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Weird findings in the woods

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

It must've been one hungry person to be the first to eat one of these


I also found a pair of locals trespassing too, about this time last year, while trying to turkey hunt.

It was a father & son duo, they were pilfering my Morel mushrooms; they had a grocery bag and a baseball cap just full of them.

I confronted them, then they got mouthy too.

Proceeded to escort them out and called the sheriff to come out and have a talk with them.

I had the sheriff let em go with a warning...let em keep the mushrooms too, as I had plenty in the fridge.

Hope they learned their lesson...but, probably not. FWIW.

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It must've been one hungry person to be the first to eat one of these


Battered and fried....not much comes close to the succulent flavor of Morel mushrooms, served with ranch dressing.

Some people around here call em "dry land fish" cause they do kinda have a flavor similar to fried fish.

You guy's and gal's ought to try em sometime.

They are one of nature's true delicacies, and the only mushroom easily identified as non-poisonous, and safe to eat.

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Battered and fried....not much comes close to the succulent flavor of Morel mushrooms, served with ranch dressing.

Some people around here call em "dry land fish" cause they do kinda have a flavor similar to fried fish.

You guy's and gal's ought to try em sometime.

They are one of nature's true delicacies, and the only mushroom easily identified as non-poisonous, and safe to eat.

I agree BEARMAN, they are delicious!!

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Never find anything of value except ladder stands and climbers...the property is well posted and the gates and wire have had to be mended numerous times over the years...but with 500 acres I guess thats what to be expected in Wayne County.

always suprised me why people actually leave things costing 100+ dollars in the woods on someone elses property. even found free tri-pod feeders!

Yeah what you said about people putting something valuable on somebody else's property reminded me of something. About 15 years ago my wife's uncle found a climbing tree stand on his property and got it down and took it to his house. About a week later this guy drives up and wants to know what happened to his stand. My wife's uncle says. Who are you and you didn't have permission to hunt on me. Anyway the guy didn't go home with his stand. Some people are just plain old dumb.

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I've found a DeWalt 12 volt drill w/battery (charged)

A BenchMade AutoStryker ($200 switch blade)


Two topless girls on the bank of the Cumberland.


Speaking of arrowheads, anyone know what kind I have.


Man I love lookin for arrowheads. If you ever need a partner to go with ya :lol: ron

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Guest Benelli Nova Guy

We were playing airsoft when a big cat of some kind freaked out one of the girls. There we were all armed to the teeth with all kinds of M4's, G36's, MP5's etc, only prob is they were loaded with plastic lol.

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  • 1 year later...

I was hiking up in the Smokies on the Appalachian Trail and found a full pack. Some person had just chucked it off the trail. Saw it in the same place several days later. I was really contemplating taking it back to the ranger station but decided against it. Figured someone might have gone off on a little tangent and had hidden it so someone wouldn't take it, and it was a huge pack which would have loaded me down even more. Didn't want that.

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I've found a few interesting things over the years.

I found a full crosscut saw about 3/4 buried. It had obviously been left behind by a logging crew at the turn of the century. The handles had long ago rotted but the blade was in good shape. Still have it.

I found a well rusted mill file lying next to the base of a tree. Figured someone sat down to sharpen their crosscut and left the file behind.

I came across an old hog pin once and it was about 1000' elevation climb from the nearest road or trail I'd say those people lived in isolation

I found a lid to an iron skillet or Dutch oven. I found it near an old homesite in Morgan county, again a LONG way from any roads. Probably would have been an all day horse ride to the nearest town. It was missing a piece but could still see all the stamping. It was made in Knoxville.

I've come across railroad tracks in areas that otherwise would seem impossible to get rail cars too. Usually could locate and old small saw mill nearby. A good indication is a pile of dark dark black dirt. This was the saw dust pile that has decayed.

Numerous fossils, especially around old strip mines.

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I found and ironstone pitcher with a swastika on our previous property. Back in the 1930's, there was a fishing camp there with about 15-20 cabins on it, always finding old glass bottles and such, but first and last bit of nazi related stuff I ever found.

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

Catfish bait....

Not in the woods, but I just snagged and reeled in a dead water logged house cat. I think I'm done fishing for a bit...

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I've found a DeWalt 12 volt drill w/battery (charged)

A BenchMade AutoStryker ($200 switch blade)


Two topless girls on the bank of the Cumberland.


Speaking of arrowheads, anyone know what kind I have.


Pretty sure we need to hang out.

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I don't recall anything too wild. I've found a couple of weather balloons, but there is a weather station in the vicinity that releases balloons twice daily. Found a nice rack on a dead 6 pointer one fall, still have the complete skull. I remember rabbit hunting and finding a bunch of blankets in the middle of the woods, that was odd. Found a ladder stand on some property that I hunt that the landowner asked me to remove, SCORE!

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We were hunting between Mt Pleasant and Hampshire and ran across a fenced in concrete pad out in the middle of nowhere. Razor wire fence @ 12 ft tall. Locked gate. Approx 50x50 pad. Nothing on the pad. Clean as a pin. No wires, lights, etc. just a warn set of tire tracks through a sage grass field. Wasn't close to any factory or facility. Visited it 2 or 3 times over the next couple of years to see if anything was built on it or any change. Stayed the same for about 3 years after we found it and then the next time we went back it was gone. No fence, no pad. Just the same worn path and green grass where the pad was.

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We were hunting between Mt Pleasant and Hampshire and ran across a fenced in concrete pad out in the middle of nowhere. Razor wire fence @ 12 ft tall. Locked gate. Approx 50x50 pad. Nothing on the pad. Clean as a pin. No wires, lights, etc. just a warn set of tire tracks through a sage grass field. Wasn't close to any factory or facility. Visited it 2 or 3 times over the next couple of years to see if anything was built on it or any change. Stayed the same for about 3 years after we found it and then the next time we went back it was gone. No fence, no pad. Just the same worn path and green grass where the pad was.

Mother Ship foot pad. Did you ever find the other two?

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I found an RG 23 [.22 revolver] loaded on the river bank of kentucky lake. I was roaming about the wood line and it was just laying there. I thought it was a toy. I was 13.

I've found knives of all kinds and once found a mason jar full of really old spoons [fishing type].

Weirdest thing I have ever found: When I got my first taste of real freedom at 14 [motorcylce learners permit] I had a dual sport Honda. I roamed the countryside going places I should not have been. I took a trail off of a back road not far from home. I crossed an open field to small circular gathering of trees in the middle of the field. When standing in the cropping of trees, the entire sky would turn red. You could step outside the tree line and see blue skies. Sound like a ridiculous lie but I'm not the only one who has seen that. Years later I tried to find it again...the trail is nowhere to be found.

Edited by Caster
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If you are wandering in the woods in east Tennessee, about halfway between Knoxville and Kingsport, you can run into the remains of the cabin from the "Evil Dead" movie. Dr. Google can help you find it by typing in "evil dead cabin".

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It is not local but when I was about 12-13 me and some friends went to AL Capones old house in MI and walked up on several couples getting it on. It took them about 10 mins to figure out we were there. During that time we relized that we reconized 2 of the people. We watched in amazement as our pricipal was cheating on his wife with one of the girls that went to the highschool. Needless to say we never got introuble at school again. We went back every chance we could just in case.

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