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Carbine Class Appropriate Rifles


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Hey guys, I couldn't decide whether this should go here or in Tactics and Training, but since it's about carbines and this board gets more traffic, I put it here.

Anyway, I know that for a typical carbine class most guys use an AR-15 or an AK, but what else would be appropriate. I need to get a rifle for my wife, so cheaper options are mainly what I'm thinking of, but I'm just fishing for info right now.

Off the top of my head I can think of:







Please discuss the notable merits of the less usual ones or specific models that you would not recommend and why.

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I like the idea of an AR with a .22upper/conversion kit for the carbine classes. When you start having to invest in 1000-2000 rounds of 5.56 or 7.62 ammo, the price is pretty high. You could train with the .22 conversion for much less than $100 in ammo.

The pros need to chime in on this though. There may be drawbacks to using these.

Guest Todd@CIS

Hard to argue against a mid-priced AK-74.

-Light recoil

-Very simple to operate

-Cheap ammo / parts

-Reliability / durability is obvious


Don't forget the pistol caliber carbines.

Hi-Point makes one in 9mm and 40S&W. They get very good reviews. Their cost is around $200. Rumor has it that a .45acp is coming out soon if it's not already out.

Marlin made a Camp Carbine in 9mm. It's discontinued now, but you still see them from time to time. Cost about $400.

Ruger also makes a police carbine in 9mm and 40S&W. Cost is about $400.

Masterpiece Arms makes one in all the above mentioned calibers. Don't have a clue about the cost.

KelTec makes a little fold up carbine in 9mm and 40S&W that can except Glock or Beretta Mags. They may also except others. Not sure. Cost is about $350.

Beretta also makes a carbine in 9mm and 40S&W. They accept the Beretta Pistol mags as well. Cost is about $600.


I think I recall reading somewhere that some, if not most, carbine classes advise against rimfire and pistol caliber carbines for their classes. Is this not true?

  Moped said:
I thought they had quit producing it, but I wasn't sure. Thanks for the info. :)

I'd have definitely bought one instead of Hi-Point carbine if they were still making it.

(though I have no complaints re the HP, cept for the mags).

- OS

Guest bart_p

It will really depend on how advanced of a carbine class we are talking here. If it is one of the top tier ones like TriCon or Magpul then a high end AR is pretty much necessary, but if we're talking local range training, then it shouldn't matter near as much. The reason I say this is because if you are investing in serious training (see above examples), then the last thing you want is your equipment holding you back or even worse failing on you. I'm not a personal fan of the AK (not my thing), but I cannot argue with how damn good they are for the money.


  Todd@CIS said:
Hard to argue against a mid-priced AK-74.

-Light recoil

-Very simple to operate

-Cheap ammo / parts

-Reliability / durability is obvious

Agree with Todd. AK-74s are the current Best-Bang for the buck.

Centerfire Systems is selling them for $369.99 - DELIVERED!

Centerfire Systems, Inc. - Your Home For Ammo, Firearms, Magazines, and Gun Accessories

Just make sure to clean them quick, most 5.45 ammo is corrosive.

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Posted (edited)

One thing I think may be important to consider is if the class is built around the AR and AK platforms, do you want to use a carbine that has a vastly different manual of arms? How much of the training will be lost by having to translate each lesson to your weapon system? Is your choice of weapon system going to slow the pace of the class down by causing the instructor to have to spend valuable time having to essentially instruct you separately. Does the instructor of the class have enough knowledge of your weapon system to effectively translate the lessons from the primary platforms to yours?

With the investment in class cost, ammo, gear, etc. I am not sure a carbine class is the proper place to be unique. If you want to use a weapon system other than the one(s) the class the built around then private instruction may be more effective.

I could be totally off base, but those are the questions that come to my mind.

Edited by Chucktshoes

Get the Bulgy AK-74 from Bulgarian AK-74 Rifle - 5.45x39 - With 3 Mags #AKAGUN74. Thing is $369 shipped right now! You can't go wrong and it is about the cheapest to own and operate for a person (presumably since it is your wife) who isn't going to obsess over the latest fads. Do check on the ammo. As others have stated a lot of it is corrosive. Also if she drops it or bangs it up, you won't cry over it.

  Smith said:
Not much for a carbine class.;)

I owned an SKS with a 16 inch barrel that accepted AK mags. It was great. It had the reliability of an AK with the accuracy of an SKS. I loved it, however, I upgraded to an HK-91.... .308 ammo is way to darn expensive.

  nightrunner said:
i always wondered how a 1894 lever action would fare in a carbine class

I'd say great........ till you had to do a tac reload!;) I really like lever guns.


The old saying is, "Train like you fight". If you have an SKS, or a Ruger 10-22 and that is what you are going to defend your life with, train with it. I'm sure the SKS will do just fine.

Guest 5Legion

I'd go with a bone - stock AR-15 type rifle with iron sights. M4 type stock for shorter LOP. I like AKs and Minis too, but ammmo, mags, kit etc for the AR is the way to go nowadays I think. Also, manual of arms with AR is pretty much standardized and if you show up at a carbine class with anything else you might be asking for trouble. AR is the standard so to speak. My $.02.

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