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3-Gun 101 Class

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The Outpost Armory will host an intro to 3-gun competitive shooting class April 27 2010.

This will be a beginner’s class to get new shooters up to speed on the different aspects of 3-gun matches.

Items covered will be: Rules, Gear Selection, …….

The question has been asked here before "how do I get started?" Here is your chance.


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Just wanted to take a minute and slip in a quick post and recommend this class to anyone that might have an interest in 3 Gun Competition. I can’t think of a better and more experienced 3 Gunner to learn from than Alan. I have been working and shooting 3 Gun matches with him for the last 5 years and know he is one of the best in Middle TN. He has experience with all areas of 3 Gun and Action pistol competitions and has performed all aspects from beginning to end of making both large and small competitions successful. I know it may seem intimidating to some but 3 gun competitors are some of the best folks to shoot with so get off the couch and join us some time.

When you’re at the class be sure to ask Alan when he’s putting on another match… :clap:

Edited by MCFooter
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The Outpost Armory will host an intro to 3-gun competitive shooting class April 27 2010.

This will be a beginner’s class to get new shooters up to speed on the different aspects of 3-gun matches.

Items covered will be: Rules, Gear Selection, …….

The question has been asked here before "how do I get started?" Here is your chance.


Wish I was closer!! I would love to attend.

Kind regards,


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Allen, is well respected in all the major 3 gun matches. and he has Ro'ed and shot with EVERYONE one you have watched on TV. and he can show you a few things.

in this game reloading your shotgun is king! (in my opinion) can you reload 8 rounds by hand in under 10 seconds? i can do about 4 rounds in 8 seconds.

go to the class you may be surprised. about what you did not know.

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