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My first LEO encounter while carrying

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Unfortunatly I was involved in an accident on the way home from work tonight. Someone several cars in front of me was cut off and had to slam on their brakes. Every car back too and including myself was able to stop. The woman behind me didn't even slow down and knocked me into the car in front of me. I was out of my car when the Knoxville officer arrived. He was collecting licenses and insurance cards so I gave him mine then offered him my carry permit and said I want to inform you I have a handgun in my car. He just said "OK" and went on with what he was doing. Friendly and professional. I had always wondered how that would go. Definitely was not an isssue.


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Guest 1817ak47

was that on 640??? there was some bad blockage today, but didn't see evidence of a accident, but I was being attentiveto my driving responsibilities so I wasn't able to look

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What I use to tell all the Rookies, the bad guys never tell you they are carrying.

Your first clue is when a person/driver hands you their HCP, GA Firearms License (what they are called in GA).

It never ceases to amaze me the number of cops who still freak out when someone hands them a HCP. And they go into this mode, bordering on felony stop mode.

To me that usually shows one of two things, either a poorly trained officer or one with serious reservations (over reactions) about their abilities to do the job.

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What I use to tell all the Rookies, the bad guys never tell you they are carrying.

Your first clue is when a person/driver hands you their HCP, GA Firearms License (what they are called in GA).

It never ceases to amaze me the number of cops who still freak out when someone hands them a HCP. And they go into this mode, bordering on felony stop mode.

To me that usually shows one of two things, either a poorly trained officer or one with serious reservations (over reactions) about their abilities to do the job.

agree 100%

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What I use to tell all the Rookies, the bad guys never tell you they are carrying.

Your first clue is when a person/driver hands you their HCP, GA Firearms License (what they are called in GA).

It never ceases to amaze me the number of cops who still freak out when someone hands them a HCP. And they go into this mode, bordering on felony stop mode.

To me that usually shows one of two things, either a poorly trained officer or one with serious reservations (over reactions) about their abilities to do the job.

And, it also shows that not offering up the card at all might be the call, scince its not required.

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Guest faust921
And, it also shows that not offering up the card at all might be the call, scince its not required.


And when they run the license on they will know anyway, so why bring it up?

Elwood: I bet these cops got SCMODS.


Elwood: State County Municipal Offender Data System.

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Guest charlie8584

With todays technology, a card can be made by many If I were an officer, I would want to make sure the carrier legit BEFORE I let him have his weapon.

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