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I don't care about the constitution

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Why did they misquote his response? He stated, "I don't worry about the Constitution on this"

I know they mean same thing, but to misquote is not going to do justice to the issue.

Clearly, he made the point that he doesn't care about whether or not the Constitution allows for the requirement provision in the obamacare bill. But, misquoting opens a door, especially when you calling a man a liar to his face. And then go and misquote him.

Details. Fine little point here.

Granted, I am as against this bill as anyone else. But, if you are going to ambush, get it straight. We are dealing with a situation where there is little, if not any, room for error.

Edited by gts
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Agreed still nice to know he doesn't worry about the constitution.

Hope he worries about keeping his job.

It has become apparent to me that just about all of the current politicians that are seated don't care the constitution. Republicans and democrats alike.

Why should he worry about his job? There is so much more money to be made in lobbying, which is what a lot of the unseated democrats will be doing after the November election. Of course, until the republicans get voted out of office again in 2016.

The politics game is a lot like washing hair to these folks. Run win, run lose, repeat.

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Guest 6.8 AR

What matters is whether the bill reflects the constitutionality and the representation of

the people. What he says only shows his disdain for others. The public that voted for him should know what matters to him. If it's not his constituents, he lied to them and voted for Pelosi's demands.

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Guest 6.8 AR
It has become apparent to me that just about all of the current politicians that are seated don't care the constitution. Republicans and democrats alike.

Why should he worry about his job? There is so much more money to be made in lobbying, which is what a lot of the unseated democrats will be doing after the November election. Of course, until the republicans get voted out of office again in 2016.

The politics game is a lot like washing hair to these folks. Run win, run lose, repeat.

Then vote for Donald Duck, or change the party's ways. I didn't see any Republican votes on this health care bill, did you?

Who knows if the Republicans will get a majority in either house this time,

with that kind of attitude? From your response, it must be a foregone conclusion. How about affecting change within a party before you give up.

Politics is not a game. It is part of your life. Do something about it.

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Then vote for Donald Duck, or change the party's ways. I didn't see any Republican votes on this health care bill, did you?

Who knows if the Republicans will get a majority in either house this time,

with that kind of attitude? From your response, it must be a foregone conclusion. How about affecting change within a party before you give up.

Politics is not a game. It is part of your life. Do something about it.

I didn't leave the Republican party, it left me during the 6 years they had the majority under Bush. Their disdain for the Constitution was very evident with the institution of anti-constitutional legislation such as the Patriot Act, John Werner Defense Act, Military Commissions Act, Presidential Directive 51 and so forth.

Let it be known right now, that I wouldn't piss on any current politician if they were burning, screaming for some one to piss on them to put them out.

I spent over 4 years being involved trying to make a difference and return the party to its roots and they basically told me to take a flying leap. So I did.

I have stepped up my game in a different manner. Instead of playing the same old two party paradigm, which is exactly what these bastards want us to waste our time and money doing, I am making the effort to prepare for the battle to come. When this ship sinks I am not going to be standing in food-line holding my rifle hoping to exchange it for food. Nor will have to depend upon their beastly system in any form or fashion.

My advice to you would be do the same. Bibles, Bullets, Beans etc.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Believe it or not, I agree with you, but why piss on a politician? To say they left you is appropriate, but I guess forever is forever. Maybe some things are changing in the political arena. There are a few Republicans being challenged by more conservative Republicans, right now. The bad ones need to go. No doubt about that. Unless you like this hope and change we have right now, would you rather resign yourself to just the gun? It is lame and indefensible to just say you're through before you start. I don't care for this system we have now, but it beats the hell out of the alternative,

and the gun is always the backup. Just pray you don't have to use it. There are good

things happening out of this quagmire. Tea Party?

If it comes down to using your gun, you won't be alone, but the prayers and action

with the politicians should always be brisk.

Who in the party told you to take a flying leap? Michael Steele is going to get thrown out,

soon. And so are a few RINO's

Edited by 6.8 AR
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The point was that I would NOT piss on the fire if they were on fire. Which, IMO, is euphemism for saying they can all go eat :) and die.

What do you mean by, "It is lame and indefensible to just say you're through before you start"????? Didn't you read the post? I started years ago. It is a meaningless battle. The left-right paradigm is designed to keep you and I from taking the only plausible course of action at this time in our nations history.

These people are owned by lobbyist, special interest, corporations, banks, etc. If not before they go to Washington, they will be after they arrive. Or, they won't be going back.

I am tired of arguing with people about the same old fundamentals of patriotism. While we sit and debate endlessly over the same old crap, a system is being erected and when it is finished, it will be too late to take up arms.

Conservatives, instead of talking about family values, should be at home with the family, not on the golf course. Instead of calling a movement a Tea Party, maybe we should have the Gas Party right of the cobblestone banks of the Mississippi in Memphis (the tax per gallon is outrageous). The ramifications of such a move are too long to list, but I am sure you understand my point.

Better yet, instead floating our pseudo-patriotic asses on 9-12 in Washington, so that Glenn Beck and Fox news can usurp the moment, we should show up in Nashville armed and surround the Capital demanding that our own state government stand up for the Firearms Freedom Act.

6.8, I like you thus far, I believe I can tell that you have a genuine heart. And, I agree, there will be good things to come from this quagmire, but it won't be returning to the America of yesteryear. Nope, those days are gone. We do have an opportunity ahead to reestablish, but never to fix what exists now. I just pray that there are plenty of us who are taking the steps now to seize that opportunity.

Edited by gts
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Guest oldsmobile98

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the oath-breaker Phil Hare for telling the truth here.

"I don't worry about the Constitution on this, to be honest..."

Thank you, you liar, for finally admitting that the loose constructionist position is an untenable sham.

He knows that he is breaking the supreme law of the land. He just doesn't care, because he thinks his ideas are better than those of the common rabble, and better than those of the Framers, whose philosophy of liberty provided the foundation for Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Browning, Maxim, Colt, George Washington Carver, Morse, and the Wright brothers to invent awesome stuff.

If he wants to play cut-and-paste with the Constitution, he should remember that two can play at that game. If the rule of law means nothing, then they have no power to tax. And Congress is just a group of 435 dudes and chicks who have no legitimate authority. And the President is just some guy. And the Supreme Court is just 9 law geeks who like to wear black. It's all or nothing. If they don't have to obey it, we don't have to either.

We the people have been playing nice, but they insist on backing us into a corner. It is not for nothing that the rattlesnake warns you with his rattle.


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Guest 6.8 AR

The point was that I would NOT piss on the fire if they were on fire. Which, IMO, is euphemism for saying they can all go eat :tough: and die.

What do you mean by, "It is lame and indefensible to just say you're through before you start"????? Didn't you read the post? I started years ago. It is a meaningless battle. The left-right paradigm is designed to keep you and I from taking the only plausible course of action at this time in our nations history.

These people are owned by lobbyist, special interest, corporations, banks, etc. If not before they go to Washington, they will be after they arrive. Or, they won't be going back.

I am tired of arguing with people about the same old fundamentals of patriotism. While we sit and debate endlessly over the same old crap, a system is being erected and when it is finished, it will be too late to take up arms.

Conservatives, instead of talking about family values, should be at home with the family, not on the golf course. Instead of calling a movement a Tea Party, maybe we should have the Gas Party right of the cobblestone banks of the Mississippi in Memphis (the tax per gallon is outrageous). The ramifications of such a move are too long to list, but I am sure you understand my point.

Better yet, instead floating our pseudo-patriotic asses on 9-12 in Washington, so that Glenn Beck and Fox news can usurp the moment, we should show up in Nashville armed and surround the Capital demanding that our own state government stand up for the Firearms Freedom Act.

6.8, I like you thus far, I believe I can tell that you have a genuine heart. And, I agree, there will be good things to come from this quagmire, but it won't be returning to the America of yesteryear. Nope, those days are gone. We do have an opportunity ahead to reestablish, but never to fix what exists now. I just pray that there are plenty of us who are taking the steps now to seize that opportunity.

Thanks for liking me, so far:D , and we do need to march on Nashville about that act. I just think that there's more to work with than most may

think. If it wasn't for Beck and Rush, etc., most people wouldn't even be stirred up like they are. They are just information sources. The Tea Party

is stirring the pot like nothing else in a long time. I would rather stir the pot before the first shot gets fired because I think they will fire it. Then I feel much more justified in my actions.

Obama has his plans for the internet. Couple that with the Civilian National

Security Force that's as big and well funded as the military and that spells

disaster. To me that's like the October revolution getting close. We have to fight this evil every way we can and that still includes the ballot box. I'm taking those steps, also. Just in case.

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Thanks for liking me, so far:D , and we do need to march on Nashville about that act. I just think that there's more to work with than most may

think. If it wasn't for Beck and Rush, etc., most people wouldn't even be stirred up like they are. They are just information sources. The Tea Party

is stirring the pot like nothing else in a long time. I would rather stir the pot before the first shot gets fired because I think they will fire it. Then I feel much more justified in my actions.

Obama has his plans for the internet. Couple that with the Civilian National

Security Force that's as big and well funded as the military and that spells

disaster. To me that's like the October revolution getting close. We have to fight this evil every way we can and that still includes the ballot box. I'm taking those steps, also. Just in case.

Your point is well taken.

I don't blame you for holding out hope for a peaceful systematic return to liberty. It is the desired approach among most of the modern American patriots.

I respect that position, however I just don't hold it. Not sure it is possible for us to be that fortunate.

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Guest oldsmobile98
Couple that with the Civilian National

Security Force that's as big and well funded as the military and that spells


Eh, I don't believe there's any way he'll be able to pull that off. The numbers just aren't there. Empty campaign rhetoric.

Are you referring to this? Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'


And about the internet... I don't know how much power the .gov really has over the intrawebz. I'm no expert, but I'd guess that the number of website hosts is way too large to take control of. Not that they couldn't take a few select servers down if they wanted to bad enough.

Just my two cents.

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Guest oldsmobile98

More here: Congressman Phil Hare responds to Quincy heckling - WQAD

In his response video, he says he was taken out of context. I say he was mad enough to turn his PC filter off and just say what he really thought.

Thanks for your service in the military, Mr. Hare. I truly appreciate it. But that does not give you a free pass to break the law. Liking apple pie and baseball does not a patriot make.

The racism and death threats, though, are wrong. Period.

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More here: Congressman Phil Hare responds to Quincy heckling - WQAD

In his response video, he says he was taken out of context. I say he was mad enough to turn his PC filter off and just say what he really thought.

Thanks for your service in the military, Mr. Hare. I truly appreciate it. But that does not give you a free pass to break the law. Liking apple pie and baseball does not a patriot make.

The racism and death threats, though, are wrong. Period.

What racism? The claim is that a fax was sent making racist comments about the president. Funny, how is it we never see the content of these so called racist remarks. I would like to know what was said. If it's out there please post a link.

I do agree though that his anger unveiled the mask that he wears and his true position became manifest. Serving in the military does make anyone a supporter of the constitution. Look at McCain, he served and was a POW, but one of the most unconstitutional legislation enacted bears his name along with Feingold.

As for the death threats, I personally find this bill deathly threatening to what little liberty we still possess.

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Guest oldsmobile98
What racism? The claim is that a fax was sent making racist comments about the president. Funny, how is it we never see the content of these so called racist remarks. I would like to know what was said. If it's out there please post a link.

Go to the first video at this link (Congressman Phil Hare responds to Quincy heckling - WQAD). Skip to 0:30, and you'll see a picture of the fax. They have two words blurred out. I'm guessing those are the word "n---er", although I could be wrong.

I do agree though that his anger unveiled the mask that he wears and his true position became manifest. Serving in the military does make anyone a supporter of the constitution. Look at McCain, he served and was a POW, but one of the most unconstitutional legislation enacted bears his name along with Feingold.

Well said. Thank you for communicating more eloquently what I was trying to get across. I wasn't trying to undermine the fact that serving in the military (or in law enforcement, for that matter) is extremely honorable, and I apologize if my other post seemed to imply otherwise.

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I watched the video from the link you posted and the original video was also shown.

This man made the statement and was not taken out of context, his statement stands for all to see. He swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution both when he was inducted into the military and again when he took his oath of office as a Congessman. Through his on staement and admission he says he doesn't worry about the constitution. Well he should be impeached and thrown out of the Congress an tried for treason. We know this will not happen so I hope he loses any re-election bid, and i hope the good people of his district make his life a miserable living hell until then.

As for the racism charge, that word has lost all meaning to me, its crying wolf.

The left uses it to try and destroy anyone that stands in the way of their agenda or speaks out against them. And who is to say that the fax wasn't made up by them anyway. One line on the fax said Death to all Democratic Marxist or something to that effect. So his admission of it being a threat to him, is that an admission that he is in fact a Democrat Marxist? I hope his fat slobbering ass gets what he deserves, whatever that may be, hopefully a loss of his gravy train.

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