the FOOD of the GODS...you what I'm talkin about...BACON

When he said this.....

And it goes without saying that you can have butter on your green beans and syrup with butter on your pancakes.

I just assumed that he also meant we could have bacon with everything as well. Comes on cheeseburgers, pizza, and mine would have to be bacon wrapped burritos I suppose..

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How DRY and AGED?...jerky dry?

While I do enjoy a good jerky, no.


From wiki


Dry aged beef is beef that has been hung to dry for several weeks. After the animal is slaughtered and cleaned, either an entire half will be hung, or primal cuts (large distinct sections) will be placed in a cooler. This process involves considerable expense as the beef must be stored at or near freezing temperatures. Also only the higher grades of meat can be dry aged, as the process requires meat with a large, evenly distributed fat content. For these reasons one seldom sees dry aged beef outside of steak restaurants and upscale butcher shops. The key effect of dry aging is the concentration of the flavor. It's generally accepted that the taste of dry-aged beef is almost incomparable to that of wet-aged with four weeks being a recommended minimum.

The process enhances beef by two means. First, moisture is evaporated from the muscle. This creates a greater concentration of beef flavor and taste. Second, the beef’s natural enzymes break down the connective tissue in the muscle, which leads to more tender beef.

Dry aging of beef is rare in super-markets in the United States today due to the significant loss of weight in the aging process. It is found in steakhouses and certain restaurants.

The process of dry-aging usually also promotes growth of certain fungal (mold) species on the external surface of the meat. This doesn't cause spoilage, but actually forms an external "crust" on the meat's surface, which is trimmed off when the meat is prepared for cooking.

In addition to endogenous enzymes (those found naturally in the beef) which help tenderize and increase the flavor of the meat, these fungal species do so as well. The genus Thamnidia, in particular, is known to produce collagenolytic enzymes which greatly contribute to the tenderness and flavor of dry-aged meat.

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