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Uh, maybe sight your rifle in first.

Guest David Waldrip

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Guest David Waldrip

Saw this out on some blogs today.

This is what happens when you take a friend hunting with you, and he has a video camera. I assume that, because I can't imagine the shooter posting this video himself.


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For the good stuff, look at the clip called Long Range Deer Hunter after that Fudd tape plays. 890 yards ! ! These old boys can shoot!

(that wasn't a tree stand, it was probably another tower like the one you see in the background. These guys probably motored up to the tower about 6 AM with their coffee and biscuits, made the ardurous climb up the ladder and set off about 18 handwarmers, or better yet fired up the coleman heater and went to serious hunting...I hunt from a Summit climber and usually have to go in half dressed because I would be drenched otherwise from the hike and climbs to where we put our stands)

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Guest looneeetunes

i think the deer was fed up with life and decided to commit suicide, couldnt do it himself, so let this guy do it for him.... three shots later decided to find another hunter...:D

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I also want to know what they fed that deer to convince it to stand still for two more missed shots. I've never seen one who didn't bolt for the woods after the first miss.

I once shot at huge buck running diagonally away from me on the side of a field, and after every shot, he changed his angle which turned him closer toward me. After the 3rd shot, he was 50 yards out, stopped, looking straight at me. 3 shots made his alter he course from running away from me, to looking straight at me.

I don't think they can distinguish the direction from one shot. Or, maybe he heard the report and the bullet strike the woods down range, and it confused him. I've heard others say that after a shot, a deer just froze. Maybe some deer don't like bolting when they cannot distinguish direction, when some do.

The buck mentioned above: when I tried to shoot him, while he was looking straight at me, when I pulled the trigger, the rifle said "click". It was 6 degrees, the day after Christmas in 1983 (still holds the low temp record) the brass had frozen in the barrel and would not eject (semi-auto). The buck watched me struggle with the rifle, literally slamming the breech lever with the magazine, until I got it corrected and chambered a round. When breech closed on a round, the buck went from 0 to 30 in 2 strides. When I first saw that buck, it wasn't his rack I noticed, it was the size of his hind quarters.

I use a bolt action now and this buck is why I refuse to use typical rings on a rifle I use for hunting. I use over\under, kwik sights, and of course, when I take a precision rifle class or go to the range, all the know-it-alls have to tell me how I should be using "Leopy rings". myodb Don't you just love unsolicited opinions from gun rag readers, and range experts?

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