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You may or may not have seen these before. Most of you have I am sure, The Kel-Tec PLR16 .223/5.56. handgun

I Thought the CX4 was fun and it is for a lightweight short 9mm carbine.

But this PLR16 with a sling and my cheap red dot is a blast!

Added the Muzzle break and forend guards.

It is VERY loud. Im talking 44mag loud.(and more)

I only shot it about 50 rounds today and it seems rather accurate.

One handed with no sling is rather tough and id hate to be in a long shooting match doing so.

But overall……………….. WOW


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Guest RangeMstr

AK style long stroke or short stroke? The reason I ask is the rear of the receiver reminds me of another design, but I can't put my finger on it. Pics?

EDIT - Disregard. I just pulled it up on line and got a look at the drawings.

Edited by RangeMstr
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I guess now that you have shot 50 rounds threw it we are going to have to talk to you in sign language, because I know you are deaf now, loud azz gun.

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Guest DeadEye

They are great, i got 1 with the newer Chrome lined barrel, but as far as i know the Gun is Good for only 6000. rounds, like all Keltecs!

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They are great, i got 1 with the newer Chrome lined barrel, but as far as i know the Gun is Good for only 6000. rounds, like all Keltecs!

I just sent them a note, asking what the deal is with the 6,000 rd thing. I asked if they have manufacturing problems that other firearm companies don't.

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Guest DeadEye

All Keltecs Guns have a Service Life of 6000. rounds, which Keltec clearly states!

After that You could have it fixed under their life-time warranty??????????????

It sounds like 6 K is a lot, but in a AR type, it isnt!

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Here is what I wrote to Kel-Tec, and their response:

Sirs: It seems when I read about Kel-Tecs and their longevity, I see a 6,000 round expectancy mentioned. If so, why such a low life span? Are there manufacturing issues that you have that other firearm companies don't? I own both a PLR-16 and a Sub 2000 9mm (Glock), and I refrain from shooting them because I don't want them to wear out. I would like to know that they're going to last.


that is just a rough estimate, it all depends on ammo used, and care of the weapon, we many customers that are over the 10,000 rd mark.

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Not much of an answer! Wish you would have asked what happens if your PLR gets worn out after the 6 K's?

I called and asked.

They will fix it. So they say. :cool:

They did ask and reminded me to NOT bump shoot the gun.

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