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personal reasons why? "Healthcare"

Guest strelcevina

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I am with everyone else who is worried about freedoms. However, the issue EVERYONE should be concerned about is the dire effect this bill will have on the quality of healthcare.

1. Loss of healthcare providers. Doctors are dropping out of the Medicare system at an alarming rate because they provide care to Medicare patients at or below cost. This bill essentially turns the entire healthcare system into a Medicare system (i.e., the government will dictate how much healthcare providers are paid).

2. Less choice. This includes the loss of providers, but it is more than that. My health savings account (and the high-deductible health plan that accompanies it) will likely be phased out. Flexible spending accounts are being phased out. The plans being introducted to comply with this bill will be more of a "one size fits all."

3. Loss of jobs. Whether the proponents will ever admit it or not, this bill will kill jobs in many different ways. The burdens on employers (many of which start this year) have HUGE costs. Much of that cost (at least initially) will be spent on administrative changes, not healthcare. Those are the numbers companies like AT&T and Catepillar are estimating will cost millions of extra dollars. Add that much in new administrative expenses and all kinds of new agencies to administer it at the gov't level, and the entire system becomes significantly less efficient (not that it's very efficient now).

There are all kinds of other unintended consequences, many that we cannot even foresee. Part of my law practice is in healtcare and I have reviewed this bill (and the reconciliation bill) in detail. I have already prepared memos to clients who are employers dealing with the administrative requirements of this bill. Those clients are scared. That means trouble for all of us.

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Guest m&pc9

For those of you against the change to the healthcare system, what are the solutions to these problems?

The only solution I know of is make it a free enterprise. If you do not have money, insurance or a way to pay your bill the hospital should not have to treat you. If you go to the ER, they have to treat you, If you dont pay your bill they pass the cost on to the paying customers.

If the gooberment told auto repair shops they have to repair every ones car. Whether they could pay or not. The cost of auto repairs would go up. Because the shop still has to make money.

So when the ER starts turning people away because they have unpaid bills more people will be buying insurance or be paying a monthly payment on bills they have acquire.

My wife works for a Dr. and they have ER referrals they have to see and treat. And they will get little or no money from most cases. Tell me why they are forced to work for free, just because some people live on the system.

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Google the term "Insurance Exchange" and learn what that will encompass. By 2014 that is where we'll be. The fear is, current insurance prividers will be required to accept everyone regardless of health condition AND do it at a low price as set by the feds. Sounds like a good thing; but insurers will drop out of the health coverage market, leaving only the government. "Single Payer"

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Guest strelcevina

group of people who are ruining this beautiful country are.

1. if you had a 1099c form from your mortgage or credit card company filed on your taxes this or previews year .

2. if you filed or preparing to file bankruptcy.

3. if you don't have car or medical insurance by choice, just to buy new car or big TV.

insurance companies right now are exploiting us who pays, just to get their profit.

so 32 million new customers will lower that number.

and don't forget that Country went broke way, way ,way before Obama.

wail republicans was on power for 8 years. and market supposed to fix it self, and whole country went to bankruptcy

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insurance companies right now are exploiting us who pays, just to get their profit.

so 32 million new customers will lower that number.

Exactly how will that number lower? I keep hearing this, yet the minimum coverages from this law will increase virtually everyone's premiums.

Tell me exactly how the premiums will be lowered.

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Guest strelcevina
Exactly how will that number lower? I keep hearing this, yet the minimum coverages from this law will increase virtually everyone's premiums.

Tell me exactly how the premiums will be lowered.

if 32 million pays 5000K a year = 160 Billion more a year

and still even if doesn't change amount of money i pay, at least they cant denie me an insurance if i really need one

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Guest mustangdave

Like a few guys on here I'm retired military...I have it in my mind that I'm already on ObamaCare...do I like it? Well what I have, I feel I've earned...I'm just afraid of what it may or may not become. I suppose if push comes to shove I can always drive up to Ft Campbell and use the post hospital in a crunch. I will say this though, FREE health care for life is a friggin myth. I pay a quarterly premium for my TRICARE "benefit"...nuff said

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if 32 million pays 5000K a year = 160 Billion more a year

Hahhaa, seriously?

First of, why do you think those 32 million don't already pay for insurance? Too lazy to write the check?

Secondly, you really think that that influx of cash doesn't mean there will be a equal amount of cash flow OUT of the insurance companies? You don't think that maybe the increase in folks who were denied coverage due to expensive pre-existing conditions will cause an overall increase of spending per capita?

Thirdly, how will the increased minimum coverages make your rates DROP?

Man, your idealistic (and/or entitlement) attitude is unreal.

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Guest 6.8 AR
Like a few guys on here I'm retired military...I have it in my mind that I'm already on ObamaCare...do I like it? Well what I have, I feel I've earned...I'm just afraid of what it may or may not become. I suppose if push comes to shove I can always drive up to Ft Campbell and use the post hospital in a crunch. I will say this though, FREE health care for life is a friggin myth. I pay a quarterly premium for my TRICARE "benefit"...nuff said

And you earned that as a benefit for serving your country. Unfortunately you were placed on Obamacare by the same bunch of hyenas that are doing this to the rest of us. In the name of cost controls, my dad's prescriptions were cut short(rationing) arbitrarily when he got them filled at the post pharmacy. I ended up getting his scripts filled at a hospital pharmacy where I worked, at the time. That was in the 80's.

The seviceman and retired military healthcare system is already rationed and are due much better than this. When one is or has served his country, his benefits should be held in a higher regard.

It's too bad Obama and his minions hold such a lack of regard for this. It just spilled over into the 'everyone else' category, now.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guys your all missing the point........it's simple anything that saves the govt money.......costs tax payers more. Use your heads if the govt debt is to get smaller....we pay more taxes to balance the budget. Your really think taxing the rich will be enough to pay for all of this? We can't be that naive.

Edited by Krull
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Guest 6.8 AR

Of course, cutting expenses in a budget does it, also, but it usually happens the cutting is in the places that cause the most impact. Politicians threaten cutting things that are essential to spread fear in order to get another tax. In this case, health care has been for years cast in our eyes as a 'right', to the point that so many believe it, when that's not the case. Locals usually go after 'essentials' like fire and police cuts in order to raise taxes, instead of cutting frivolous spending. National politicians have created the same fear, just finally raised it to the status of a 'right'. If there are limits

placed on politicians' ability to abide by the laws that are imposed on us, who pay for their games, we might have a different outcome. Taxing isn't the answer, especially the way the game is rigged. The government has become our boss because we allow it to happen.

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I personally will see no benefit from the new laws only financial loss. I know that some of you think that doctors are a bunch of greedy overpaid people so I am not looking for any sympathy here. My wife is an ER doc, she makes good money but I can honestly say that we are not greedy and we give quite a large portion of our income to several charities each year. The government has tried over the last 3-4 years to make a 21% cut in Medicare reimbursement, the bill has been voted down every time its come up. The healthcare reform bill included that 21% cut. Every major insurance company sets their pay rates based on a % of Medicare so they will also cut payment by 21%. Basically we just lost 1/5 of our income and our insurance premiums are going to go up to boot. While the government is forcing this health reform on you, what they are failing to mention is that none of these doctors are forced to take your crappy new government healthcare. There are already thousands of doctors that dont take Medicare, they wont exept the new insurance either. Within the last month Walgreens or CVS, cant remember which stopped taking Medicare for prescription payment, I can only assume they wont be taking your welfare insurance plans either. Someone already said it, this bill was not about getting everyone health coverage, this was about taking over another part of the private sector and placing it under government control

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Guest FroggyOne2

Well I just recieved my notice from the State that the health cost for the state is going to increase from 600 million to 1.3 Billion starting this year! And that this fall I will have to choose a new plan. Drug benefits will be under a single pharmacy manager.

The next change will be in 2011 when the current benefit plans will be replaced with two new options.. Claims that the new options will cover the same services.. but one will reward with lower cost if you "take charge of your heath"!

The main emphisis of this notice is that all state employees with have to change their health insurance options this fall in Oct.

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Guest mikedwood
I am with everyone else who is worried about freedoms. However, the issue EVERYONE should be concerned about is the dire effect this bill will have on the quality of healthcare.

1. Loss of healthcare providers. Doctors are dropping out of the Medicare system at an alarming rate because they provide care to Medicare patients at or below cost. This bill essentially turns the entire healthcare system into a Medicare system (i.e., the government will dictate how much healthcare providers are paid).

2. Less choice. This includes the loss of providers, but it is more than that. My health savings account (and the high-deductible health plan that accompanies it) will likely be phased out. Flexible spending accounts are being phased out. The plans being introducted to comply with this bill will be more of a "one size fits all."

3. Loss of jobs. Whether the proponents will ever admit it or not, this bill will kill jobs in many different ways. The burdens on employers (many of which start this year) have HUGE costs. Much of that cost (at least initially) will be spent on administrative changes, not healthcare. Those are the numbers companies like AT&T and Catepillar are estimating will cost millions of extra dollars. Add that much in new administrative expenses and all kinds of new agencies to administer it at the gov't level, and the entire system becomes significantly less efficient (not that it's very efficient now).

There are all kinds of other unintended consequences, many that we cannot even foresee. Part of my law practice is in healtcare and I have reviewed this bill (and the reconciliation bill) in detail. I have already prepared memos to clients who are employers dealing with the administrative requirements of this bill. Those clients are scared. That means trouble for all of us.

I'm looking forward to all the new friends I will make waiting in the waiting room. There will be plenty of time to make new friends so cheer up.

Plus all the time won't be wasted as when you get in to the doctor finally he or she will give you a quick once over and out you go in 5 minutes or less.

I don't know when they start enforcing soon to come federal smoking ban. That will make many happy.

And when they start enforcing soon to come federal calorie limits others will get healthier.

And in reality that unfortunately will be the bright side of this new deal.

And when it happens in a few years anyone can refer back here and see I said so. I'm not a smart man but I can see what direction this is heading.

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... Within the last month Walgreens or CVS, cant remember which stopped taking Medicare for prescription payment,...



Medicaid, not Medicare.

Only in Washington state, and only in about half of the stores there.

Not accepting new Medicaid customers, existing ones okay.

So far.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR
I'm looking forward to all the new friends I will make waiting in the waiting room. There will be plenty of time to make new friends so cheer up.

Plus all the time won't be wasted as when you get in to the doctor finally he or she will give you a quick once over and out you go in 5 minutes or less.

I don't know when they start enforcing soon to come federal smoking ban. That will make many happy.

And when they start enforcing soon to come federal calorie limits others will get healthier.

And in reality that unfortunately will be the bright side of this new deal.

And when it happens in a few years anyone can refer back here and see I said so. I'm not a smart man but I can see what direction this is heading.

And when all that stuff happens(happening now) and

the Food Bureau Branch of Obama Care, Eric Holder Esq.

finds out you have cheated, I wonder how they will handle that. No health care and fines, maybe even Soyulent Green.

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Guest davidz71

First, I work for a State agency and see the handwriting on the wall. Automatically the price for my group health insurance will go up at least 20% and my coverage will go down.

Second, the damn government has shown they can't run any kind of business and they expect to run a health care business which gets between me and my doctor? It's none of their business.

Third, if the State of Tennessee sees that it is cheaper to get rid of group health policies, they will put me on the government provided program and you already know my position on that. We have a saying, "Remember that the equipment you are using was provided by the lowest bidder."

Edited by davidz71
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Guest strelcevina


Medicaid, not Medicare.

Only in Washington state, and only in about half of the stores there.

Not accepting new Medicaid customers, existing ones okay.

So far.

- OS

that proves it

it just live us with 1 billion other pharmacies

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I have the foresight to know that I'll be taxed to pay for other peoples' healthcare, in addition to my own and that of my family. I also see how incompetent every other government agency is, and do not want that level of ineptness applied to my well being. Further, I foresee that the government will try to control every aspect of my life in the name of healthcare. I see no upside in it for me personally. However, when judging any public policy, I look at it from the standpoint of "will it be good for America?", instead of "what's in it for me?". If more of us did this, I don't think we'd be in the shape we're in now.

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For those of you against the change to the healthcare system, what are the solutions to these problems?

WHat we have now is not insurance; it is prepaid healthcare risk pools. To solve the problem, we need to get rid of these policies, offer INSURANCE, and make the consumer responsible for everyday healthcare expenses, such as medicines, doctor visits, etc. Does you auto insurance pay for an oil change? Does you homeowner's insurance pay for a new couch? If the actual consumer were more connected to the price of these things, you'd see the price of them go down dramatically.

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