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We will just have to agree to disagree then. I made it known to the powers that be that I intended to nip in the bud any further racially motivated comments by gts. If in 30 days he decides to return he can do so.

As he said himself "....The fact that we tolerate things that are wrong, for the sake of political correctness and 'not wanting to be offensive,' is wrong....."

I was tolerating his BS and tbh I don't have to.

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Guest JHatmaker

Don't pile on Daniel either, if he hadn't have done it, I would have. In my opinion, this is not the kind of discussion or thought process that benefits 2A supportors or this website, regardless of whether it's off-topic,

Members are allowed to speak openly here, but we are also allowed to remove them/censor them if we wish as this is a private website. It's common sense, we're not trying to say "only agree with us or you'll get banned", but concerning the topic at hand, racism will not be tolerated on here, period.

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HGunner? You said "Done" as in his has been banned.

IMHO, it just seems that the moderators are operating off of whims rather than policy particularly when they get involved in a topic rather than moderating it.

1) Are Mods not allowed to be members? :poop:

2) Daniel did not participate in any discussions in this thread other then cleaning up some racist post.

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1) Are Mods not allowed to be members? :poop:

2) Daniel did not participate in any discussions in this thread other then cleaning up some racist post.

1) Moderator: noun

1. a person or thing that moderates.

Moderate: verb - to reduce the excessiveness of; make less violent, severe, intense, or rigorous: to moderate the sharpness of one's words. adjective - kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.

When a moderator participates in the discussion they have ceased being an objective moderator.

2) Did I say that Daniel participated in this thread? No. I spoke historically of someone else in another thread.

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Wow, two bans on people just for speaking their minds. That has to be some of the most closed minded nonsense I have every seen on a forum. Daniel, you say that you announced that you were going to nip in the bud any more racist comments by gts, but he was asked to explain his viewpoint so that his posts that seemed so racist would not be misconstrued, and since text lacks tone, that makes it very easy to misconstrue. So he explained himself thoroughly, and did so quite well. Also, if it is so offensive as you have stated, then delete it. Banning him accomplished nothing in the way of "nipping the bud of gts' racist comments" because they're still there.

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I left them so that people can see what will not be allowed to continue. You can read for yourself what he wrote and what I will not allow. If I remove it what will you know about the reason for his departure?

I didnt ban hgunner until he asked to be. Get over it.

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I left them so that people can see what will not be allowed to continue. You can read for yourself what he wrote and what I will not allow. If I remove it what will you know about the reason for his departure?

I didnt ban hgunner until he asked to be. Get over it.

No, he was saying that if you were going to threaten to ban him, then put your money where your mouth was, and do it. He wasn't saying "ban me" he was saying either go it, or stop threatening to do it.

BTW great attitude for a moderator to have. Maturity is supposed to be a character trait of a good mod, way to show you aren't.

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His racial prejudice. Would you like to accompany him?
As for the threat of me joining him, well I never cottoned to threats much myself so do what you want to. I was thinking of benefactor status but that won’t happen ever after your threat, I simply asked for an explanation of your action.
Why would you think it's a threat?
Then do it, don't talk about it, I personally don't mind joining him.

It appears to me he asked me to do it.

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Also, since you are new here Im going to give you a pass once on Rule number 1. that you can locate here.

Tennessee Gun Owners - FAQ: General Information


You are a guest here. Conduct yourself accordingly.

All members are reminded that they are guests of TGO and should conduct themselves accordingly.

You do not have a God-Given right to be here; this is very much our "house" and our guests are expected to follow this code of conduct. This is not a democracy. The word of the TGO Staff is final on any subject. If you have a question about or disagree with the way something was handled by a moderator or Staff member, take it up with them in private. Do not debate them in public! If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the TGO Administrator.

If you argue with a Staff member publicly or otherwise engage in insubordinate behavior, you will be removed from the site without question.

I have bolded the pertinent sentence. Act accordingly.

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Guest Catdaddy

I have to agree that the videos that were originally posted were obscene and racist.

I also agree with gts that they referred to some factual, observable defects in society, namely that of the decline in the strength of character of WASPs, the propensity of our government to be controlled by BIG MONEY and their social weldare programs that weaken us all financially, and the recipients by making them dependent on the government.

Had those statements been originally made without the OBVIOUSLY racist BS thrown in with them, I believe we might have all agreed. We, as a nation, have problems that need attention. The fact that some of the problems seem to affect small, racially-defined areas of our population, is rather apparent. Quite a lot of this is intentional, I believe, to divide us against each other for the benefit of politicians.

Since I am voicing my opinion here, I will also state that I had some concerns about what gts said when he asked what was non-factual about the videos- (obviously using terms such as mud-people could be considered non-factual, and I'm sure all of the BIG-MONEY wannabe rulers of the earth are not Jewish- so I answered that!)

However, I found his longer explanation quite rational, and nowhere near what I would call racist. I don't totally agree, but he made some good points.

However, this IS a GUN SITE, and if he wants to decide where to draw the line, so be it. Those who wish to discuss these things openly and in more detail can find forums more suited to that type discussion.

As far as real racism goes, there would be far less of it, at least apparent in society, if it were not such an effective weapon to use against the citizenry to garner votes and financial donations.

Edited by Catdaddy
Rule #1.
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It was their blood, sweat and tears that produced a nation as great as this once was.

Apparently only white people had anything to do with this nation.

Our people are under attack and have been for quite sometime. We are on the verge of annihilation. Rather through financial enslavement, disease, cultural/social poisoning or by flat being bred out of existence, the posterity that is rightfully ours is being circumvented.

What he is saying here is that white people are under attack.. Not Americans. White people only. White people are being targeted for annihilation.

Is wrong for me to want a nation for my people? We often here that Israel has a right to exist and that the Jews have need of a nation for themselves. The Chinese, the Mexicans, and most other races have their own nations.

The white man deserves his own nation free of other races is what I take this to mean.

that doesn't change the fact that illegal immigration, affirmative action programs, and the debasing of the most skilled demographic the workforce has to offer are contributors to accelerating national decline. And the catalyst for this is the central banking system, which is owned and controlled primarily by Jews.

The jewish people are somehow responsible for illegal immigration, affirmative action, and the debasing of the most skilled demographic of the workforce?

Oh yeah, and that part about white men being cowards, I agree with him. White men are a disappointment concerning order in the family, in government, in business, in education, and so on. We don't even have order in our own households anymore, how can we be expected have order in our society?

This is not a race issue at all.

But I am completely wrong on this. He was basing none of this on his racist views.

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Is wrong for me to want a nation for my people? We often here that Israel has a right to exist and that the Jews have need of a nation for themselves. The Chinese, the Mexicans, and most other races have their own nations.
This is the funniest one to me... Mexicans are from mexico.. they are not a race. Hispanics are from all over South and Central America not a single country. The same goes for Chinese. They are not a race they are people from the country of China. Further than that they are not all the same lol. They have a very wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
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Daniel, I never disagreed with you about the racist nature of gts' comments, I just don't understand why (when he was asked to explain himself) you banned him for doing so. If he had just volunteered to further post in the thread, I would completely and wholeheartedly back you up on this. I'm not trying to argue with you, I just don't get it, and don't think I personally would have done the same thing since he was asked. Anyways, it's time to drop the gts subject and move on.

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  • Administrator
I understand completely. However, even though this is a private website, wouldn't you think benefactors should have just a bit of say as to what goes on here? If it is as inflammatory as Daniel made it out to be, shouldn't it be deleted?

When you become a Benefactor, you are supporting the site and in return receiving certain perks (like the Trading Post) that others do not. You aren't buying into the management of the site. Sorry.

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  • Administrator
1) Moderator: noun

1. a person or thing that moderates.

Moderate: verb - to reduce the excessiveness of; make less violent, severe, intense, or rigorous: to moderate the sharpness of one's words. adjective - kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.

When a moderator participates in the discussion they have ceased being an objective moderator.

2) Did I say that Daniel participated in this thread? No. I spoke historically of someone else in another thread.

Tennessee Gun Owners - FAQ: General Information

You are a guest here. Conduct yourself accordingly.

All members are reminded that they are guests of TGO and should conduct themselves accordingly.

You do not have a God-Given right to be here; this is very much our "house" and our guests are expected to follow this code of conduct. This is not a democracy. The word of the TGO Staff is final on any subject. If you have a question about or disagree with the way something was handled by a moderator or Staff member, take it up with them in private. Do not debate them in public! If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the TGO Administrator.

If you argue with a Staff member publicly or otherwise engage in insubordinate behavior, you will be removed from the site without question.

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  • Administrator
Wow, two bans on people just for speaking their minds. That has to be some of the most closed minded nonsense I have every seen on a forum. Daniel, you say that you announced that you were going to nip in the bud any more racist comments by gts, but he was asked to explain his viewpoint so that his posts that seemed so racist would not be misconstrued, and since text lacks tone, that makes it very easy to misconstrue. So he explained himself thoroughly, and did so quite well. Also, if it is so offensive as you have stated, then delete it. Banning him accomplished nothing in the way of "nipping the bud of gts' racist comments" because they're still there.

Tennessee Gun Owners - FAQ: General Information

You are a guest here. Conduct yourself accordingly.

All members are reminded that they are guests of TGO and should conduct themselves accordingly.

You do not have a God-Given right to be here; this is very much our "house" and our guests are expected to follow this code of conduct. This is not a democracy. The word of the TGO Staff is final on any subject. If you have a question about or disagree with the way something was handled by a moderator or Staff member, take it up with them in private. Do not debate them in public! If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the TGO Administrator.

If you argue with a Staff member publicly or otherwise engage in insubordinate behavior, you will be removed from the site without question.

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  • Administrator


Apparently we have some people here who don't understand that this is NOT A DEMOCRACY and who have not read our Code of Conduct or forgot about it or thought I was kidding when I wrote it.

Like your parents all probably told you while growing up, two wrongs do not make a right. If you think a moderator is wrong, don't put yourself in the wrong by violating our CoC. If you have questions, by all means contact them or me privately. But do not think for one second that I am going to tolerate anarchy on this forum.


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