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Guest DeadEye

One thing i learned the hard way about Keltec, they seem to release their guns about 2 yrs. too early!

Bought a P-32 NIB when those come out and it would not go bang due to trigger not resetting, minor prob and i fixed it, however after 100 rounds the gun, the slide was wearing down andmetal was basically crumbling!

Sent it in and they replaced the whole gun!

When the PF-9's first came out 3 yrs. ago or so wanted to get 1 but they were all recalled,but still most had all types of probs so i waited 1 yr and got their latest, but had probs with plastic mag catch and the long trigger reset!

I am glad that i got the newer version of the PLR with the Chrome lined barrel!

Called them got the parts shipped free and put in new hammer block and steel mag release!

Then i also got a hammer block for the p-32 and fixed it!

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Guest JHatmaker

jess01999's thread has been merged with this one, per his question being somewhat randomly timed.

Edited by JHatmaker
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Guest DeadEye

Make sure you buy the handguard and strap and make sure to get a later model with the chrome barrel, also it cheaper a lot to use a A-2 muzzle/flash supp. than the fancy Keltec sells since they way the Keltec 1 is designed it will make the gun a heck of a lot Louder!

Use on brass case ammo!

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